Account created on 26 April 2010, almost 15 years ago

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🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

it looks nice, but why is there an implementation in " src/SourcePluginPropValue.php " ?

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

we already have "fr-enlarge-link" classed injected by their respective props in tile and card components.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

Hello @spryah,
Indeed, after another check, yes we keep title as a slot, because it can be a link.
We could have introduced some props like title and url, but we won't.

i am afraid we don't have a clean solution yet to address this proposal.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

thank you for reporting.
Indeed, the doc ( of 1.0.x branch is outdated, we should recommend to install version 1.11.2

this is just a minor update in the

would you do that ?

thank you

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

discussed today, we wait for the feedback

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

would arrive after 1.1.0 but inside the 1.1.x branch

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

nice job, just a simple reserve with the usage of is not defined

we need to check that this usage is ok.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes changed the visibility of the branch 1.1.x to hidden.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes changed the visibility of the branch 3441191-notice-pattern-evolution to hidden.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes changed the visibility of the branch 3441191-notice to hidden.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

just_like_good_vibes made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

we will include the modal component from the trancription component, as seen in

please note, between the component page, the netlify page and the storybook page, it is not div or dialog everywhere.

we will select "dialog" because it will come from the modal component.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

so we removed transcription, because it is outside the component and it exists as a separate component, to be placed next to the content_media.

we moved caption from slot to prop.

that's all folks

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

i found also a bug.
caption is a slot right now, and it is also used in an aria-label value..

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

Hello @dalemoore, It should be fixed now :)

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

Hello @yasmeensalah,
thanks, i will try to reproduce and post the correction

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

thank you for reporting you error.
Would you share with us, the list of enabled contrib and core modules please?
from the trace, i may guess "entity_embed"?
many thanks in advance

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

Hello, thanks for reporting the issue, much value, we indeed to carefully investigate more.
i will update the proposed solution soon

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

i addressed the comments.
To to decide what we render, yes please create another RC3 issue.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

i let christian update the comment on the original code.
i just posted the fix :)

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

ok now i found, this conversion is done in "StorableConfigBase", i continue investigations

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

The issue seems to be like that : the config options in system_branding_block are booleans, managed by checkboxes.
the code from system_branding_block only support boolean values at render : if 0 instead of false it is not working well.
unfortunately, our code is saving 0 for unchecked in the config, where the code from system_branding_block stores 0 in from state values, but false in the config.

At this moment, i was unable to locate the code portion which is responsible to convert the 0 from form state values to false in the config..

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

It seems, the Field Layout Users should be careful to use only layouts with at least one region, and problem solved ?

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

For Display suite users, one can look at the solution shown in that issue 📌 Compatibility with UI patterns 2 Active . It will be implemented in the future in ui_patterns_ds module.

🇫🇷France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

we found the solution.

one needs to implement

function ui_patterns_ds_preprocess_ds_entity_view(&$variables) {
   if (isset($variables['content']) && isset($variables['content']['#entity']) && isset($variables['content']['#source_contexts'])
      && is_array($variables['content']['#source_contexts']) && !isset($variables['content']['#source_contexts']["entity"])) {
    $variables['content']['#source_contexts']["entity"] = \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\EntityContext::fromEntity($variables['content']['#entity']);
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