- Issue created by @arousseau
The current 3.0.0-beta1 version of this module breaks the condition used by views_infinite_scroll in its \Drupal\views_infinite_scroll\EventSubscriber\AjaxResponseSubscriber::onResponse
// Only alter commands if the user has selected our pager and it attempting
// to move beyond page 0.
if ($view->getPager()->getPluginId() !== 'infinite_scroll' ||
$view->getCurrentPage() === 0 ||
$view->getPager()->getCurrentPage() === 0
) {
// When the current page is 0 it might be the case that there where no
// additional items in this case we want to still append the empty result.
- Install and activate Facets 3.0.0-beta1
- Install and activate Views Infinite Scroll 2.0.3
- Configure any view to use the infinite scroll "load more" pager and to use Ajax
- The paging is broken, without any facet being configured, or used by the view
I did not dig into why FacetsViewsAjaxController::facetsRemoveQueryParams
is necessary.
I am therefore not sure what the best solution would be, to avoid breaking other modules inadvertently, when they rely on the "page" query parameter.