Account created on 10 December 2019, over 4 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

mukesh-kumar3 changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

mukesh-kumar3 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Yes @chetan 11 I have verified this fix. Taken the pull from this issue branch and it noe user account menu is in header moving this issue to RTBC +

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Yes @alok_singh i found the issue by placing the search form #3 solving the issue moving this to RTBC +

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Kisan@kk i have review your patch by cloning the issue branch. And is working fine moving this issue to RTBC +

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Thanks @milos.kroulik I have verified this issue on drupal 10.2.5 and radix Radix 6.0. Taken the pull from this issue branch and we are able to add utility classes to node-content-wrapper.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Gold I have changed announcement_modal.info.yml to let the module to be enabled in drupal 10.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@thejimbirch I have verified this fix. Taken the pull from this issue branch and it added the declare(strict_types=1); in below.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi I have applied the patch provided by @drunken monkey to fix the code and remove unnecessary check in \Drupal\search_api_solr\Form\IndexAddSolrDocumentFieldsForm::buildForm() and patch applied successfully and now unnecessary check is removed. And also push the code after applying the patch to project gitlab as per new guildelines of appling patches and pushing code for their respective branch. Attached screenshot of applying patch below so moving issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Slogan not displayed in the site branding block issue solving for me when applying patch#54 and enabling the slogan from the "Site branding" block. in drupal 10.1.x and in 10.2.x.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Vishal you are right there is problem in ddev and platformsh sites when upgrading from drupal 9.5.11 to drupal 10.1.18 there is Error in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Template/TwigExtension.php on public function getLink assertition error and site can encounter an unexpected error with error message $attributes, if set, must be an array or object of type \Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute in assert() after applying patch above error resolved and site is working fine.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Sheetal.Pathak i have apply your patch it is working fine in drupal 10.2.3 but there is issue in sm-core-css.css in css there is no terminate after css property i have added it also added commit for the patch please review. Have added screenshot after applying patch now expand and close button is showing on top of menu-items.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi aman_lnwebworks i have installed the Paragraph Group module in the drupal 10.2.3 beore fetch the branch i have warning when configure module in extend and after fetch the paragraph_group-3424804 branch warning issue is now resolved no warning comes attaching screenshot below. Moving this issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Aron Novak i have Tested the template with cloning the module and fetch the branch you pushed the code. Now the non existing spaceless is removed from the module twig templatem attaching screenshot below. So moving this issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@Qatar Zymphonies Theme Fixed slider render issue in Drupal version 10.2.3. Please check the MR above. please review

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

mukesh-kumar3 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi @dineshkumarbollu i have applied the patch provided by you and is nicely added. and also it works in drupal 10. so moving this issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi adwivedi008 i reviewed the coding standard with above command and found no issues so moving this issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Thanks dineshkumarbollu im have applied your patch and it scccessfully applied and pushed the code as per the new drupal.org workflow and open the merge request now the taxonomy_breadcrumb is now drupal 10 compatible attaching screenshots below. moving this issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

mukesh-kumar3 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi adwivedi008 thanks for the patch i have install the module and follow the instructions as given and found the issue toolbar insert view is not visible but after fetch the branch insert_view_adv-3424206 and checkout the branch now the icon of insert view on ckeditor5 is now visible attaching screenshot below. Issues is now resolved as the icon is visible moving this issue to RTBC thanks.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

I have install a fresh drupal 7 setup with version 7.98 and also download betterlogin module tar.gz file and extract it in modules directory and it is working fine with drupal 7.98 attaching screenshot below. And for drupal 8,9,10 there is also 2.0.1 version available for betterlogin.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi Gautam_105@ i have applied your patch and working as intended so there is no broken slide issue on the page I have attached the screenshot below of applying patch successfully and also validation work as intended for empty slide so moving this issue to RTBC.

