What's holding this back from being merged in? If there's something more to be done I'd love to help push this through.
Sorry, I thought I checked your names off. Clearly I did not. Corrected!
Thanks for the MR, I appreciate it!
I brought the branch up-to-date and gave it a test. Looks like it works as intended. Merged.
I'll get a new beta release out shortly since there's not 2 bug fixes that need to go out.
I made a MR using the patched code and tested in a Drupal 11 environment. Looks like everything works.
Is this something that needs testing? I'd love to have this merged in so we can use this with D11.
Closes my MR in favour of https://git.drupalcode.org/project/vuejs/-/merge_requests/12
Going to leave this open for a bit for anyone to comment on and then merge it in.
Do we need to depend on the help module? Should we handle it just not being there instead of forcing it to be on?
Going to start with the most straightforward solution: make the help module a dependency.
Rerolled patch and cleaned it up a bit. Still needs work to pass unit tests and such.
Patch is generated from the diff of the MR.
2.1 Fixed the issue.
Well it sure does look like it, doesn't it.
I'll give 2.1 a try and see if it fixes things! Thanks!
Side note: What is left to make 2.1 a stable release?
Re #15 ah yeah, only way we're finding around it is disabling search_api entirely, otherwise it just fails. I'll see if I can find a solution that does not involve uninstalling the module and if it's something group-related I'll open an issue/MR.
Trying the update out after I reset the installed version to 9211 and I get the following error:
> [notice] Update started: group_update_10300
> [error] The "entity:group_content" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\search_api\Datasource\DatasourcePluginManager are: entity:block_content, entity:comment, entity:consumer, entity:contact_message, entity:content_moderation_state, entity:crop, entity:file, entity:flagging, entity:group_config_wrapper, entity:group, entity:group_relationship, entity:media, entity:node, entity:path_alias, entity:profile, entity:redirect, entity:search_api_task, entity:shortcut, entity:taxonomy_term, entity:user, entity:webform_submission, entity:menu_link_content, entity:paragraph, solr_document, solr_multisite_document
> [error] Update failed: group_update_10300
The only place I see reference to 'group_content' is in my config. All custom and contrib code has been updated appropriately. Should I be updating the config before I try to run the updates? Or should the updates be taking care of that?
Any way we can get this merged in? Is there anything else you'd like checked before merging?
A readme has been added with some basic usage/documentation information.
The fix works in both D10 and D11 now.
Tested in Drupal 10.3.8 and get the following:
PHP Fatal error: Type of Drupal\accessible_menu\Form\SettingsForm::$typedConfigManager must not be defined (as in class Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase) in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/accessible_menu/src/Form/SettingsForm.php on line 17
We'll need to figure out a way to make this work in both 10 and 11.
I can't seem to reproduce the error you're seeing following the steps provided.
I made a fresh install, enabled the module, enabled the workflow on content blocks (which I will comment on shortly), added it to the block layout and created an article. All works as expected. No errors seen.
Is there something I'm missing?
Also, it is worth noting that enabling the workflow on the block itself will basically do nothing as far as moderation_state_condition is concerned. This module currently only supports nodes. If you enable your workflow on the article and then place a block to conditionally show on a specific workflow state you should see the results you (hopefully) want. When I have some time I'll add other entity support, but until then it's only nodes.
This feature can be found in v3 of this module (which is still in alpha). It's included in a sub-module called Migrate Default Content Export.
This will go into v3
This will go into v3 now.
The json format will work as well, but that's more so because both json and yaml are valid yaml.
Just to update this issue.
bodyValue, bodyFormat, and other field properties like that are going to be removed in v3. We've been running into a handful of issues with it, and it's much cleaner to just have the content in proper objects.
The only accepted format moving forward will be:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this issue, but when I attempt to create an entity reference field that does not specify a bundle I get a form validation error. It looks like this might have been an issue with core and you cannot have an entity reference field that has no bundles now.
Seeing as how this hasn't been looked at for ~3 years and we haven't run into this issue at all I'm going to close for now. We can open a new issue if it comes up again.
This has been implemented in 3.
Implemented in 3.0.0-alpha1
I have this implemented in https://git.drupalcode.org/project/migrate_default_content/-/merge_reque...
I will merge and mark the issue as fixed.
If we implement this feature it will be for the 3.x branch. Updating issue to reflect.
Just popping into this issue to say I have a feature branch with a drush command (migrate_default_content:export-migrations [mdcem]) that allows you to export the generated migrations.
It also provides a new setting on the settings form to control where those migrations get exported to.
Once I get a little more testing done and possibly add some options for only exporting specific migrations then it'll be merged into the 3.x branch.
All new drush commands are being written for Drush 12 with (currently) no plan to backport them to older versions, so to get this feature you'll need to be on Drupal 10.2.x with Drush 12.
Reviving this issue since it's very much still a bug. Looked over the change, tried it out. Looks good.
I'll get this merged and push to both 8.x-2.x and 3.x
NickDJM → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
This feature has been rolled into 3.0.0-alpha0. Please use that version of the module for the ability to export content.
We will keep track of any other issues related to this (since I'm sure there will be some) in their own issues.
As for this issue, I consider it fixed.
