Account created on 20 January 2009, about 16 years ago
  • Drupal Achitect at Liip 

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

I have merged and included all the improvements. Thanks for the valuable feedback and the effort to improve the starterkit.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks for your valuable feedback. I have implemented this feature. If you do not provide an API key, you still can continue, but image display and upload will not. setup (Image transformations and CDN)
1. I have a account and can provide an API key
2. I have no account and want to create one for free
3. I want to skip the setup. Images and image upload will not work
Please select an option (1, 2, or 3): 3
Skipping setup. Images and image upload will not work.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks for the patch. I went for option 1 because I want to stay with symfony mailer lite. It has better inline image support.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

I will leave the check in for now. It is better to give a hint why it possible fails. On WSL2 it also does not work properly side by side.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

It took me hours to figure out the same issue:

Go to "/admin/config/search/simplesitemap/entities" then to "*Configure" and then you have to select the "Content" Settings for each domain individually.

As soon as you have something selected for at least one entity type it will be generated.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon


Thanks a lot for the SQL queries. This helped me.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

There will not be a GraphQL 4 Update sponsored by Liip. We completely dropped everything related to layout builder and open sourced our in page editor called based ion the starterkit with .

For GraphQL we build as an easy upgrade path with an autogenerated schema.

If you plan to go into the layout builder direction, you will have to build your own upgrade path for GraphQL 4 module.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Yes! To keep the schema as small as possible for performance reasons, you should only enable the features you need.
You need to enable "Formatted Date and Time" to use this type.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

This module solely depends on the official ElasticSearch php library. It has a robust indexer supporting also custom fields like nested objects, geofields and other complex fields.

The module has a proper developer API with EventListeners that allows a developer to implement and react on all kind of events.

The module has a plugin system and implements 2 kinds of authentication providers.

It has to be proven to scale well in large enterprise websites.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

I have the same error for all user login in. Drupal 10.3.8

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Here is the latest MR as a diff for composer patches

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

We have doumented this under security:

There you can also see an example of a custom module. Because we claim to be secure by default, I would like to avoid any code that could possible expose data, that is not accessible via core.

I recommend using the proposed hook:

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_access().
function MY_MODULE_menu_access(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, AccountInterface $account) {
  // Grant view access to the main menu to everyone.
  $id = $entity->id();
  if ($operation === 'view' && $id === 'main') {
    return AccessResult::allowed();

  return AccessResult::neutral();
🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

We also found this issue but decided to not fix it in GraphQL Core Schema.
We rely fully on Drupal Core in terms of routing. The issue is an underlying bug in Drupal core.

You can find the issue here: 🐛 url() should return / when asked for the URL of the frontpage Needs work

If you use for example the patch in #41, the issue is solved.

What do you think?

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

I have released a 3.0 release with monolog 3 support.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

I have released a 3.0 release with monolog 3 support.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks for all your contribution. Will merge this and create a new release.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

2.0 is no longer supported

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks, I will fix the remaining code issues and then merge it.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks for the work! Will prepare a new release.

🇨🇭Switzerland ayalon

Thanks for the hard work!

Production build 0.71.5 2024