Account created on 3 October 2018, over 6 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

I encountered the same issue. The patch resolved the problem for some content edit form pages, but I continued experiencing the issue with other content types. Upon further investigation, I discovered that this error occurs when certain taxonomy fields are not displayed in the form.

After the latest changes in the patch, the issue should now be resolved.

igor mashevskyi changed the visibility of the branch 3486978-add-possibility-for to active.

igor mashevskyi changed the visibility of the branch 3486978-add-possibility-for to hidden.

igor mashevskyi changed the visibility of the branch 3486978-add-possibility-for to hidden.

Yes, that's correct
I've prepared MR to make it easier to implement changes to the project branch

@dqd thanks for the comment

I've rechecked this issue and I still have it ("If we select the specific domain and click the Set as default link the theme is incorrectly set as default for all domains instead of just for the example domain")
But after applying the patch it works correctly

Could you please take a look at this issue one more time when you have time?

I had the same issue #17
I've resolved it with the following code

 * Implements hook_file_mimetype_mapping_alter().
function module_name_file_mimetype_mapping_alter(array &$mapping) {
  // Add text/plain mimetype for .po files.
  $mapping['extensions']['po'] = 292;

This issue happens because Drupal can't define .po file mime-type

@anybody I've resolved the merge error, so MR is mergeable now

@anybody I've resolved the merge error, so MR is mergeable now

Hi guys, any updates here?
Can somebody check my changes?
Thank you in advance

Hi guys, any updates here?
Can somebody check my changes?
Thank you in advance

Hi guys, any updates here?
Can somebody check my changes?
Thank you in advance

Wrote the test. I would be grateful if someone could check it.

Hi justin2pin,
I saw that task was assigned to you but I need this in my project now. So you can use my changes or create a new issue fork and ignore my changes.

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