Account created on 27 May 2020, about 4 years ago

Merge Requests


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Hi @@jigarius,

sorry, I was away since last 2,3 weeks, I am interested, Please grant me the access

Updated the patch by fixing this issue: $this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1 now able to apply on 2.0.beta7..

Hi daisyleroy, facing this issue: "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1 while applying patch #26 on this 2.0.beta7 version..

I am able apply the patch and not see any issues in drupal-check as well, only facing this credeatials issues while testing the patch with PHP 8.1 & MySQL 5.7, Drupal 10.1.4..

Tushar1 β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 3296763-automated-drupal-10 to hidden.

@ryanrobinson_wlu I can see module having some issues in Drupal 10 as I cannot check functionality in Drupal 10, I will chck and update the patch if required..

I have tested patch #3 on Drupal 9 and Drupal 9 which is applying cleanly and working as expected.

I have added given characters in URL and its redirecting to homepage and generating the logs as well, Hence moving it to RTBC..

Hello @amarincolas can you please commit patch #5 for latest D10 release..trying to contact you but not having contact page on your profile..

I have tested patch #5 on drupal:10.0.7 which is applying cleanly and working as expected, so making it RTBC...

Updated patch by adding core_version_requirement in, module showing compatible in upgrade status and also no issues in drupal check kindly review..

Hello @jigarius can cou please commit this patch and release D10 version..

I have tested patch #11 on Drupal: 10.0.7 which is applying cleany and working as expected so making it RTBC for D10 release..

Updated patch #3 for working in D10, patch #2 was showing some issues on console in drupal 10.0.7 setup due to which functionality was not working properly so updated the patch #3 with required changes which is working on drupal 10.0.7, module showing compatible in upgrade status and also no any issues in drupal check as well, kindly review and make it RTBC for latest D10 release..

Patch is applying cleanly but functionality is not working on 10.0.7 giving lot of issues in console related to core/once library..

Adding above all patches in one patch #9 for commiting to Drupal 10, module showing compatible in upgrade status and working as expected in drupal: 10.0.7 kundly review..

I have tested patch on drupal:10.0.7 and which is applied cleany showing compatible in upgrade status and drupal-check dont having issues so making it RTBC for D10 release..

I have tested patch on Drupal:10.0.7 which is applied cleanly and showing compatible in upgrade status and also no issues in drupal check..making it RTBC for D10 release..

Update bot patch #2 to add D10 compatibilty, patch is applying cleany and also module showing compatible in upgrade status and also no issues in drupal check,kindly review

I have tested patch #10 on Drupal 10.0.7 which is applying cleanly and working as expected, showing compatible in upgrade_status and also no issues in drupal_check so making it RTBC for D10 release..

Verified patch #2 on Drupal 10.0.7. Patch applied successfully working as expected
and also module showing compatible in upgrade status. drupal check provides false positive issues which are ignorable..

Tested patch #5 on drupal 9.5.7 and drupal 10.0.7 and php 8.1 which is applied cleanly and working as expected, making it RTBC for latest D10 release..

@TR What we are missing here? Functionality is working fine and also there are not any issues in upgrade status and drupal check and also votingapi is on latest D10 version, what we are missing to do it compatible..??

I have tested bot patch on 10.0.7 version which is applied cleanly and working as expected, also its showing compatible in upgrade status and drupal check..making it RTBC for latest D10 release..

Created patch for making votingapi_widgets to D10 compatible, Module showing compatible in Upgrade_status and I have also checked with Drupal-check which shows false positive issues which are ignorable..and also fixed the console issues related to core/once..functionality is working fine as expected in D10...kindly review and make it RTBC for D10 release..

I tested patch #8 on latest 10.0.7 drupal version which is applied cleanly and working as expected..module showing compatible in upgrade_status and also there are false positive issues in drupal-check which are making it RTBC for latest D10 release..

I have tested patch #8 on latest 10.0.7 version which is applied cleany and working as expected, making it RTBC for latest D10 release..

I have tested this patch #5 on latest D10 version 10.0.7 and D9 which is applied cleanly and working as expected...making it RTBC for latest Release..

I am testing this module( jquery_colorpicker: 3x version ) on D10 setup and trying to make it D10 compatible, added required fields but facing issue in console due to which functionality is not working on D10..@mondrake can you please on this issue..

I have tested and applied patch #8 on latest D10 version 10.0.7, its applied cleanly and working as expected for D10, making it RTBC for D10 release..

I have reviewed and tested patch on latest Drupal 10 version 10.0.7, which is applied cleany and working for D10, Did not found any issues in Upgrade_status and drupal-check, so making it RTBC for D10 release..

I have tested patch on latest 2x version which is applied cleany and working as expected on Drupal 9 & 10..making it RTBC

I have applied this patch on latest 8.x-2.x version which is applied cleany and working as expected,

I have also checked with upgrade_status which shows this module D10 compatible.

Also I have run drupal-check on this module which gives some false issues. so making it RTBC for latest release..

Updating bot patch by removing some deprications and adding core_version_requirement for D10 compatibility, its wotking as expected to me, kindly review and make it RTBC...

I have checked and applied patch #4 which is applied cleanly and working for me as expected, Moving it to RTBC..

Updating bot patch by adding phpcs fixes, kinsly review and make it RTBC for D10 release, Thanks

Applied patch #4 on latest 1.2 version which is applied cleanly, Making it RTBC ...

@josepholstad will sent message to maintainer (sylus)to merge this MR for latest D10 release..

Applied patch #10 on latest 2.0.2 version which is applied cleany and functionality is also working fine as expected.making it RTBC..

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