Steps to Verify

  1. Install the theme and set as default.

  2. Go to the theme settings.

  3. Update select number of slider display count into 4.

  4. Go to the home page

  5. There is no broken slide founded.


🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi shubham_jain I have applied you patch working fine for me and now slider dots are working perfect with or without admin interface attaching video so moving this issue to RTBC +

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@alok_singh i have review your MR !9 request but there was an issue on another buttons text are cutting because of the width to the button so i have change the button width to max-content and also add padding to the button so the all buttons can look fine attaching below screenshots please review.
adding new commit

  • a79751dd-- Change Button width and add padding so All buttons looks fine
🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

mukesh-kumar3 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi shweta__sharma i have review the MR !11 mergeable and now the issue is fixed so i move this issue to RTBC+

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Thanks @shweta__sharma i have review your merge request and changes are reflected and issue is now resolved so moving this issue to rtbc.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

@shweta__sharma Thanks for MR I have review the merge request issue is resolved but checkboxes on entire site is not visible please remove .search-form from the merge-request so that checkboxes from the entire site can be visible.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi djsagar I have follow the below mentioned steps not able to reproduce issue on drupal 10.0.0
1.Install the theme and set as default.
2.Install admin module.
3.Hover on admin menu.
Menu is working nicely there is no breakdown issue for menu. Attaching Screenshot below please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi i have apply patch for when install the theme website encountered an unexpected error because of the spaceless tag that is not to be supported after twig 2.7 now we can use {% apply spaceless %}{% endapply %} now the issue is fixed i have attached the applying patch screenshot below please review.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi sidharth_soman i have applied you patch this patch is cleanly applied and working fine for "FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT" issue. So moving this issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Sorry for adding patch again but issue for Undefined constant "FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT" Getting Error is opened seprately. So i only providing patch for call to undefined function file_create_url() issue please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi sidharth_soman i have tested the patch provided above #2 is fixed the drupal_get_path() Error so moving this issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi i have fixed the listed issue below in the patch call to undefined function file_create_url() and also fixed the file status to permanent. Also attaching screenshot and patch below please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi i have applied patch for the following issue attached screenshots below. After patch adding underlines also format code in gin.css so that patch applied cleanly. And Issue is now fixed please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

I have applied 3375877-2.patch file it work as expected and removes dark_responsive_settings_form_submit attaching screenshot of applying patch so moving this issue to rtbc.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

sonam_sharma has been provided 3375877-2.patch so changing status to needs review

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

I have added patch for Focus state for toolbar "Close" control not visible after applying patch now on the focus state of control button is visible. Please review the patch.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

My bad i didn't check the #2 patch while adding my patch. In #2 patch there is an issue of multiple active file and #3 i resolve the multiple active issue.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

The issue lies in Bootstrap 5 where the attribute "data-toggle=tab" has been replaced with "data-bs-toggle=tab". Also we need to remove the li from the twig template. To address this problem, I am implementing a patch that specifically caters to Bootstrap 5.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi swatidhurandhar i have applied your patch and it is working fine for me and now the workspace toolbar appearing nice for me. so moving this to RTBC.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported bellamy theme to drupal10. And also tested it in local machine theme working fine. I have added patch below please test the patch. and also added patch apply image below.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team I have added patch for menu items not clickable in small size screens and now it's fixed i have also check it in my local machine now menu links are clickable on all screens i have added my patchfile and patch below please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported tailwindcss into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch-d9-to-d10-compatibility.png is added please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported electra into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch.png is added please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported topplus_lite theme into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file. Screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch-d9-to-d10-compatibility.png is added.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported drupal8_parallax_theme into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch-d9-to-d10-compatibility.png is added please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported flexy_theme into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch-d10-compatibility.png is added please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have added code for remove submenu icon getting cut off on Firefox browser on my local setup added a patch for it and tested on my local environment on firefox browser now icon is looking nice. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename submenu-icon-cutoff-patch.png is added please check.

🇮🇳India mukesh-kumar3 Dharmshala

Hi team i have ported drupal8_zymphonies_theme into Drupal 10 So, i have tested my patch in our local Drupal10 setup. Please review my code and patch file screenshot of apply patch filename applying-patch.png is added please check.

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