Account created on 27 December 2018, about 6 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇪🇸Spain frouco

frouco changed the visibility of the branch 3507779-graph---legend to active.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Change was released on the 2.1.4 version

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Editors are prompted to create a redirect on node delete.

Ready to review.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

The patch has been modified to simply ensure that the allow tag with the features required by YouTube is set in the iframe.

Allowed domains by feature should be managed by Drupal.

Ready for review

🇪🇸Spain frouco

frouco changed the visibility of the branch 3367077-D11-Linkfield-link-to-original-lang to hidden.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

@mistermoper @EduardoMoralesAlberti

I think it will be better to move this feature to a submodule:

  • Declare dependencies properly (colorbox)
  • YT core code is simpler, containing only what is needed.
🇪🇸Spain frouco

This solution is not really necessary.

The way to apply colours to elements inside the SVG with use is with CSS custom properties (variables).

.svg example

    <symbol id="icon-id" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns="">
      <circle style="fill: var(--icon-bg, none);" fill="none" cx="15" cy="15" r="15"/>
      <path style="fill: var(--icon-ring, currentColor);" fill="currentColor" d="M15 2.5a12.5 12.5 0 1 1 0 25 12.5 12.5 0 0 1 0-25ZM15 0a15 15 0 1 0 0 30 15 15 0 0 0 0-30Z"/>
      <path style="fill: var(--icon-figure, currentColor);" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.29 8.88c-2.5-.17-8.08-.17-10.58 0-2.7.18-3.02 1.82-3.04 6.12.02 4.3.33 5.94 3.04 6.12 2.5.17 8.08.17 10.58 0 2.7-.18 3.02-1.82 3.04-6.12-.02-4.3-.33-5.94-3.04-6.12Zm-1.82 6.11-5.97-2.77v5.56l5.97-2.79Z" />

CSS code example

svg {
  --icon-bg: currentcolor;
  --icon-ring: red;
  --icon-figure: #fff;
🇪🇸Spain frouco

aggg, my mistake

I did not realise before that I had applied a patch Allow inline SVG instead of tag Active to the module in the website I was testing.

Sorry for the noise. I close the MR and this task. Module works correctly

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Hi Wongjn

Yes, Im running 8.x-1.7?

The issue comes from how are generated the options of the widget, width and height are not set. So the the condition of the line 88 fo the template_preprocess_ex_icon() don't apply.

The issue can be solved there enforcing the detected size if boot values are empty but i feel that is better set the options of the icons selector correctly. Setting the width and height here and apply them here

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Added credit to Alejandro Cabarcos for the support in the solutions and review

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Added credit to Bryan Toapanta for the support in the QA

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Added credit to Albefer for the support in the solutions

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Add the enable/disable option in the settings form

Ready to be tested

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Hi @lpeidro,
great work!!!

Only two corrections in the wording

  • in /admin/reports/xray-audit/queries_data/queries_data_paragraphs-paragraphs_count_by_hierarchy change the link text from "Parents" to "See usage"
  • in /en/admin/reports/xray-audit/queries_data/queries_data_paragraphs-paragraphs_use_place?parent=node&bundle=line_separator change the link text from "Link to node" to "Open page"
🇪🇸Spain frouco

The fact is that the Acquia Cloud Site Review report gives a warning if in the code appear a potential modification of the memory_limit value.

@Dave Reid you are right is not a fixed value, but this will increase the memory_limit value if the module considers that it cant process the sitemap.

With this choice, the module increases the memory_limit on its own and considers that generating the XML is more important than continuing to serve pages. Also, this memory increase does not ensure that will finish in seconds, simply in less time to the detriment of other processes. In the end, the server memory is limited and increasing the memory limit only reduces the number of PHP processes that can be executed simultaneously.

Probably, the correct approach is to check if the current memory_limit value is enough to generate the XML sitemap and if not, launch a warning with the memory required/recommended in the report status, for example.

Here is a path with the described approach

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Works fine.

The condition was added to the other paragraph listings.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

@omarlopesino can you provide more info?
How the video is added (media, iframe in a WYSIWYG)? Is involved in another module or is it the default implementation?

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Tested on various websites and work as expected.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Tested on various websites and work as expected.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

Tested on various websites and work as expected.

🇪🇸Spain frouco

frouco made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.71.5 2024