Anyone has implemented sendMulticast() method to send common notification to multiple devices or any reference?
Hi @apaderno,
I have pushed code for D8+ version of this module. Kindly please review it.
Issue link: 🌱 Make module compatible to D8, D9 & D10 Needs review
Hi @apademo,
Thanks for your reply.
I have pushed code & raised an MR in new issue.
Issue Link: 🌱 Make module compatible to D8, D9 & D10 Needs review
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → created an issue.
Project Link: →
Fixed syntax error and generated new patch.
Hi @C-Logemann,
Thanks for pointing this out. I will work and fix this.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → created an issue.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → created an issue.
Hi @Stockfoot,
Thanks for pointing out the issue. Yes, I forgot to close "}}" brackets and it was resulting in WSOD. Fixed the issue and attaching new [atch. Kindly please review.
Re-rolled patch according to latest branch.
created patch with DI code to fix test failure.
Resolved conflicts.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Re-rolled patch changes and raised an MR.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → changed the visibility of the branch 3254564-add-tag-external to hidden.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Modified according to → documentation guide.
Re-rolled patch.
There is an issue after applying sorting on entity type and bundle names. -- Select -- this option is also getting sort and not displaying properly.
See this:
Attaching the patch to fix this issue. I request to reopen this issue and merge this patch.
Attaching the patch.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → created an issue.
Attaching patch with update hook to remove unused config key max_path_parts from config object.
Hi @dineshkumarbollu,
The patch provided in #2 works fine. The issue you have mentioned is separate from this one.
You can check it here:
Fatal error after upgrading to Drupal 10.2
Needs review
Adding new patch with addressed feedback.
Attaching patch fixes the redirection issue.
Attaching new patch with your feedback.
Adding patch with variable name changes. Looked into dependency injection point but getExcludedPaths() is a static method and we won't be able to use $this inside static method. If we make it non-static, then we will have to modify all code where this method is being called.
Your feedback is appreciable.
Hi @pankaj1390,
Can you please write down steps to reproduce/what you want to achieve so that anyone can get clear idea about the issue?
I have re-rolled the patch according to latest module version. The interdiff file is generated in comparison of 3025297-set-login-redirect-4.patch and 3025297-11.patch patches.
3025297-set-login-redirect-4.patch was not getting applied as describe in #9.
@tim-diels please find this diff file.
I have checked for both forms user registration and password reset. It is not redirecting user from registration form. If anyone faces the issues, please post comment so I can regenerate and do needful.
Providing patch
I will work on it.
Raised an MR with fixes
Working on it
Attaching the patch with possibility to show all results or show specific number of items.
Attaching patch with removing comment.
Because batch_process function requires static callable method as an argument and if we make processOldRecords() method static, we can't use $this->database inside it. So had to remove dependency injection.
Attaching the patch.
Attaching re-rolled patch.
I will look into it.
Attaching the patch.
I will work on it.
Attaching patch and interdiff files.
I will work on it.
Adding updated patch with interdiff file.
I will work on it.
I will work on it.
Attaching updated patch.
Hi @Luke.Leber
Updating patch with suggested changes.
Attaching the patch.
I will work on it.
Chandreshgiri Gauswami → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Attaching the patch.
I will work on it.
I'm unable to regenerate the error. Could someone please describe the the scenario when this error occurs?
I will work on it.
Attaching the patch.
I will work on it.
Raised an MR.
Attaching the patch.
I will work on it.
Attaching the patch.
I will add views module dependency in module info.yml file.
Providing updated patch and interdiff file.
I will work on it.
Attaching patch to make it D9 compatible.
I will make it D9 compatible.
Attaching patch with D10 compatibility.
I will work on it.
Since this module is abandoned. No need to work on it.
I will fix it.