kristen pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
kristen pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Moving this to needs work as I have just updated the script and not other parts of issue.
Updated script for above
Assigning this to me as per conversation with @jacobadeutsch
I have updated script as per the below comment 📌 Decide if SDDS SDCs should include props from included components Needs review
kristen pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
I will check script today for above mentioned issue by Akhil.
I will update script today for above mentioned feedback.
Will get this fixed today.. must have missed some case.. thanks for testing.
- Remove default values from enum. - Fixed
- Remove libraryOverrides - Fixed
- Capitalize component name - Fixed
- Fix issues related to yamllint - Fixed
- Add empty line before slot when there are no props properties - Fixed
The point regarding the include variables is still pending, as we are waiting for the final decision on it.
In the button component, the yml file was generated with a null default for this var:
type: type: string title: Type description: 'Button type: primary, secondary, tertiary.' default: null enum: - primary - secondary - tertiary
I think it's getting that from here:
{% set type = type in ['primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary'] ? type : null %}Should it just not have a default in this instance? Maybe default: null is right here, I'm not really sure.
@jacobadeutsch You're right, it's picking up from the set type snippet you mentioned. The script checks the variable set statements and determines if there's any default or in case of condition any value is being set in else block.
As per the above set type statement default: null is right but let me know in case of null do we want to remove default key.
Working on the feedback.
I've addressed the spacing between the variables. If there are any other formatting adjustments needed, please let me know.
Attached file for reference
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Progress update
- Parse enums form the comments - Fixed
- Also group names are showing up as "default" right now. - Fixed
- Blank string bool defaults are still appearing - Fixed
spacing between the vars would be nice. - 60% of work here is done in case on nested properties formatting is not appearing properly will try to get this done by tomorrow.
Issue link where feedback was posted:
Convert Starshot Tag component to SDC
Needs review
component name: Starshot Tag
@Kristen Pol @jacobadeutsch thanks for the feedback, please find details below
- Booleans need to be changed to have their title as the description for the boolean. - Fixed
Should the defaults be displayed in the yml?
I found example of default in D.O documentation so I have added it → Annotated example component.yml → -
The converter didn't create a enums where it should've
can you please provide detail around this for which prop enums were not generated properly?For existing components we have list of enums hardcoded in script. there is no pattern available to retrieve the options/enums for prop from the comment section. if we are creating new components can we have them in some pattern so that script can retrieve and add them as a part of yml?
Not everything with a space in it has quotes around it, not sure if this is necessary or not
Ran latest script this seems to be resolved, also we using package to generate yaml will check if there are any configs available for this. -
it included a blank default for a boolean.. it seems like that it's getting that from line 27 of the twig. I deleted it because I wasn't seeing defaults for other bools, but this could be wrong
Ran latest script did not see default added for boolean for given component
Attaching generated .component.yml file with new script for reference
Updated script as per the feedback provided in comment
Create automated script for converting components to SDC
Create automated script for converting components to SDC
This update also supports automated prop generation for included components.
e.g tag component included in event card and they are available as prop for event card so now script will be able to generate below yml for it
type: array
title: Tags
description: Array of tags.
type: string
Also for banner component breadcrumb is included and it's available as prop so yml will consist below
type: array
title: Breadcrumb
description: Breadcrumb links.
type: object
type: array
title: Links
description: 'Array of link objects containing:'
type: object
type: string
title: Text
description: Link text.
type: string
title: Url
description: Link URL.
type: boolean
title: Active is link
description: Show active element as a link.
Next steps will check and work on feedback mentioned in comment 13 📌 Create automated script for converting components to SDC Fixed
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Progress Update
- Handling of array type as per schema (not pushed to repo)
- ntegrated include statements into the automated property generation process. (not pushed to repo)
* @file
* Banner component.
* Variables:
* - content_top1: [string] Content slot.
* - breadcrumb: [array] Breadcrumb links.
* - content_top2: [string] Content slot.
* - content_top3: [string] Content slot.
* - content_middle: [string] Content slot.
* - content: [string] Content slot.
* - content_bottom: [string] Content slot.
* - content_below: [string] Content slot.
* - site_section: [string] Site section.
* - title: [string] Title.
* ...
Consider the following Twig file :
* @file
* Banner component.
* Variables:
* - content_top1: [string] Content slot.
* - breadcrumb: [array] Breadcrumb links.
* - content_top2: [string] Content slot.
* - content_top3: [string] Content slot.
* - content_middle: [string] Content slot.
* - content: [string] Content slot.
* - content_bottom: [string] Content slot.
* - content_below: [string] Content slot.
* - site_section: [string] Site section.
* - title: [string] Title.
In this example, breadcrumb is a component rendered through an include statement in banner component:
{% if breadcrumb is not empty %}
<div class="{% if featured_image is not empty %}col-xxs-12 col-m-6{% else %}col-xxs-12{% endif %}">
{% include '@molecules/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.twig' with {
theme: theme,
links: breadcrumb.links,
active_is_link: breadcrumb.active_is_link,
modifier_class: 'ct-banner__breadcrumb',
} only %}
{% endif %}
In the comment section, breadcrumb is noted as an array. However, in the .component.yml file, we need to specify links as an array with properties under items.
