Account created on 10 December 2008, over 15 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Also worth noting even if we're not saving its still registers in the db

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Thanks for the response, agreed we should at least display a prompt for this feature not been supported. Then this ticket can be put into backlog for when one of us has time to implement.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Ah thats good news! Yeah I think it would be good to have a new order state for carts which have failed payments like Pending or at least in the cart view have a field which states failed payment or possibly more useful checkout flow state (Order info/Review/Payment) etc.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Do you get any errors in the watchdog when products are synced. It looks like the module has some logic ( to handle multiple images per variation.

I don't have any products with multiple images so not hit this issue, if I get time I'll try and test but will not have time this week

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Has any progress been made with this?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Has the Conversions API support been implemented for the Drupal 7 and D10 version of the modules?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Roman this looks like a good start, I can see one blocker on the pr. If "Use per store settings" is checked its not clear to the user that they don't have to enter settings per each store. For example:

User has:
EU SS account
UK SS account

On the site they have these stores:
EU Store
UK Store
US Store

US store and UK store both use the UK SS account and the EU Store uses the EU SS Account. Does the user have the enter the UK SS account details twice?

Final comment could we change "Use per store settings" label to "Shipstation Account per store" or something similar?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Yeah I think your right, I'll close this issue for now.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

VBO could be used in this instance but it would be nice if it was there out of the box to make managing these easier.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

The latest patch fails against the 2.0.1 version of the module

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Sadly this still seems like an issue, we'll try and provide more info soon

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Thats great let me know when its released will this release resolve the phone number issue too?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

I have updated the default Flat Rate Per Item plugin to include a new base rate option. I have also checked that if exisitng shipping methods with the plugin are created these do not break.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Is there a plan to get a release for the module?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer changed the visibility of the branch 3419316-module-is-blocking to hidden.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

If the user is a guest, we can still grab from their profile as they will enter this either as shipping or billing profile and then we send that to sage reducing the need to enter it twice or three times in the current case.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This worked for me and solved my issue of shipping prices not been calculated. Patch works well.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

So in validateTelephoneNumber we're checking for billing address but at the time the user clicks submit and we try and find the phone number the profile info has not been copied.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Can this info not be grabbed from the profile and skip these fields all together

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This is due the config assume the payment gateway has been named sagepay_opayo

public function getSagepayConfiguration(OrderInterface $order = null): array {
    $gateway_configuration = [];

    // Get the payment gateway configuration.
    if ($sagepay_opayo_configuration = \Drupal::config('commerce_payment.commerce_payment_gateway.sagepay_opayo')) {
🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Patch works great, are we able to get it released?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

For example this is the promotion.

In this instance is should be £5.75 for shipping:

In this example it should be £8.32:

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Any update on this, as cleaning up the order in mailchimp is not a solution as a customer could add two of the same products to their cart.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Have tried the patch and it resolves the issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Patch on #60 currently fails against latest commerce release 2.37.0

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Marking this as closed as it was an issue with: 📌 Exclude analytics_core from JS preprocessing to reduce PHP memory footprint when using JavaScript aggregation RTBC

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Have you been able to replicate this locally as I have been able to on test mode. But no more debugging has been able to be find.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Can confirm the patch applies against 2.1.0-beta1

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

It looks like this issue was due to not having the shipping set up correctly. Should we add a check for this or at least flag the order will fail if no shipping method setup?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Patch is great, can we get this merged.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This is the output of the log, I can replicate locally in test mode too:

[Sat, 12/23/2023 - 19:16] [Debug] [commerce_opayo_pi] [client:, testuser] OpayoPiPaymentGateway::requestMerchantSessionKey: Before merchant session key request, mode: test
[Sat, 12/23/2023 - 19:16] [Debug] [commerce_opayo_pi] [client:, testuser] OpayoPiPaymentGateway::requestMerchantSessionKey: Successful merchant session key response, mode: test
[Sat, 12/23/2023 - 19:16] [Info] [commerce_opayo_pi] [client:, testuser] OpayoPiPaymentGateway::requestMerchantSessionKey: new merchant session key: SESSION_KEY (expiry: 2023-12-23T19:23:34.937Z), mode: test
[Sat, 12/23/2023 - 19:16] [Debug] [commerce_opayo_pi] [client:, testuser] OpayoPiPaymentGateway::getNewMerchantSessionKey: sequence nr: 9 for session key: SESSION_KEY (expiry: 2023-12-23T19:23:34.937Z) for order 45 (uid: UID), mode: test
🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

I think your right that JS error is the wrong rabbit hole.

To replicate this I'm on the order_information using a live connection.

I enter card details and click Continue to review

On clicking the screen just reloads the same page and I do not get the review pane as expected.

In the drupal logs I see OpayoPiPaymentGateway::getNewMerchantSessionKey:… and OpayoPiPaymentGateway::requestMerchantSessionKey: new…

I'm using Use custom Commerce form - more customer-friendly checkout experierce but higher PCI compliance (SAQ-A-EP) burden. (default) and have not checked 3D Secure challenge inside iFrame this makes no difference in the console I see no errors or red flags.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

I used the

Use Opayo Drop-In form - easier PCI compliance (SAQ-A) but less customer friendly checkout experience.

I've had some people say they can't complete as its asking them for a phone number even tho they entered one.

The step we can't get past is first pane where you enter your payment details

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This seems to work for the form integration but can't test the direct one due to this bug 🐛 Can't get to review screen with direct intergration Active

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This seems to have been caused by an update in the module which was missing some update hooks. Have uninstalled and re-installed module to resolve for now.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Yes this now works lets mark this as closed.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

c_archer created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Temp work around is to mock the wrong links in the composer file:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "phone_international/phone_international",
                "version": "3.3.1",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "queue_unique/queue_unique",
                "version": "3.0.2",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Are we able to get this merged so i can test the new version?

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Thats great thanks for the update marking as closed

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Not sure why this has been closed as works as designed? we should show the table even if no results.

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Closing updated as part of Beta 2

🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

This is the issue:

    "name": "drupal/commerce_opayo_pi",
    "type": "drupal-module",
    "description": "Provides Commerce integration for Opayo.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
    "require": {
        "drupal/commerce": "~2.25 || ^3",
        "drupal/phone_international": "^3.3",
        "drupal/queue_unique": "^3.0"

It should be:

    "name": "drupal/commerce_opayo_pi",
    "type": "drupal-module",
    "description": "Provides Commerce integration for Opayo.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
    "require": {
        "drupal/commerce": "~2.25 || ^3",
        "phone_international/phone_international": "^3.3",
        "queue_unique/queue_unique": "^3.0"
🇬🇧United Kingdom c_archer Cumbria

Not sure I follow what your trying to achieve, if you need multiple you can create multiple gateways using the UI see:

Production build 0.69.0 2024