Coast Salish Territory
Account created on 21 September 2005, about 19 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Created MR from the patch in #14 against the latest 2.0.x.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

I am seeing the same error as mentioned in #8. As @rajdip_755 says in his comment, the fix for that problem (i.e., changing the dispatch() method's argument order, as mentioned in #9) is already in the 4.0.x branch (see, so I think all that needs to be done is roll a new release that includes the fix. Raising this to critical as this prevents the module from functioning currently.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo changed the visibility of the branch 3165072-split-purgers-by to active.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo changed the visibility of the branch 3165072-split-purgers-by to hidden.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo changed the visibility of the branch 3165072-split-purgers-by to hidden.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

I ran into this as well. For anyone else hitting this, you can disable the "Restore Client IP Address" option with drush config:set cloudflare.settings client_ip_restore_enabled 0. That made requests cached by Cloudflare work again for me.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

I ran into this while running migrations: migrations would slow down and eventually run out of memory as described in 🐛 File migration slows down and eats more and more memory, eventually stops Needs work . I ended up using to disable hook_post_action's hooks, which allowed migrations to complete.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Just noting I'll be looking at to replace ga_stats in our D10 build.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

brunodbo created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory
🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Oops patch didn't upload.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

This patch adds an option to set the draggable option on the modal.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

As described in #105, I downloaded the patch from the MR, saved it to a file, then tried applying it using, but that failed. The patch in #60 did work. I was using Drupal 10.1.6 when testing.

Using a checkout of core's 10.1 branch, I applied the patch from the MR manually, and it produced the following output:

18:53 $ git apply -v 4278.diff
4278.diff:145: trailing whitespace.
4278.diff:176: trailing whitespace.
4278.diff:214: trailing whitespace.

��`�(��!�MC����#��}�n��nBR ���-5�������U/�����4��jcc��@/��Jv���I:���b�"uI_칌�!���߇�r
4278.diff:221: trailing whitespace.
���3$h��* �c��)��F�%�O��5�E
4278.diff:238: trailing whitespace.
Checking patch core/modules/forum/forum.install...
Checking patch core/modules/forum/forum.post_update.php...
Checking patch core/modules/forum/tests/fixtures/update/
Checking patch core/modules/forum/tests/src/Functional/ForumIndexUpdateTest.php...
Checking patch core/modules/forum/tests/src/Kernel/ForumIndexTest.php...
Applied patch core/modules/forum/forum.install cleanly.
Applied patch core/modules/forum/forum.post_update.php cleanly.
Applied patch core/modules/forum/tests/fixtures/update/ cleanly.
Applied patch core/modules/forum/tests/src/Functional/ForumIndexUpdateTest.php cleanly.
Applied patch core/modules/forum/tests/src/Kernel/ForumIndexTest.php cleanly.
warning: squelched 1 whitespace error
warning: 6 lines add whitespace errors.

Could this be an issue with not handling the test fixtures properly?

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

First attempt at a patch. Leaving as "Needs work" for test.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

This is a reroll of #62 for 11.x, which also applies to 10.1.x. I'm getting an error when trying to create an interdiff that I'm unable to figure out at the moment (interdiff fails to process the patch files for some reason). This patch a straight reroll of the patch in #62. The only change is that I omitted the Drupal version number in the changes to file_requirements(), and in the comment for file_progress_implementation().

Do we need the file_requirements() at all? There is no system information to display anymore on the status report, so we could remove that message.

Leaving as needs work for tests.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Thanks for the quick response. I wasn't seeing an option to disable the sitemaps in v3, and couldn't see any of my sitemaps after updating to v4. I ended up uninstalling Simple Sitemap v3 and starting again from scratch on v4, all in all pretty quick since I just had a single sitemap to deal with.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

The Context dependency in composer.json is for Context v4.1, which is incompatible with Drupal 10. We'll have to update that to Context v5, which is compatible with Drupal 10.

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Rerolled patch in #2 against latest 2.x branch, and attempted to address #3 (catching \Throwable).

🇨🇦Canada brunodbo Coast Salish Territory

Glad to see this merged, thanks!

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