Use "Show module descriptions" on Extend page

Created on 27 September 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 8 May 2023, almost 2 years ago


On small screen, the table on the Extend page is collapsed and the module descriptions are not visible. In order to display them the user has to click on "Show all columns". This label is not very useful because users might not even know that they are looking at a table, and not just a list with tick boxes.

To hide the description, the label is even more confusing "Hide lower priority columns"

Proposed resolution

Replace the extend tab module description labels with "Show description" and "Hide descriptions"

this.showText = Drupal.t('Show all columns');
this.hideText = Drupal.t('Hide lower priority columns');

Remaining tasks

User interface changes




Steps to check

  • Go to extend page (/admin/modules)
  • Set screen size <=959px

Testing Steps

  • Download #29 Patch locally and apply it.
  • Clear cache.
  • Navigate to structure -> view and edit any view which contains table format.
  • Check in mobile view version, Lables are reflected as per Proposed resolution.

API changes

Data model changes

📌 Task

Needs work



UI text 

Last updated 3 months ago

No maintainer
Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands ifrik

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