Saint-Denis (Réunion)
Account created on 29 March 2018, about 6 years ago
  • Lead Developpeur & Responsable pôle Back-End at Ecedi 

Merge Requests


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🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I've created a new issue #3449679 , I'm closing this one again

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I'm still having problems with this approach:

  1. Tokens ( and returns an empty url with the approach $item[‘url’]->toString(); , which is annoying because you can no longer distinguish between elements.
  2. Attributes defined for links in the administration space are not retrieved (e.g. class).

@pdureau, should I create a new isssue?

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Works fine !

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Suggestion: I've realised that you can set up a project using the input.html.twig template, which will surely be easier to read: and use the Twig removeAttribute function.

Example: {{ children }}

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thanks, the fix is available in 1.0.3.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Martygraphie made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I'd like to add your code to the dedicated html tags to make them easier to read

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

And i've also added a conditional checking that the domain logo configuration exists before attempting to delete it.
I'll let you tell me if it's right for you.


🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I've tested the domain site module, and I can confirm that not all domain-related configurations have been deleted.
The reason is that the domain site delete form tries to delete the configuration instead of the domain entity. Some modules use the deletion of the entity to delete the other configurations.

Proposed solution:
Delete entity directly instead of the configuration.
This will automatically delete the following configurations: actions, simple sitemap, domain menus and the domain record.
I'm going to propose a merge request.


🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Martygraphie made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thank you all for your work, I credit everyone for your work.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I confirm @smustgrave's last comment.
I can't apply the patch in MR #6, but if I retrieve the image and add it manually to the folder it works too.

I prefer the iframe.png image in comment #12, which is more explicit than the image in MR.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Apologise, this was caused by an external script that doesn't belong to config ignore, so I'm closing the exit.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I am reopening this issue, I reproduce the same error on the ^3.2 version of config ignore. With steps similar to those described initially.

Drupal version: 10.1
Drush version: 11

I also tried with and without config_filter (lats version)

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I'm adding a temporary patch so that the modification will work on version 1.0.0-beta4 (based on version 1.9 of the DSFR)

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hi Pierre,
Yes, good idea, I've updated my commit,
I'll let you check
Have a nice day

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I'm adding a temporary patch to make this branch work with this issue: #3410309.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thanks @corentin.crouvisier
Patch #18 works for me !

Just a warning for users of the paragraphs_features or paragraphs_ee module: the change breaks the rendering of the quick-add buttons between paragraphs.

Before :

After :

But this will surely be addressed in the modules concerned once this fix has been validated.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thanks for the patch and the treatment, I've just noticed that it hasn't been released.
It will be available in version 2.0.4
Have a nice day

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the feedback and the associated patch.
I've gone back to patch 20 and fixed the latest PHPCS problems.
@aparderno I've also taken your feedback into account.

I've credited you all and I'm sorry for the lack of feedback over the last few months!

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thanks for your patch !

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hi @benjifisher,
Thank you very much for your analysis, I've encountered the same problem as you.
Deactivating ALT / TITLE attributes solved the performance problems on my side.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hi @igor-mashevskyi,
Patch #7 works fine for me.
Thanks !

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hi Pierre,
Yes, I reproduce test 4 (Test 4: non renderable properties wrapped in a mapping) with Display Suite / Display Suite Ui Patterns. But instead of having the uuid generated by Layout Builder, I have the machine name of the field.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

I don't know if this will unlock some, but I found this article:

Indicating that Youtube can block IPV6. The article recommends to force IPV4 by adding this line in the settings.php file:

$settings['http_client_config']['force_ip_resolve'] = 'v4';

This now works on my side (I didn't need to install oEmbed Providers).

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry if my message wasn't clear.
Your module allows you to manage microsites based on the parent domain.

Yes, I do use "Domain Configuration" to have different system configurations between my domain/subdomains/microdomains. And I would like to have Path Alias shared with all my domains. The Domain Path module doesn't meet my needs.

In my case :

  1. I created a micro domain
  2. Then, I wanted to create a new content
  3. I attached the new micro domain in the Domain Access field of my content
  4. I put an path alias equal to the alias defined in the micro domain
  5. I save

But when I try to access this new content, it redirects me (301) to the main domain's home page.
So I was wondering how it works on your side once a micro domain has been created.

Sorry, I hope my message is more understandable :)


🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Hi @pdureau
I have a question/comment about switching to an external CDN.
This approach simplifies the management of DSFR library upgrades.
On the other hand, each site must request a third party server to display the components, which increases the loading time of each page whereas the library could be integrated directly on the server (there is a waiting time for the server to respond). Moreover, some hosting companies mandated by the public services, are not in favor of including third party libraries hosted externally.

So I was wondering if another approach would be possible? For example install npm on the UI Suite DSFR project.

Then create a NPM command that populates the dist folder based on the "dsfr" folder in node_modules? This command could be played manually?

This would simplify the updates while keeping the libraries on the project server?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Have a nice day

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thank you for your contribution!

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Martygraphie made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Thank you for your contribution!

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

Patch 4 includes the correct indentation.

🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

This comes from the fact that the vizjs library used is declared as external, the libraries.yml file contains the link : But the site does not have an SSL certificate.

Your browser blocks the inclusion of the lib because it is in "http" instead of "https".

I solved the problem by adding the library file directly in the module and by replacing the external link by an internal file inclusion in the libraries.yml file

Hoping that this can help you

PS : My solution is not ideal but allows to make the generation work

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