🇮🇳India @bunty oberoi

Account created on 30 May 2018, over 6 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi adarshv,

Verified and tested MR !15 3391594-footer-menu-align on Drupal Version 10.3.0-dev & PHP Version 8.1.16

Testing Steps:-
1). Install Drupal 10.3.x version.
2). /projects/drupal/themes$ git clone --branch '1.0.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/creative_innovative.git
3). Applied MR !15 3391594-footer-menu-align

Testing result:
MR !15 3391594-footer-menu-align fixed the issue
Here I have attached the before and after apply MR screenshots.
Moved the issue to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Abh1shek Chauhan,
Added a patch to fix this issue please review it.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Moni_10,
Verified and tested Patch Comment #5 on Drupal 10.1.0-dev Applied patch cleanly

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/gin$ git apply -v 3377216-5.patch
Checking patch dist/css/components/breadcrumb.css...
Checking patch styles/components/breadcrumb.scss...
Applied patch dist/css/components/breadcrumb.css cleanly.
Applied patch styles/components/breadcrumb.scss cleanly.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-3.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin.git
2. Applied Patch #5 /Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/gin
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.
5. Enable emulate css forced-color

Testing result:
3377216-5.patch fixing the above issue.
Observation:- back to site before icon disappears on hover.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Mukeysh,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #3 on Drupal Version 10.1.0-dev & PHP Version 8.1.16

Testing Steps:-
1). Install Drupal 10.1.0 version.
2). git clone --branch '5.0.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/radix.git
Followed the above steps given
3). Applied Patch #3 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/radix/3363752-radix-subtheme-npm-compilation-issue.patch
4). Checked the changes difference using git diff
5). Installed theme and set it as default.
6). Run Command npm run watch

Testing result:
Patch Comment #3 fixed the issue
Here I have attached the before and after apply patch screenshots.
Moved the issue to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi alok_singh, Akshay kashyap

Verified and tested Patch Comment #5 on Drupal Version 10.1.0-dev PHP Version 8.1.16

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.0 version.
2. git clone --branch '1.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/kite.git
2. Applied Patch #5 projects/drupal/themes/contrib/kite
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
Patch Comment #5 fixed the issue
Here I have attached the before and after apply patch screenshots.
Moved the issue to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi lokeshsahu,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #4 on Drupal Version 10.1.0-dev PHP Version 8.1.16

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.0 version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-3.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin.git
2. Applied Patch #4 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/gin
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
Patch Comment #4 fixed the issue
Here I have attached the before and after apply patch screenshots.
Moved the issue to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi syamnath,

I have applied Patch #2 not working for me. I am using Drupal version - 10.1.0 & PHP version - 8.1.16
I am sharing my screenshots after applying Patch #2 for reference.
getting below error

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/insha$ git status
On branch 3.0.0
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.0.0'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/insha$ git apply -v footer_css_applies_to-2478471-2.patch
Checking patch css/layout.css...
error: css/layout.css: No such file or directory

NOTE:- The patch #2 is gone outdated maintainer need to close this issue as outdated patch.
Thankyou sympathy for the work.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi team,

Can someone let me know how to reproduce this issue "Title should be aligned with content" is not able to reproduce. Here I have attached a screenshot as I understand.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi alok_singh,

I have applied for the MR !8 And it worked fine for me. I am using Drupal version - 10.1.0 & PHP version - 8.1.16 now the footer looks very clean.
I am sharing my screenshots after applying MR !8 for reference.
Thank You.
Moved this issue to RTBC++

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Created a Merge Request to fix the Admin toolbar breaking with the Insha theme and attached a screenshot below please review.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

bunty oberoi made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Team,
Thanks for work

The patch you have added Applied cleanly and working fine for me.

NOTE:- found some more observations here.
On clicking the close icon Icon gets hidden. and the main menu items shift to up.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi o_tymoshchuk,

Sorry, I didn't explain it right. The dropdown/Multilevel menu needs style on hover.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi alok_singh,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #2 on Drupal 10.1.x git bransh 'moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019/1.0.x'

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/moon_zymphonies_theme.git

3. Create content types & Create views for the same using "Pager" to show the 3 items per page.

4. Add & fetch this issue fork’s repository

git remote add moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019 https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019.git
git fetch moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019

5. Check out this branch
git checkout -b 'moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019/1.0.x' --track moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019/'moon_zymphonies_theme-3355019/1.0.x'

6. Compare the changes with "plain diff"

Testing result:
Pagination CSS is working fine for moon_zymphonies_theme Moving this issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi @Akshay,
I have created the patch for Drupal coding standards fixes please review this patch.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi @Akshay,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #4 on Drupal 10.1.x Applied patch cleanly

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/moon_zymphonies_theme$ git apply -v Automated-Drupal-10-3297700-4.patch
Checking patch moon_zymphonies_theme.info.yml...
Checking patch moon_zymphonies_theme.theme...
Applied patch moon_zymphonies_theme.info.yml cleanly.
Applied patch moon_zymphonies_theme.theme cleanly.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/moon_zymphonies_theme.git
2. Applied Patch #4 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/moon_zymphonies_theme
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
moon_zymphonies_theme Theme is compatible with Drupal 10.1.x Moving the issue to RTBC

Note:- Here i have found some errors while checking the coding standards using a Drupal check.
oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal$ vendor/mglaman/drupal-check/drupal-check themes/contrib/moon_zymphonies_theme/
1/1 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Line moon_zymphonies_theme.theme
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
175 Function file_create_url not found.
💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols
311 Constant FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT not found.
💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

