Show as expanded is forced to true if menu item has children and you are on child trail

Created on 23 June 2024, 8 days ago
Updated 24 June 2024, 7 days ago


If u have menu item that has children but u set is expanded to false when u go to the page of the menu or any of it's child's is expanded will be set to true.

Steps to reproduce

  • Add menu item and set show as expanded to false.
  • Add sub menu items to the menu item.
  • Navigate to the menu item page or any of the sub pages.

Proposed resolution

This is hard coded and in the code we need to check if show as expanded is set to true or false, currently it just checks if it has child's

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

🐛 Bug report




Menu system 

Last updated about 7 hours ago

Created by

🇯🇴Jordan Ibrahim Tameme

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