Can you provide more information and steps to reproduce? I'm not able to reproduce your issue and the closing of the IEF dialog is working for me.
Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to re-engage with @dataweb to see if we can get this moving again.
I've applied patch in #2 and the error in drush is gone. This is working as expected.
@lazzyvn Tested the latest release 2.0.10 and this is fixed, thank you!
I have read all instructions included with the module and have set the field widget and field display. I'm reporting a bug. If you follow steps to reproduce you will see.
Please follow these steps to reproduce:
- Create taxonomy vocabulary Alphabet
- Create three taxonomy terms in Alphabet: "A", "B", "C"
- Add a new data field to Basic page content type
- Leave the first data row as machine name
with Type: Text (plain) - Add another data row as machine name
with Type: Entity reference - Configure Alphabet data row Entity reference type: Taxonomy term and Vocabulary: Alphabet
- Save settings
- Create new Basic page with "0" value in plain text and select a taxonomy term for Alphabet
- By default, "0" value will display in plain text, but the taxonomy term will show the term ID
- Go to Manage display for Basic page and click on the "cog wheel" to open up field formatter settings for Table, change nothing and "Update" field formatter Table
- Save the Manage display page
- View your Basic page and see the "0" value is missing, but now the taxonomy term name is showing.
Clearing cache did not fix it. However, going to Manage display and changing the Format from Table to something else, and then back to Table fixed it. I think it required a saving of the Manage display.
@lazzyvn I don't think this issue is fixed. I've just tested this on the latest 2.0.9 release that has your latest commit in it.
chrisck → created an issue. See original summary → .
@jurgenhaas I believe there is a bug, the new Service account user field in the ECA settings is not saving the UID value. I've tested this in 2.1.3 and 2.1.x-dev today. The other field Execute models with user is saving just fine.
Thank you Jurgen! Datafield does have tokens available, so my feeling is this would work perfectly.
Updated issue summary to include todo in #1.
chrisck → created an issue.
+1 We have also run into this issue where our custom Drupal roles are getting removed on user log in. We aren't using the role mapping feature built into the module and the experimental fields are blank. We do use drush deploy
, and I agree with @hktang's comment #26 that it should work either way with drush deploy
or drush cim
penyaskito → credited chrisck → .
Just started a DrupalCMS trial on launch day and came looking for this exact issue. IMO there is way too much empty space in both the grid view and list view. If we are keeping the center alignment design, then here is a good implementation for center alignment tile design:
- Reduce min-width of list items in
from 400px to 350px - Shorten, center and increase font sizing of the project descriptions
- Increase font sizing of project title, make the link colour black
- Center the Install button and Installed checkmark
Going to add my +1 here as a very desired feature. It is extremely difficult for developers to git diff the current file when ordering of the keys change, tid changes, weights and multiple entity types (taxonomy, block, menu) combined.
Thanks @bramdriesen this looks good.
damienmckenna → credited chrisck → .
Attended! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.
damienmckenna → credited chrisck → .
Following @greggles suggestion, although I'm not a maintainer, I would be happy to write this up in a new issue and start the process including reaching out via contact form and slack - unless there are any objections?
Menu hover active link
After moving your mouse into the submenu, the parent active link loses its bottom border and thus it's very easy to lose which parent link you're browsing on. As the submenu is megamenu style, it's hard to judge based on the horizontal positioning which parent link you're browsing.
From the screenshot below, one would not be able to decipher that we are on "Solutions" without the red annotated bottom border.
I would like to discuss the current and future approaches to structure content and create layouts in Drupal. Here are a few videos that cover the various ways we used to build Drupal sites:
Layout Paragraphs in Drupal - Murray Woodman (19 mins)
Page building showdown: Paragraphs v Layout builder / DrupalCon Global 2020 (56 mins)
2010: Templates, Display Suite
2012: Panels and Panelizer
2014: Panelizer and Paragraphs
2016: Panels IPE
2017: Panels IPE, Bricks, Paragraphs
2018: Layout Builder and Blocks
2019: Layout Builder and Paragraphs
2021: Layout Builder, Layout Paragraphs, Paragraphs
Note, Gutenberg is not included in the list above. However, the Gutenberg block editor is popular in WordPress. Are there still some use cases for Gutenberg? With so many ways to build a site, and often "locked in" with a given approach, which approach is best and what does the future of Drupal lean towards?
This is all looking very good. Sorry, there is one last nit. The "Edit" text font-weight should be 525 or font-weight: var(--gin-font-weight-semibold);
Just reporting back that the MR !14 is working great for me, but I have nowhere near the number of entities as @vlad.dancer.
I haven't tested the patch, but looking at the screenshot the CSS doesn't look right. The coloured border is supposed to remain and the grey button background should be removed.
MR!41 does not apply to the 3.x-dev branch. Needs a re-roll.
Attended for the first time. Thanks Damien!
Thank you for the clarity @vishal.kadam. We'll wait for @dataweb's response.
Hello @vishal.kadam. I'm a co-maintainer for the ief_popup module. I've since released a new semver 2.2.x dev branch that addresses the points in your project review. Could you please review the ief_popup project again and let me know how we may proceed with the security advisory application? I've been in touch with @dataweb and he has accepted my help in co-maintaining the module and making the changes.
As recommended by an active issue ( 📌 Other projects should require drupal/inline_entity_form ^1 || ^3 Active ) we will only require ^1 and ^3 release branches.
"require": {
"drupal/inline_entity_form": "^1 || ^3"
Committed. Thank you @sime for your contributions.
Patches here need rerolling to the newest 2.2.x-dev release.
chrisck → changed the visibility of the branch ief_popup-3422063/2.x to hidden.
@joseft40 I am not familiar with the layout_paragraphs module. Can you please provide clear steps to reproduce the issue? Including the creation of the Layout Paragraph if needed.