Should we add the alts in the preview YML file, or create a props property to insert the alts?
yassrzg → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
yassrzg → created an issue.
I have adapted the JavaScript script and added a new CSS file 'notice.css'.
I initialized .fr-notice[data-permanent-state="true"] { display: none; }, to prevent the notice from flickering every time the page changes.
I added the JavaScript and CSS files to the .libraries.yml file.
yassrzg → created an issue.
yassrzg → created an issue.
yassrzg → created an issue.
yassrzg → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
yassrzg → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
yassrzg → created an issue.
remaining work : line break on logo_text
i take it
yassrzg → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
first subject: won't fix because the hooks we need for keeping compatibility with removed layout plugin ID are not available from themes.
second subject: i take it
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai crée un fichier css personnalisé, et j'ai rajouté la classe .ck-content devant l'enssemble de mes variables -> ex : .ck-content :root {
--underline-max-width: 100%;
--underline-hover-width: 0;
Lorsque je rédige un article et je lui applique un style, celui-ci est visible seulement après avoir submit mon article ou après avoir cliquer sur aperçu.
Ma question est donc la suivante, pourquoi lorsque j'applique le style, monter comme dans le tutoriel : →
, celui-ci ne s'affiche pas directement, pourtant la classe css est bien appliqué, les caches sont vidé (via drush et depuis l'interface admin)