- Issue created by @chrisolof
- πΊπΈUnited States chrisolof
Support added in the 3505618-support-facets-exposed-filters branch. Tested against a variety of facet filters with a variety of employed coders, single and multi-value selections. Seems to be working well at this point.
Pretty paths coder config is at the filter-level (it shows in the exposed filter options form). It is possible to combine pretty and regular query string facet filters (eg. "/view/category/foo-258?tag=33).
Filter order in the URL is currently just following the filter order already established in the view.
Still needs test coverage and likely some additional refinement - both hopefully coming in this week.
- πΊπΈUnited States chrisolof
Test coverage and small improvements added (some identified while adding the test coverage). This is now ready for review.
Attached is an immutable patch against 2.0.x representing the current state of the MR 20.