Account created on 9 April 2024, 3 months ago
  • Back-End Developer at InsiteΒ 

Merge Requests

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πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France arousseau

I added a very basic hook alter implementation. I'm not sure which cache needs to be invalidated (via a hook_update ?) after adding the module handler to the arguments of the 'menu_breadcrumb.breadcrumb.default' service.
As it is, the patch/commit will result in an error if cache is not cleared after it is applied.

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France arousseau

Hello @sourabhsisodia_ thank you for your answer.
I am able to reproduce this warning, using a "simply test me" install.
Core version is 10.2.4 and Smart Trim is 2.1.1.

You can go to the default /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display page, select the Smart Trim formatter for the body field and click on the cog to access the settings. The settings form displays fine, but a warning is logged in the recent log messages.

Warning: Undefined array key "#type" in Drupal\Core\Form\FormHelper::processStates() (line 211 of /var/lib/tugboat/stm/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/FormHelper.php)

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France arousseau

Using this in one of our project, we ran into a small issue. The order along which the options are displayed by the select list seems to be a bit unpredictable.

This could be easily solved by forcing a sort order on the search attribute. Added a modification to the MR.

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France arousseau

arousseau β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.69.0 2024