- Issue created by @introfini
The packing types need to be update according to the specifications provided by UPS:
The code for the UPS packaging type associated with the package. Valid values:
01 - UPS Letter
02 - Package
03 - Tube
04 - Pak
21 - Express Box
24 - 25KG Box
25 - 10KG Box
30 - Pallet
2a - Small Express Box
2b - Medium Express Box
2c - Large Express Box.For FRS rating requests the only valid value is customer supplied packaging “02”.
Additionally, in the commerce_ups.commerce_package_types.yml configuration file, the remote_id attribute must always be defined as a string. Failure to do so results in an error with the following details:
{"code":"9110019","message":"Missing package type code for package 1."}
Furthermore, ensure that all packages have a weight specified. Packages without a weight or with a weight of zero kg will trigger the following error:
{"code":"111031","message":"Packages must weigh more than zero kg."}