Account created on 6 March 2014, about 11 years ago

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To support FA5 icons, could a switch be set in the configuration to allow the admin to choose which set of icons to grab. Similar to how Version 4 Compatibility has been done. Then in the patch above it would be a simple check to see if FA5 needs to be used rather than FA6. It doesn't help those icons that are already cached and present on the site but definitely provides backwards compatibility while still allowing us to move forward.

Additionally, not sure if this is specifically related to this but Views are not displaying icons anymore and I have a sneaky suspicion it's a similar issue.

Just implemented this module and found the above issue to be problematic. Thanks for the MR patch until it can be ultimately solved.

I would agree with @penyaskito in that asking our users to redo their menu structure is a better ask than not having the menu structures work at all.

Closing this issue as it looks to be a duplicate of another older issue. 🐛 Custom menu links are not updated when a node is soft-deleted Postponed: needs info

Update: I uninstalled Menu Block and tried it with the regular Drupal menu structure with the same results. It looks like it has to do with the node being moved to trash but the menu item is not. I think this might be true as the menu item is still available to be clicked on in the navigation menu but gives a 404 page for authenticated users. But for anonymous users the menu item is missing completely.

We used the 10.2.1 patch on 10.2.3 with no issues. Very weird issue as it only happened on one of our production servers but could not be reproduced anywhere where, including local. Thank you for this patch, it got us back up and running after 4 days of searching for an answer.


Yes you can apply the patch directly to your composer.json file. Here's an article that outlines how to add a patch to composer.

For all those waiting for the merge, here's a patch. I made it based on the differences between 2.1.2 release and dev branch and included the updates laid out above.

I second asking for a tagged release. We are unable to run the dev version due to security policies so are just waiting for an update to be made to make this stop acting up. I would also settle for a patch on the current released version so we can put this issue to rest until a new release is made.

It looks like this might boil down to the jQueryUI module. I'm not sure if it's directly associated with that module or this module but as it only happens when the Focal Point is enabled for the Media Library and uploading images through a Media field type or the DrupalMedia button in CKEditor. I've narrowed it down to a z-index for core.css being added with the jquery_ui module and think it might be related to how Drupal 10.1 manages loading CSS and JS when it's needed instead of at the initial page load. This goes above my skill level to try to solve but I'll keep digging to see if this helps others who might be a little more skilled in these types of things.

Patch works for me. Thanks for this, thought I was in real trouble when I tested the Drupal update today.

Ignore this. It turned out to be related to a missing configuration in CAPTCHA 2.0 which we were updating manually, which got caught in the Features page due to it searching for that particular configuration which was missing.

Speaking as one of the organizations that used the 5.x branch to have Drupal 10 compatibility. I would have preferred to have an update 3.x branch released at the same time or close to when the 5.x branch was marked as unsupported. Do we have a timeframe on when a Drupal 10 version will be released so those of us that are on Drupal 10 can use a supported version of the module?

DamienMcKenna, thanks for pointing that out I'm still getting used to using the new tools instead of just adding patches. Glad work is progressing.

Oops, I thought I did that. Still needs a review, lol.

To do this properly we should add an exception list for Access Denied like we have Not Found exceptions. Or rename the exception list to indicate it is for both.

Oh I completely missed that, lol. Thanks for setting me straight. Now to wait for Webform to update, allowing 2.x. Issue already added over there.

Question: Why is 8.x-1.10 not compatible with D10 but 8.x-1.9 was. I'm waiting on a few other modules to update their requirements and stuck on 8.x-1.9 for Drupal 10.

In order to use multiple groupBy's in a query they must be separated into separate calls instead of listing them together.

When I updated

$query->groupBy('log.message, log.type');



Analyze logs admin section started working again. I'll see if I can make a patch in a little bit so that it can be committed and fixed.

Looks like it solved itself or was an issue happening locally for me. I withdraw my issue.

Any word on when a release will be made for Drupal 10 compliance? I've run the dev release and it seems to be working perfectly. Unfortunately due to security policies at the office we cannot run dev versions and need a stable release. This is one of the last modules we are waiting on to upgrade to Drupal 10 and would really appreciate a stable release when the maintainers get a chance.

Production build 0.71.5 2024