[ERROR] Found 2 errors

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Consider sponsoring the development of the maintainers which make drupal-check possible:

- phpstan (ondrejmirtes): https://github.com/sponsors/ondrejmirtes
- phpstan-deprecation-rules (ondrejmirtes)): https://github.com/sponsors/ondrejmirtes
- phpstan-drupal (mglaman)): https://github.com/sponsors/mglaman
- drupal-check (mglaman)): https://github.com/sponsors/mglaman

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi @Akshay,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #7 on Drupal 10.1.x Applied patch cleanly

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/zen$ git apply -v portD9-D10-3351509-7.patch
Checking patch STARTERKIT/STARTERKIT.info.yml...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/block/block--no-wrapper.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/content/node.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/layout/html.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/layout/region--footer.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/breadcrumb.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/links--node.html.twig...
Checking patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/menu-local-tasks.html.twig...
Checking patch zen.info.yml...
Checking patch zen.theme...
Applied patch STARTERKIT/STARTERKIT.info.yml cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/block/block--no-wrapper.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/content/node.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/layout/html.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/layout/region--footer.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/breadcrumb.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/links--node.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch STARTERKIT/templates/navigation/menu-local-tasks.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch zen.info.yml cleanly.
Applied patch zen.theme cleanly.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-7.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/zen.git
2. Applied Patch #7 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/zen
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
zen Theme compatible with Drupal 10.1.x Moving the issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi mukesh-kumar3,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #1 on Drupal 10.1.x Applied patch cleanly

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/drupal8_parallax_theme$ git apply -v portD9toD10_3351487_#1.patch
Checking patch drupal8_parallax_theme.info.yml...
Checking patch drupal8_parallax_theme.theme...
Applied patch drupal8_parallax_theme.info.yml cleanly.
Applied patch drupal8_parallax_theme.theme cleanly.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-1.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal8_parallax_theme.git
2. Applied Patch #1 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/drupal8_parallax_theme
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
drupal8_parallax_theme is compatible with Drupal 10.1.x Moving the issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Akshay,

Verified and tested Patch #8 on Drupal 10.1.x
Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-1.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/bootstrap-business.git
2. Applied Patch #8 /Documents/drupal/themes/contrib/bootstrap-business.
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
bootstrap-business Theme is compatible with Drupal 10.1.x with some worning please check the code below.

oberoi@oberoi-H510M-S2:~/Documents/projects/drupal/themes/contrib/bootstrap-business$ git apply -v Port-Bootstrap-business-theme-drupal9-drupal10-3351513-8.patch
Checking patch bootstrap_business.info.yml...
Checking patch templates/block--system-menu-block.html.twig...
Checking patch theme-settings.php...
Port-Bootstrap-business-theme-drupal9-drupal10-3351513-8.patch:107: new blank line at EOF.
Applied patch bootstrap_business.info.yml cleanly.
Applied patch templates/block--system-menu-block.html.twig cleanly.
Applied patch theme-settings.php cleanly.
warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.

Please fix the Drupal coding standards.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Verified and tested Patch Comment #4 on Drupal 10.1.x successfully.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone --branch '8.x-4.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/particle_responsive.git
2. Applied Patch #4 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/particle_responsive
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Observe the changes as an installed Particle Responsive theme and set it as default without any error.

Testing result:
Particle Responsive theme is compatible with Drupal 10

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi @Akshay,

Verified and tested Patch Comment #5 on Drupal 10.1.x Applied patch cleanly
Testing Steps:-
1. Install Drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone branch '9.1.x' business.git
2. Applied Patch #5 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/business
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
business Theme compatible with Drupal 10.1.x
Here I have attached the screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Rerolled patch according to 8.x-5.x changes. [Modify CSS class according to BEM naming convention standard]

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Thanks Akshay,
Patch Applied cleanly.
Fixed Drupal coding standards. "warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors" Warning removed.
Here I have attached the screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Verified and tested Patch Comment #18 on drupal 10.1.x "warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors."

Testing Steps:-
1. Install drupal 10.1.x version.
2. git clone branch '8.x-1.x' danland.git
2. Applied Patch #18 /projects/drupal/themes/contrib/danland
3. Checked the changes difference using git diff
4. Installed theme and set it as default.

Testing result:
Danland Theme compatible with drupal 10.1.x
Here I have attached the screenshots.

Fix Drupal coding standards.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Verified and tested Patch Comment #25 on drupal 10.1.x successfully.

Testing Steps:-
1. Install drupal 10.1.x version.
2 Applied Patch cleanly #25
3 checked the changes difference using git diff
3. Add an image to the article content type.
4. Observe the image content by inspecting elements to get the difference.

Testing result:
The "wide-image" CSS class was replaced by "wide-content" for Olivero.

Here I have attached the screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Vishal,
As I have tested your patch for Theme Compatibility to Drupal10 working fine. and attached screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Vishal,
As I have tested your patch comment #2 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes working fine. and attached screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Vishal,
As I have tested your patch comment #3 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes working fine. and attached screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Vishal,
As I have tested your patch comment #3 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes working fine and attached screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

Hi Gauravvvv,
The patch applied cleanly.
Autocomplete input text is looking fine now Here are the screenshots.

🇮🇳India bunty oberoi

I have created a Patch for the Autocomplete input text can visibly overflow under the magnifier icon. Please Review

Production build 0.71.5 2024