I’ve created this module "Group Entity Reference Filter", and it might help: https://www.drupal.org/project/group_entity_reference_filte →
I’ve created this module "Group Entity Reference Filter", and it might help: https://www.drupal.org/project/group_entity_reference_filte →
Thanks for the patch. It fixes the issue in Claro and Gin.
Maybe this twig extension helps: ✨ Add Twig function to generate flag/unflag links Active
MR added...
introfini → created an issue.
I occasionally encounter this error on multilingual websites as well. It typically resolves with a cache clear via `drush cr` or by running `drush ev "drupal_flush_all_caches();"`.
This way, you can add a custom message or, more interestingly, a spinner or animations.
Please review...
introfini → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I'm also encountering this issue with RC13 in Drupal 9.5. The patch from issue #11 successfully resolves it. Thank you!
#244 patch is working on my project. Thanks.
MR added, please review.
introfini → created an issue.
The MR worked on Drupal 10.
introfini → created an issue.
Please review the following reference: ✨ Add out-of-stock text message to select options in Add to Cart Form Needs review . While it may not be an exact match for your needs, it should effectively accomplish the task.
The merge request (MR) introduces this functionality.
To configure the desired message, follow these steps:
- Navigate to /admin/commerce/config/stock/enforcement/settings.
- Set the desired message for out-of-stock notifications.
With these settings updated, each product variation will now display an indication if it is out of stock.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch cherry-pick-84c6a86a to hidden.
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
After all, the issue was related to communication between two DDEV projects. I can confirm it is now working.
introfini → created an issue.
I'm experiencing the same issue with the "Add to Cart" form in Drupal Commerce. I attempted to resolve it using the Views Load More module ( https://www.drupal.org/project/views_load_more → ), but the problem persists.
introfini → created an issue.
I mentioned that other modules face this issue. Since this module does not use tjackocnr/intl-tel-input, it can freely implement a widget based on my suggestion. What are your thoughts on this?
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → created an issue.
#3 works, thanks!
The patch works, thanks.
Committed. Thanks!
To assist others facing the same issue, ensure that the "Ignore Case" processor is not enabled on your index for the country field. The country codes are stored in uppercase, and the countryManager->getList() method returns keys in uppercase as well. Any conversion to lowercase will cause the functionality to break.
introfini → created an issue.
Please review.
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → created an issue.
The solution is straightforward: just add a new address in the new shipping form and click the 'Recalculate shipping' button. This action will display the UPS shipping method with shipping rates.
introfini → created an issue.
It depends on this issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_ups/issues/3387353#comment-15575683 ✨ OAuth 2.0 support? (D10+) Fixed
@tBKoT Is it okay to commit this change to UPSSdk.php so we can enable translation of the service names? ( ✨ Allow the UPS service names to be translated Active )?
public function getServiceName(string $service): string {
return isset($this->serviceNames[$service]) ? t($this->serviceNames[$service]) : '';
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-date-is-hardcode to hidden.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-fix-date-format to active.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-fix-date-format to active.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-fix-date-format to hidden.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-date-is-hardcode to active.
introfini → changed the visibility of the branch 3444079-date-is-hardcode to hidden.
The development branch is currently behind the 8.x-1.1 release. Will do the MR for the 8.x-1.1 release instead.
introfini → created an issue.
The merge request introduces the following enhancements:
- Support for revisions of taxonomy terms.
- Addition of a setting for "Filter by Revision Translation Affected". I'm not certain if there are any side effects to disabling this setting, but I observed that revisions with 'revision_translation_affected' set to NULL were overlooked by the 'revisionsToKeep' method.
- Addition of a 'Configure' link for the module on the 'Extend' page (admin/modules).
Given the substantial nature of these changes, thorough testing and careful review are essential.
introfini → created an issue.
The merge request adds initial support for creating UPS Shipping Labels. It introduces basic functionality for generating these labels and includes a dependency on the Commerce Shipping Label API module to aid integration and manage label operations efficiently.
Can the module maintainers confirm if it's okay to add a dependency on the Commerce Shipping Label API module before I continue development?
For those looking to achieve this, I recommend using the suggestion by @longwave:
use CommerceGuys\Addressing\Repository\CountryRepository;
function convert_two_letter_to_three_letter_country_code($two_letter_code) {
$countryRepository = new CountryRepository();
// Get the country information based on the two-letter code.
$country = $countryRepository->get($two_letter_code);
if ($country) {
// Return the three-letter country code.
return $country->getThreeLetterCode();
return null;
With this merge request, it's possible to enable this feature by setting it in settings.php.
// Enable direct database serving of assets (CSS/JS) for read-only filesystem environments
$settings['optimized_assets_proxy_dump_from_database'] = TRUE;
Note: the fix for 📌 Upgrade to Drupal 10.1.x Needs review is already included.
introfini → created an issue.