The script can generate the following YAML, ensuring only the properties of breadcrumb used in the include statement are included (e.g., theme and other breadcrumb properties are excluded):
type: array
title: Breadcrumb
description: Breadcrumb links.
type: array
title: Links
description: 'Array of link objects containing:'
type: string
title: Text
description: Link text.
type: string
title: Url
description: Link URL.
type: boolean
title: Active is link
description: Show active element as a link.
The script now supports handling nested includes, such as an event card that includes a tag list, which in turn includes tag components.
Next steps
- Test this functionality and make any necessary adjustments to match the schema accurately.
- Update the repository.
Am just started with experience builder so I might be wrong
I started looking into above mentioned issue and below are my findings
1. The above issue is caused due to incorrect fixture.
2. It's failing because layout fixture does not consist `type` property.
due to which keyedLayout is always empty.
Object.values(layout.children).map(item => {
if (item.type && components[item.type]) {
keyedLayout[item.uuid] = item
return true;
3. Component fixture is not matching with endpoint response from `/xb-compnents`
const selectedComponentType = keyedLayout[selectedComponent].type || 'noop';
the above always results in null as keyedLayout is empty.
updating component fixture and layout fixture in below format resolve issue however if you click on nested components "slots" it throws an same error because they are not added to keyedLayout.
Component fixture
"component_1": {
"name": "Component 1",
"id": "1"
Layout fixture:
"uuid": "43cd7aa4-0160-4787-a3af-baf44ff17a88",
"children": [],
"type": "component_1",
"nodeType": "component"
added @chaitanyadessai as maintainer.
After attempting to replicate the scenario, I discovered that disabling twig debug resolves the issue, resulting in everything functioning as expected. This aligns with the observation mentioned in the previous comment 🐛 For a view displaying an optional field, 'hide if empty' doesn't work where a node matches the view query but the field is empty Active , where the problem was rectified by turning off twig debugging.
Tried with Drupal: 9.5.11
anand.toshniwal93 → created an issue.
anand.toshniwal93 → created an issue.
Removed extra added condition to verify if test pass.
This patch will get applied if you are using patch → from Create a multiple select dropdown widget →
Had to create a separate patch for this as both patches making change on same line.
- Fixed point mentioned by @mkalkbrenner.
- Updated condition in `cleanCurrentFilter` so that querystring which are not related to facets should be ignored while processing. I had exposed filter on form and it was being added to URL as
This is the correct patch, The latest patch here →
(comment 60) adds disabled attribute to reset option.
Added a check if disabled attribute is present then remove it. so that reset option can be used.
Sorry for the multiple previous comments 🙏
This is the correct patch, The latest patch here →
(comment 60) adds disabled attribute to reset option.
Added a check if disabled attribute is present then remove it. so that reset option can be used.
Sorry for the multiple previous comments 🙏
in previous comment added blank patch by mistake
The latest patch here →
(comment 60) adds disabled attribute to reset option.
Added a check if disabled attribute is present then remove it. so that reset option can be used.
Patch against 8.x-2.x-release for upgrade status report issues.
Re-rolled and updated patch against 2.0.7
After applying above patch am still getting an below error
Error : Call to undefined function _template_preprocess_webform_composite() in template_preprocess_webform_hierarchy() (line 28 of /app/docroot/modules/contrib/webform_hierarchy/webform_hierarchy.module )
#0 [internal function]: template_preprocess_webform_hierarchy(Array, 'webform_hierarc...', Array)
#1 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/ThemeManager.php(287): call_user_func_array('template_prepro...', Array)
#2 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(433): Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManager->render('webform_hierarc...', Array)
#3 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(204): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doRender(Array, true)
#4 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(148): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->render(Array, true)
#5 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(580): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->Drupal\Core\Render\{closure}()
#6 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(149): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext(Object(Drupal\Core\Render\RenderContext), Object(Closure) )
#7 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/MainContent/AjaxRenderer.php(66): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->renderRoot(Array)
#8 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/FormAjaxResponseBuilder.php(89): Drupal\Core\Render\MainContent\AjaxRenderer->renderResponse(Array, Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request), Object(Drupal\Core\Routing\CurrentRouteMatch))
#9 /app/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/EventSubscriber/FormAjaxSubscriber.php(109): Drupal\Core\Form\FormAjaxResponseBuilder->buildResponse(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request), Array, Object(Drupal\Core\Form\FormState), Array)
#10 [internal function]: Drupal\Core\Form\EventSubscriber\FormAjaxSubscriber->onException(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exceptio...', Object(Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ ContainerAwareEventDispatcher))
I was able to get this working by replacing this
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.theme.template');
with \Drupal::service('module_handler')->loadInclude('webform', 'inc', 'includes/webform.theme.template');
+1 (Waiting for the D10 compatible release)
Fixed update hook number for previous patch (><)
Mistakenly added orderBy to query removed it in this patch.
- Updated static queries to dynamic queries
- Fixed issue with batch processing
Patch re-rolled against 3.0.0-rc1 and with above updates.
Re-rolling patch from comment 7 against 2.0.6
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Kristen Pol → credited anand.toshniwal93 → .
Re-rolled the patch against dev branch