aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue. See original summary → .
aaronchristian → created an issue. See original summary → .
aaronchristian → created an issue.
Thanks @pinesso,
This is fixed in the dev branch now!
aaronchristian → created an issue. See original summary → .
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
aaronchristian → created an issue.
Correction, it looks like the media element never gets installed because the bundle type changed.
The field_entity_reference_paragraph entity reference field (entity_type: block_content, bundle: ixm_blocks_hero) no longer has any valid bundle it can reference. The field is not working correctly anymore and has to be adjusted.
Yep, we have this internally working with webpack/yarn as well.
I need to find the time to port this over, shouldn't take too long though!
+1, also ran into this issue.
Same PHP & module combinations as mentioned previously.
Good catch Marcos!
Tested, looks good :)
Yep just ran into this issue myself today.
I like the addition of having the dynamic slide count as well. I never really use the macro outside of the UI kit but i think its a welcomed addition. :)
Thanks for submitting the patch Marcos!
aaronchristian → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
pameeela → credited AaronChristian → .
+1 working for me too.
@Alex_web please check out this issue;
https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap_layout_builder/issues/3157194#c... →
Or you can apply another patch to remove the layout requirement altogether (all layouts need to equal 12, but you need it to be a multiple of 12).
https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap_layout_builder/issues/3157194#c... →
@HeneryH please check this issue comment here from a few years ago;
https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap_layout_builder/issues/3157194#c... →
Thanks @jastraat for picking this up so long after the creation of this issue!
I did try to test the patch but received some errors in doing so;
TypeError: Drupal\section_library\Form\AddSectionToLibraryForm::__construct(): Argument #4 ($module_handler) must be of type Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler, Drupal\hook_event_dispatcher\HookEventDispatcherModuleHandler given, called in /var/www/web/modules/contrib/section_library/src/Form/AddSectionToLibraryForm.php on line 99 in Drupal\section_library\Form\AddSectionToLibraryForm->__construct() (line 88 of /var/www/web/modules/contrib/section_library/src/Form/AddSectionToLibraryForm.php).
Wondering if maybe there is still some of the other patch being caught up in the mix here.
I also tried to apply patch #5 but got this error;
TypeError: Drupal\section_library\Form\AddSectionToLibraryForm::__construct(): Argument #4 ($module_handler) must be of type Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler, Drupal\hook_event_dispatcher\HookEventDispatcherModuleHandler given, called in /var/www/web/modules/contrib/section_library/src/Form/AddSectionToLibraryForm.php on line 99 in Drupal\section_library\Form\AddSectionToLibraryForm->__construct() (line 88 of /var/www/web/modules/contrib/section_library/src/Form/AddSectionToLibraryForm.php).
Going to mark this as "Needs work" for the time being.
If you manage to sort things out feel free to post back and I'll give it another test.
Thanks again!!!
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
Love the new pin/scrub feature. Nice work @b_sharpe
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.
AaronChristian → created an issue.