- Issue created by @DamienMcKenna
- πΊπΈUnited States DamienMcKenna NH, USA
One topic to include would be Facets v3 and location searching, possibly using https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_location β .
- π¨π¦Canada chrisck BC, Canada
I would like to discuss the current and future approaches to structure content and create layouts in Drupal. Here are a few videos that cover the various ways we used to build Drupal sites:
Layout Paragraphs in Drupal - Murray Woodman (19 mins)
Page building showdown: Paragraphs v Layout builder / DrupalCon Global 2020 (56 mins)2010: Templates, Display Suite
2012: Panels and Panelizer
2014: Panelizer and Paragraphs
2016: Panels IPE
2017: Panels IPE, Bricks, Paragraphs
2018: Layout Builder and Blocks
2019: Layout Builder and Paragraphs
2021: Layout Builder, Layout Paragraphs, ParagraphsNote, Gutenberg is not included in the list above. However, the Gutenberg block editor is popular in WordPress. Are there still some use cases for Gutenberg? With so many ways to build a site, and often "locked in" with a given approach, which approach is best and what does the future of Drupal lean towards?
- πΊπΈUnited States DamienMcKenna NH, USA
That's a great topic, Chris!
- π¨π¦Canada lolcode
One basic thing in Drupal testing. I am never clear which schemas need to be installed for certain tests and why.
I don't think it is well documented which schemas depend on other ones? Maybe I am missing this.Could we review some core and popular contrib tests that only install certain schemas for optimization and improve those docs?
The new access control system. Review work in Groups, Domain Access or others that are going to take advantage of it.Three:
Thumbs up on covering Facets 3.