tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
This will be resolved when GraphQL version 4.7.0 lands the distro.
This comment is introducing the real patch to be applied on Open Social
This patch is provided by GraphQL module at this github issue https://github.com/drupal-graphql/graphql/pull/1364 as it's not a good practice to use a PR to create a patch, I want to upload a version of it to this ticket so I can use it.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
robertragas → credited tbsiqueira → .
Please disregards patch #6, it should be on the following issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/social/issues/3420647 →
DamienMcKenna → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
Agami4 → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
zanvidmar → credited tbsiqueira → .
Agami4 → credited tbsiqueira → .
Agami4 → credited tbsiqueira → .
ribel → credited tbsiqueira → .
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
I'm going to release a new major version for this module, based on the changes that you already provided! Thank you for your work here!
Here is the MR: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/social_pwa/-/merge_requests/8
Please note that tag 8.x-1.4 is already based on branch 2.0.x, this is wrong, so I'm going to fix this by tagging the correct branch versions and releasing a new major 2.0.x version.
This is all going to be done today, I'll update this once it's released.
Hey @kalash-j the issue is that MR !66 is based on branch 8.x-2.x and patch #8 is based on the latest branch 3.0.x this is why the patch is failing, as you can see here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/private_message/-/blob/3.0.x/modules/... the submodule only exists on branch 3.0.x
You can check what branch the MR is using going here: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/private_message/-/merge_requests/66 and checking the target branch that it will be merged to, this information is available at the header right under the title of the issue.
Vasyl Vasylkiv requested to merge issue/private_message-3297888:3297888-automated-drupal-10 into 8.x-2.x 6 months ago
tbsiqueira → created an issue. See original summary → .
tbsiqueira → created an issue. See original summary → .
More information at the following PR
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
Closing as outdated
Closing as outdated
tbsiqueira → created an issue.
tbsiqueira → created an issue.