An update on this: me rerolling the patch and fixing the drush commands didn't work. There's some other weirdness going on with layout builder I think.
That being said, I have a branch off the main module where I am implementing this as it's own module.
On my testing site I have it working. It exports content in all languages and puts them into yaml files as expected. I still need to test it out on other sites (and get layout builder support in), but it looks promising.
I have added filters so you can include/exclude entities, bundles, and ids.
Updating the issue to point to the version of MDC that the MR applies to.
Ok MR has been created and everything is working about in D10.2.2.
The next steps will be to refactor this into something we can split out properly into a submodule: migrate_default_content_export
First will be to get basic entities working (nodes, blocks, terms, etc.) with no layout builder functionality. Once this is done, we'll look at the layout builder stuff.
Just to give an update to this issue:
The current patch in #11 does not work. I have a fix that I will be posting shortly in a MR with the updated drush command syntax.
As for this issue as a whole, we will be splitting this out into a sub module. This functionality is super useful and we don't want it to live as a "forever patch", however the code written in the patch needs a lot of work. At a bare minimum it does not meet the Drupal coding standards, nor is it documented sufficiently.
Once we have a MR open for this, it will be kept alive while we work on a new branch with cleaned up code. The first goal will be to allow exporting of what MDC can already handle (basically removing the layout builder functionality for now), then we will be reducing the number of drush commands to a single command that allows users to pass options to it for what entities/bundles they want. Once this is functional we will implement the Layout Builder functionality.
I'd also like to give a big thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue so far. We use this patch constantly. It's time to see it implemented officially.
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and your time!
In this case I think extending the class, while understand the risks of doing so, is the right way to go.
I have made the other suggested changes to the 3.x branch, so this is now ready for review again.
Ok cool, thanks for clarifying!
I mean sure, I can copy paste the class... But there are all sorts of traps there are there not? Creating a brand new copy of FieldItemList just for the sake of not using the original class would open up a whole new can of worms if anything tries to check if my list is a FieldItemList. Kind of defeats the point of object oriented coding.
If it's what I need to do I can do it, but that feels really wrong.
For group_computed_field.install
I have removed the install hook entirely and removed the definition removal from the uninstall hook, however I left in the functionality that removes "related_groups" from entity_view_display configs. In my testing, uninstalling the module does not automatically remove the field from the configs that used it.
For src/Plugin/Field/RelatedGroupFieldItemList.php:
Are you referring to me extending FieldItemList? I was basing this off of core modules (like content_moderation) where the ModerationStateFieldItemList extends FieldItemList.
Would I need to make my own base class that extends FieldItemList and then use that in the plugin?
Ok, cool. Let's use that one then!
I also created Group Computed Field ( https://www.drupal.org/project/group_computed_field → )
My co-maintainer already opted it in to security coverage, but I wrote pretty much all the code for it. I wasn't sure if it would count since it was already opted in.
That all being said, I don't know if it has enough PHP in it either- it's a pretty small module.
If it would be a better candidate I can make a new application or alter this one if that works.
I added migrate_source_yaml back to dependencies because it creates a pour user experience if migrations that we have examples for don't work out-of-the-box.
Reviewing now. I am going to spilt out the dependency changes into their own issue since that's big enough to warrant it.
Just to have this documented: I am able to get link attributes working with no code changes required when I use the following structure:
title: Twitter
menu_name: social-links
uid: 1
weight: -10
uri: https://twitter.com/myhandle
class: icon-twitter
We'll add it to the project examples since link attributes is a pretty common module to use.
Rerolled #57 for latest version.
I've run Upgrade Status on this module, and this patch is all that's needed for D10 support. Everything else is compatible.
This is in dev. Will be in the next release.
This has been resolved in the latest release.
In our case we are using hrs to separate days. I only suggested span and div because you can add specific classes to those elements (in case someone is using Bootstrap or TailwindCSS for their theming).
Further testing of both my patch and the previous patch has revealed that properly identifying the clicked button works in some scenarios, but not others.
In the case of my patch, it actually was breaking layout builder's submit buttons because they all have the same name- so disregard my patch.
I have updated the patch in 57 to fix an issue causing views apply/cancel/remove buttons to not submit properly.
The AJAX call _was_ adding a value to the "op" input, so the logic I had in 57 was flawed. We should only assume the input was clicked if the value matches exactly or if the value is exactly empty. Anything other than those 2 outcomes means we can't assume that button was clicked.
As a note: I know this needs some work, just wanted to get a patch posted to build upon.
So I've been debugging this in 9.5.10 and none of the patches above seem to identify the triggering element properly.
I tracked the issue down to the buttonWasClicked() method in FormBuilder. It specifically checks to see if the name and value of a button is found in the getUserInput() array, but buttons do not submit values. Their value is used as the text to display in the button, if if they are added to the getUserInput() array the value will be an empty string and never match to criteria for marking the button as clicked.
I also noticed that the key for any button on the form will only show up in the getUserInput() array if it was the button used to actually trigger the form submission.
I wrote a patch that adds another check to buttonWasClicked() that checks to see if a button's name is a key in the $input array, and if it is, it flags the button as the one that was clicked and results in the proper triggering element being flagged.