The only necessary modification appears to be switching the override method from \Drupal\optimized_assets_proxy\AssetDumper::dump to \Drupal\optimized_assets_proxy\AssetDumper::dumpToUri. This is because \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetDumper::dump now returns \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetDumper::dumpToUri.
introfini → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
introfini → created an issue.
I've reviewed the patch; it's functioning well overall. However, there are some key points to address:
- To avoid errors, implement the solution found here: 🐛 Error: Call to a member function getLength() Needs review
- If utilizing any default packages, refer to this important note: ✨ Default UPS packages types need updating Active
- The issue with Negotiated Rates not working has been resolved; I've already committed the fix to the merge request.
Testing Standard Rates vs. Negotiated Rates:
introfini → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → created an issue.
The problem was that the PackageType is not set when calculating rates.
The module commerce_fedex already does that: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_fedex/-/blob/6c4155e25354526...
There's ongoing discussion relevant to this issue in the Commerce Shipping module: https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_shipping/issues/2988710 → .
I am escalating this to a critical priority due to its direct impact on halting the order checkout process, thereby preventing order completion.
introfini → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
introfini → created an issue. See original summary → .
Patch #14 works well. Thanks!
The patch works. Thanks!
Note: If you have this patch applied before this one doesn't apply: https://www.drupal.org/project/download/issues/3324861 🐛 Declaration of Drupal\download\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\DownloadLinkFormatter::create not compatible RTBC
I also believe that it should have been set to disabled as the default configuration. Meanwhile, you can add the following to the settings.php file:
# Disable Commerce Inbox
$settings['commerce_dashboard_show_toolbar_link'] = FALSE;
$settings['commerce_dashboard_fetch_inbox_messages'] = FALSE;
#2 is working. Thanks!
I figured out why it wasn't working: the problem was that my admin account didn't have the Administrator role set.
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → created an issue.
The related Drupal Commerce issue: 📌 Show payment instructions in the order receipt Needs work
You need to create a Twig variable that contains payment instructions. This variable can subsequently be incorporated into your email template.
Below is an example of how you might define this variable within Twig. Please note that the exact implementation may vary depending on the method you utilize to dispatch emails:
function bloom_custom_preprocess_easy_email_commerce_order_payment_method_html(&$variables)
/** @var Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order */
$order = $variables["commerce_order"];
if ($order->get('payment_gateway')->isEmpty()) {
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentGatewayInterface $payment_gateway */
$payment_gateway = $order->get('payment_gateway')->entity;
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_payment\Plugin\Commerce\PaymentGateway\HasPaymentInstructionsInterface $payment_gateway_plugin */
$payment_gateway_plugin = $payment_gateway->getPlugin();
if ($payment_gateway_plugin instanceof HasPaymentInstructionsInterface) {
$payment_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$payments = $payment_storage->loadMultipleByOrder($order);
$payments = array_filter($payments, function ($payment) use ($payment_gateway) {
return $payment->getPaymentGatewayId() == $payment_gateway->id();
$payment = reset($payments);
if ($payment) {
$variables['payment_instructions'] = $payment_gateway_plugin->buildPaymentInstructions($payment);
Once you have defined the variable, you can include it in your email template using {{ payment_instructions }}
Not sure if this is somehow related to the same problem in this issue https://www.drupal.org/node/3269348 →
Anyway the patch fixes it.
introfini → created an issue.
Here's a way:
// Add the GA user_id to google_tag
function bloom_custom_page_attachments_alter(array &$attachments)
$current_user = \Drupal::currentUser();
if (isset($attachments["#attached"]["drupalSettings"]["gtag"]) && $current_user->isAuthenticated()) {
$attachments["#attached"]["drupalSettings"]["gtag"]["additionalConfigInfo"]['user_id'] = 'drupal-user-id-' . $current_user->id();
introfini → created an issue.
Updated for node_revision_delete 1.0.0-rc6 new try
Updated for node_revision_delete 1.0.0-rc6
In my case it was happening because I was creating a new email entity of non existing type.
Thanks for the patch.
#3 fixes the issue. Thanks!
introfini → created an issue.
Patch works, thanks!
Please review
introfini → created an issue.
This way you can override like this:
public function __construct()
$this->delimiter = ';';
introfini → created an issue.
MR ready for review...
introfini → created an issue.
introfini → created an issue.
There's a new module https://www.drupal.org/project/meta_conversions_api →
Doesn't support Drupal Commerce yet.
The patch works. Thanks!
I experienced the same problem. The issue, I believe, is that when you install the module, this is configured by default:
You need to change that for something with min-with.