[1.1.0] Notice pattern evolution

Created on 16 April 2024, 2 months ago
Updated 21 May 2024, about 1 month ago

Our functional team requests that upon clicking the notice close button, it should save to prevent it from reappearing when changing pages.

Steps to reproduce

When i place my notice block, upon clicking, the notice closes, but upon changing the page, it reappears.

Proposed resolution

I propose modifications to the twig as follows :

{% set variant = variant|default('info') %}

{% if isBlock %}
  {% set block_id = 'fr-notice--block-id' %}
{% else %}
  {% set block_id = 'fr-notice--' ~ random() %}
{% endif %}

<div{{ attributes.addClass('fr-notice').addClass('fr-notice--' ~ variant)}} id= {{ block_id }}>
  <div class="fr-container">
    <div class="fr-notice__body">
    {% if title %}
    <div class="fr-notice__title">
      {{ title }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if dismissible %}
      {% set close_title = close_title|default('Close'|t) %}
      {% set event = "const notice = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; notice.parentNode.removeChild(notice); sessionStorage.setItem('is>
      <button onclick="{{ event }}" class="fr-btn fr-btn--close" title="{{ close_title }}">
        {{ close_title }}
    {% endif %}


{% set variant = variant|default('info') %}

<div{{ attributes.addClass('fr-notice').addClass('fr-notice--' ~ variant)}} {% if isBlock %} id= 'fr-notice--block-id' {% endif %}>
  <div class="fr-container">
    <div class="fr-notice__body">
    {% if title %}
    <div class="fr-notice__title">
      {{ title }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if dismissible %}
      {% set close_title = close_title|default('Close'|t) %}
      {% set event = "const notice = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; notice.parentNode.removeChild(notice); sessionStorage.setItem('is>
      <button onclick="{{ event }}" class="fr-btn fr-btn--close" title="{{ close_title }}">
        {{ close_title }}
    {% endif %}

and the .yml like this :

  label: Notice
  description: Draws the user's attention to information without interrupting his current task. https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/element>
      label: Information
      type: token
      label: ID
      description: "Must start with a letter. Randomly generated if empty."
      type: boolean
      label: Dismissible?
      description: It’s possible to dismiss any notice inline.
      preview: true
      type: boolean
      label: Block?
      description: If true, the notice will be assigned a predefined, hard-coded ID attribute.
      preview: false
      type: token
      label: Close button text
      description: Optional. Will be used only if notice is dismissible.
      preview: Hide message
      type: text
      label: Title
      preview: "Notice: Title of an notice" 


  label: Notice
  description: Draws the user's attention to information without interrupting his current task. https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/element>
      label: Information
      type: boolean
      label: Dismissible?
      description: It’s possible to dismiss any notice inline.
      preview: true
      type: boolean
      label: Block?
      description: If true, the notice will be assigned a predefined, hard-coded ID attribute.
      preview: false
      type: token
      label: Close button text
      description: Optional. Will be used only if notice is dismissible.
      preview: Hide message
      type: text
      label: Title
      preview: "Notice: Title of an notice" 

AND add a JasavaScript script:

document.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

let noticeContainer = document.getElementById ('fr-notice--block-id');

if (noticeContainer) {
  let isClose = sessionStorage.getItem('isOpen') === 'false';
  if(isClose) {


Thank you.

✨ Feature request

Needs work





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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @yassrzg
  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France pdureau Paris
  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France pdureau Paris
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 2 months ago
  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France pdureau Paris

    Hi Yassine,

    That's a good idea, but:

    • let's avoid a constant value in an HTML ID attribute: {% set block_id = 'fr-notice--block-id' %}
    • let's avoid using random() function outside a default() filter: {% set block_id = 'fr-notice--' ~ random() %}
    • the name of the new prop must not be isBlock but something like permanent_state, because of the expected feature

    So, a proposal:

          type: boolean
          label: Permanent state?
          description:  If true, the notice will remember its state in between page reloads. Expect a non random block_id value.
          preview: false

    The wording proposal may change.


    {% set block_id = block_id|default('fr-notice--' ~ random()) %}
    {% set attributes =attributes.setAttribute("id", block_id)  %}
    {% set attributes = permanent_state ? attributes.setAtttibute("data-permanent-state", "true") : attributes %}
    <div{{ attributes.addClass('fr-notice').addClass('fr-notice--' ~ variant)}}>


    • Can you rebuild your script around this proposal?
    • Do you think upstream DSFR will accept such a proposal?
    • I will need to ask other people to validate such a proposal because we are at the limit between application state and design system.
  • Merge request !70by yassrzg Notice pattern evolution β†’ (Open) created by yassrzg
  • Status changed to Needs work 2 months ago
  • Status changed to Needs review 2 months ago
  • I have adapted the JavaScript script and added a new CSS file 'notice.css'.
    I initialized .fr-notice[data-permanent-state="true"] { display: none; }, to prevent the notice from flickering every time the page changes.
    I added the JavaScript and CSS files to the .libraries.yml file.

  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France just_like_good_vibes PARIS

    I have a comment about the Javascript code added.
    why a vanilla JS code instead of a proper drupal JS behavior?
    The JS file is added to the global theme library, therefore in my understanding it should follow best practices β†’ .
    what do you think?
    i can help in writing the code if needed.
    thank you

  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France pdureau Paris

    Let's not enforce JS Behaviour here.

  • Status changed to Needs work about 1 month ago
  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France pdureau Paris

    There are interesting talks in the Drupal community about using WebComponent (with the is attributes instead of the "custom element" syntax) to leverage WebComponents as a standard JS behaviours container where the lifecycle is managed by the browser.

    Do you want to try?

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