Hungary, Budapest
Account created on 24 May 2006, about 18 years ago
  • developer at Gizra 

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest is a very good candidate for solving this, having IP-based protection, we applied it successfully at a client project.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

We tested it on a client project, worked well.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

It seems it is already fixed. The current DEV contains:

$url = "" . $subscription_id . "/resourceGroups/" . $resource_group_name . "/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/" . $profile_name . "/$endpoint_type/" . $endpoint_name . "/purge?api-version=" . $api_version;

And endpoint_type can be "afdEndpoints", based on the settings.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

Aron Novak created an issue.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

Aron Novak created an issue.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

I am happy to merge a MR, there are some conflicts actually.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

Partially addressed, thanks!

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest
🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

I will try to come up with a test, what I concluded that the problematic Feeds have URLs that returns 404 error, not HTTP 200.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

We need to note that not all feeds were affected, 4 of ~20 only. However those generated ~50 GB disk usage.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

This patch causes a fatal error actually, see: 🐛 Fatal error when the unit is not a dropdown Closed: won't fix

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

it is caused by a patch, it is not broken in the module itself.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

Aron Novak created an issue.

🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest


The current code in the Symfony YAML Unescaper class is not compatible with PHP 7.4 due to the use of curly braces for string offset access. This has been deprecated in PHP 7.4 and will result in errors when running the code on newer PHP versions.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install PHP 7.4 or higher.
  2. Use the Symfony YAML Unescaper class to unescape characters in a YAML string.
  3. Observe the deprecated error caused by the use of curly braces for string offset access.

Proposed resolution

Update the code in the Symfony YAML Unescaper class to replace the deprecated curly braces with square brackets for string offset access, as shown in the provided patch.

Remaining tasks

  • Review and apply the provided patch.
  • Run tests to ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 and higher.

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


🇭🇺Hungary Aron Novak Hungary, Budapest

Aron Novak created an issue.

Production build 0.69.0 2024