We have PRs under review:
The fix has been merged.
There is another outstanding issue with 11 we are working on and will have a fix shortly.
Thank you for reporting the issue and investigating
Implemented with:
PR ready for review
richardgaunt → created an issue.
No I would like it to be access driven rather than publish status similar to how MenuTree works
richardgaunt → created an issue.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
Already fixed in 1.8.1.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
I am happy to assist with the patch if it would be accepted but perhaps a general guidance on what method would be accepted etc.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
@smustgrave reverted to array structure for dataprovider.
I've added test coverage for this change, also found a nit issue while testing the error messages.
The newline separator was incorrect meaning `/n` was showing in the separated error messages - figured it was closely enough related to this issue to be included.
richardgaunt → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@dhruv.mittal Could you create the PR from a forked https://github.com/civictheme/monorepo-drupal this way I can review and merge there. Changes from github get pushed up to this repository.
I can review and have behat tests added there.
Hi @dhruv.mittal,
Pull requests for this project are done on this repository via GitHub: https://github.com/civictheme/monorepo-drupal
There are three parts to this solution:
Update the civictheme_preprocess_fieldset__form_element__civictheme_field__checkboxes and civictheme_preprocess_fieldset__form_element__civictheme_field__radios
In `civictheme_preprocess_fieldset__form_element__civictheme_field__checkboxes`:
We need to change this line:
to check for `#value` rather than `#default_value`
Update the checkbox preprocessing
We need to change the checkbox preprocessing at: https://github.com/civictheme/monorepo-drupal/blob/develop/web/themes/co... to something like this
if ($element['#type'] === 'checkbox') {
$variables['control'][0]['is_checked'] = $element['#value'] ?? FALSE;
$variables['control'][0]['is_checked'] = (bool) $variables['control'][0]['is_checked'];
Add some behat tests
We need to add some tests ensuring that in error forms retain their values for checkboxes and radios
richardgaunt → created an issue.
We have merged a fix for this issue today: https://github.com/civictheme/monorepo-drupal/pull/1314
richardgaunt → created an issue.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
richardgaunt → created an issue.
Yes the purpose is for this to be a utility to get values for a variety of different field types. As you say it only handles file type of media it would be good if it could be used for video
So from my understanding of your issue there is a need to implement an alter hook that allows the overriding / setting of the view filters.
`hook_civictheme_automated_list_view_arguments_alter` ?
gargsuchi → credited richardgaunt → .
gargsuchi → credited richardgaunt → .
richardgaunt → created an issue.
We are making changes to how form's behave in 1.9 to fallback to Drupal if CivicTheme does not support a form element but this is not a form element we have plans for delivering first party support for at the moment.
This is our proposed fix.
Update civictheme_media_get_variables to handle the OEmbed (remote video).
We want to only return the properties that are useful for remote video:
Do not return other properties.
Does this align with your thinking?
richardgaunt → created an issue.
A fix has been merged to develop and is being tested.
Hi Sonny,
This has been fixed in the 1.8 release and the form working being progressed at the moment is taking this into account.
@alex.skrypnyk title attribute only works when no text is in the tag and so yes your PR would work. The PR that has been committed
also works because it adds visually hidden text.
We might add your change to provide a tooltip for back to top as this would be nice feature to have but on this issue at hand both work correctly.
WE are actively working on this branch to create an opt-in system for form element preprocessing rather than the current opt-out.
The ck editor webform fields are something we are testing and ensuring are working before we are releasing a fix.
We have this issue being actively worked on, apologies for the delays.
@alan.cole Can you please review this and let me know if it solves your problem?
richardgaunt → created an issue.
PR provided by @alancole
richardgaunt → created an issue.
Thanks @amey and @sourojeetpaul.
Reviewing this change with @alancole: adding an `aria-label` as in your patch will duplicate the `aria-label` when the link opens in a new window and so we need to refine the solution slightly.
We are looking into the separate issue use of `aria-label` in the below issue as we believe we can remove the "Opens new window".
But for your issue of their not being an accessible back to top element we are suggesting the following:
Update back to top twig:
<div class="ct-back-to-top" data-component-name="back-to-top" data-scrollspy data-scrollspy-offset="400">
{% include '@atoms/button/button.twig' with {
kind: 'link',
type: 'primary',
icon: 'up-arrow',
url: '#top',
text: '<span class="ct-visually-hidden">Return focus to the top of the page</span>',
allow_html: true,
modifier_class: 'ct-back-to-top__button',
} only %}
This will provide a visually hidden text element as part of the button that will be read out. I will have @joshua1234511 create a PR in `uikit`
Josh is working on a fix:
1. Move the menu theming code into a helper _civictheme_preprocess_primary_navigation_menu and _civictheme_preprocess_footer_menu:
2. Add theme settings to define the primary navigations and the footer navigation menus
3. Update the menu name check to check for these theme settings if ($menu_name === 'THEME_SETTING')
4. Add update hook to add new theme setting or at least at a default value for expected values in this code above
gargsuchi → credited richardgaunt → .