🇮🇳India @atul ghate

Account created on 6 November 2021, over 2 years ago
  • Associate Engineer - Full Stack at QED42 

Recent comments

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hi @isholgueras,

Thanks for merging the MR.

I noticed that I wasn't credited for resolving this issue. Could you let me know if there's something I might have missed?

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hi @bernardopaulino i have resolved conflict please review.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have reviewed and applied patch #6, and it resolved the issue for the multi-value field in Drupal 9.5.0. The patch provided a button to remove items when the field is set to multi-valued, as described in comment #6. See the attached image.
It can be moved to RTBC.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have fixed remaining phpcs issue. please review and merge the MR

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have tested the MR, it resolved all phpcs issues, moving it to RTBC

🇮🇳India atul ghate

HI @trackleft2 , I have worked on the suggested changes, please review.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Added a merge request (MR) to fix PHPCS issues, but one still remains. See the image below.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Added MR to fixed all phpcs issue please review and merge.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Added MR to fix all phpcs issue please.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have unassigned myself as @mstrelan has provided the merge request

🇮🇳India atul ghate

atul_ghate made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have fixed the issue as per drupal coding standard, please review.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hello Tim-diels,

I have tested with an existing zone ID, and it is not deleting the existing zone ID but placing it at the bottom of the cloudflare_stream.settings.yml file. When we remove the zone ID field and schema.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I will provide the MR.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hi @tim-diels and apaderno, Thank you for the clarification, But I encountered phpcs issue in this MR https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/cloudflare_stream-3446508/-/jobs/1613819 with this version 3.0.x

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I will privide MR to fix this phpcs issue.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have added the MR please review and merge.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I will try to fix the phpcs issue.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hi @biguzis,
I tried to reproduce this issue using below steps.

  1. clone the 3.0.6 branch
  2. enable module and create one article
  3. configure the Personal Access Restriction settings for this node i have created
  4. Add Personal Access Restriction settings for Anonymous user and select How to show the page? this option as Access Denied (403) and
    Page not found (404) as well but i did not faced issue you have reported. i can see page is restricated for Anonymous user

please let me know if anything i have missed to reproduce this issue

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Hi @tim-diels, thank you for sharing this information and for the guidance on using Merge Requests for contributions. I'll make sure to follow the guidelines provided and transition to using Merge Requests in future contributions. I apologize for the PHPCS issues in my patch and will address them in future contributions.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

fixed the issue reported by phpcs please review the attached patch.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

Replaced core/jquery.once with core/once please review and merge.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I do not have Noopener Filter module on my drupal instance 9.5.11 but still am getting same issue while saving the text format ckeditor 5

🇮🇳India atul ghate

This issue has not been found in version 8.x-2.1
Here are the steps I took to reproduce the issue
1. clone the module with 8.x-2.1
2. installed and added a menu link
Drupal 9.2.7 and installed theme: Olivero 9.2.7

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have provided a patch to fix this issue please review.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have reviewed and applied this MR it resolved the mentioned issue, moving to RTBC

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have reviewed and applied #3 MR but still, the checkbox is not correctly aligned will provide the updated patch.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have resolved this issue and provided a patch please review

🇮🇳India atul ghate

I have reviewed and applied this MR, looks good to me moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India atul ghate

The Issue has been fixed by this MR, moving to RTBC.

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