Account created on 1 June 2008, about 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

I solved the issue for me.
I simply commented out the corresponding lines in the UPSSdk.php file:

- File: /src/UPSSdk.php
- Lines 209 - 211:

// 'PickupType' => [
// 'Code' => '01',
// ],

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

I agree with @leymannx.
Luckily I found this issue...

I don´t want to use layout builder by the way.

Thanks for the module!

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

#69 applied cleanly in Drupal 10.2.5 and latest dev-Version of colorbox.
And it works well.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

I´m still having problems with negotiated rates.
After applying latest patch 7 to the (also latest) dev-Version.

Actually, rates get reduced from e.g. 47.07 (= standard rate) to 46.60 (= negotiated).
But negotiated should go to something like 18.81

I´m sure I do use the correct credentials (especially account number).

Do I have to use any other patches besides this 7.patch to get this solved?


🇩🇪Germany 4kant

One day later, after I put some new into the cart and switch addresses, it works.
I will do some more tests to be sure that there is no existing bug.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Thanks @introfini
With your patch the error is gone.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Had these errors after updating to PHP 8.2:

Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$id is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 377 of /sites/all/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$table is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 377 of /sites/all/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$type is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 377 of /sites/all/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$export_type is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 377 of /sites/all/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).

Pasted your lines there (too) and the errors were gone.


🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Supplement to my comment #136:
I just realized that for new nodes CKeditor shows up without the checkmark as mentioned above.
But for existing nodes I have to do that.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

#132 applies cleanly on drupal 10.2.2.

CKeditor didn´t show up until I turned on "Always show the summary field" in content type´s form display for the body field.

Is that intended?

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Patch #19 worked fine for media_library_edit 3.0.2, but no more for media_library_edit 3.0.3

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

file_usage does not seem to get touched when a filefield gets deleted.
So we can not even find those files anymore that had been referenced (= used) by the deleted field. At least not in bulk.
All files still keep value "1" in column "status" .
At least this value should have changed after deletion of the field.
Am I wrong?

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

I can confirm that the patch from #12 works as expected.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

As the original poster of this issue I can state that, for my usecase, the answer of #8 (thanks @to bkosborne !) fits best/exactly to what I had been looking for:
You do not reuse single image styles anymore as you did in D7.
In D9/10 and the crop API you can instead

  • with manual crop: (re)use single crop entities
  • or with focal point: set the with and height

for each image style

Of course as soon as you need cropping for different aspect ratios you may need one extra crop entity for each aspect ratio (in case you use manual crops).

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Thanks @marrrc - that worked for me!

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Patch #3 applied cleanly in D 9.5.10 and in D 10.1.5
That´s exactly what I was looking for. Webmasters are now able to edit and therefore also to crop images...
Thanks a lot @xaqrox!

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

#34 doesn´t apply any more after update from drupal 10.1.4 to 10.1.5

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

edit: found it just after my post:
I could change the position in the settings of my bootstrap barrio subtheme.
Under "Components" and then "Messages".

Switched this issue to "works as designed".


🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Same here too.
Hopefully an easy answer for this issue ;-)


🇩🇪Germany 4kant

The answer is almost certainly yes ;-)
I had the same issue. At least it worked when I dragged the purchased entity back into the visible area.
I had then to hide it via CSS. If someone knows another method - welcome!
According to #49 I put this issue back to "fixed".

As of today you will still need to use the dev version of commerce stock, until they make a new stable release.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Needed this today because we had to translate all variation titles (but no title field anywhere, no matter what we tried). Glad I found this issue.

Patch #27 didn´t apply to latest 2.x-dev, so I did that manually.
Works for me actually.

It would be good to have this in the future too.


🇩🇪Germany 4kant

two questions that likely/probably fit into this issue:

  1. In checkout the customer can select the carrier. If that´s intentional: that should be hidden in my case --> I have only UPS so far
  2. Maybe at least a "default" carrier could be set automatically

Anyway - thanks for the module!

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Seems like I have it here too.
I will go on searching but wanted to leave this message here....

If someone can help: very much appreciated.

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

I solved it by using
"Tamper: Strip Tags" with

  • Data: [taxonomy-field]
  • Token name: any_name

In the email I print [any_name].

So now my model is still super simple:

  1. Event: Insert content entity (Type Comment:myComment-Type)
  2. Tamper: Strip Tags
  3. Send an Email

Thanks again!

🇩🇪Germany 4kant

Not yet - I'm sorry ;-)
But I'd like to go on:

How do I "Initialize empty name list"?


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