Advanced settings in Views edit - preserve state or leave expanded?

Created on 16 January 2017, about 8 years ago
Updated 3 August 2024, 7 months ago


  1. Install Drupal
  2. Edit a view - e.g. /admin/structure/views/view/content
  3. 'Advanced' section ('.details-wrapper') is always collapsed/hidden on initial page load, regardless of whether advanced settings have been made, and if the user has just expanded and edited something in that section, e.g. adding a contextual links or relationship, when the modal window is closed the Advanced div is always collapsed again


UX/DX, timesaving, specifically:

  • I find myself wasting a lot of clicks when editing views.
  • Avoid active settings being missed because they're not immediately visible
  • Is there real reason it needs to be collapsible at all? On desktop it saves no space, you just get an empty column area, and the content is always loaded in background.
  • Are the "advanced" settings really "advanced", i.e. more complicated than those in the first two columns. I'd argue relationships, contextual filters, machine name, admin comment and CSS class perhaps aren't. e.g The first two would work well in column two, and machine name and admin comment could go in (Page|Block|..) Settings. I'm wondering if the page has grown over time and the "advanced" column has turned more into "miscellaneous"?

Proposed resolution

  • Lose disclosure triangle and always show remember previous setting.
  • Move some items in advanced column to better locations.

Remaining tasks

Preemptively tagged for subsystem review as it'll require sign-off.

Discuss to see likelihood of approval, then work on patch.

User interface changes

Depends on outcome.

API changes


Data model changes


πŸ› Bug report

Needs work


11.0 πŸ”₯

Views UIΒ  β†’

Last updated about 16 hours ago

Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom wturrell

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  • Usability

    Makes Drupal easier to use. Preferred over UX, D7UX, etc.

  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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