Alphen aan den Rijn
Account created on 18 April 2008, about 16 years ago
  • Senior Drupal developer at Finalist 

Merge Requests

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🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've just testen the MR. Everything seems to be working fine, so for me, it is ready to be committed.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I will test the patch this week!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've just created a new release. It was time to, I agree ;-)

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

@fgarciap that sounds great! Happy to be able to help!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now fixed and added as a setting on the SSO settings form

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Mmm, I think that happens because it only uses this setting on creation of the user. For now it doesn't update existing users.

To fix this, I've created Update username on login Active that I will look into today.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is fixed in the 5.0.11 release version. On the admin page (/admin/config/system/o365/settings/sso) you can now enter the correct attribute to use for the username. The issue of the screenshot is something different, but it is fixed in the new release as well.

The release is created, it may take some time before it is actually available.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

At this moment we cannot map the attribute. But I will see if I can create a new release with this feature. I can imagine this will happen more often.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Great, I'll create the release ASAP.

About the always login. The o365 module won't fix that for you. The module can redirect your users to Microsoft if you want without interference of the Drupal login form, but it won't handle the permissions as you would like.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

@fgarciap i've just updated the dev version of the module. Could you check this version? I can't reproduce this error anymore.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I would say that deleting their passwords is the most safe way to do this. Otherwise they might still be able to login for instance when using the basic_auth module.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Hi Zach, I've taken a look at your code, and everything seems to be promising. I will make you a maintainer on the module! Thanks for everything!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks, I've applied the patch and created a new 5.0.2 release

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This issue has been inactive, so closing it. All issues should be fixed by now

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

You are welcome. I've just created a new 5.0.4 version.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This should be fixed in the dev branch. Can you confirm?

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I will take a look at this asap!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I totally forgot about this. We now have a setting to log users out of office when logging out of Drupal. This is also set as default in a update hook for security reasons.

You can use release 5.0.3 for this.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn
🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

You should use the 5.x version like you said. I've just set that the 3.x version is not supported anymore.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've reviewed everything on a working intranet we use the module on. Everything is working when using the code in de MR.

I will create a 6.0.x branch to merge this into and start writing documentation on how to upgrade.

Great work everyone!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I will do a check on this code today.

When this works we will have to come up with a strategy on how to release this because this is a major change and may (better yet, will) break working sites. So we probably need to make a 6.0.x branch first before so we can merge this MR into that branch, write documentation on how to upgrade, etcetera.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for the patch. I've applied it and changed it a bit. This is now available in the dev release.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for testing nomisgnos! I've just committed a fix for this issue. When the auto redirect option is enabled a non-existing user will be redirected to the frontpage.

Keep in mind, in some use cases this can still create a infinite loop. For instance when the frontpage itself is a page a user need to be logged in for. Maybe this is something we can improve even more in the future (like a special page that is always accessible).

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This was related to a local patch we add to the module....

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Drupal 10 release is already there. Marking this issue as fixed

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This fixed is now added to the dev branch of the 5.0.x release.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've just added this option to the dev branch. You now have a checkbox in the SSO settings. When enabled, only user that already have an account on the website can login with SSO. Other users will be shown a error.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Hi @vnech, yes i would like to have this added to the module. I just haven't had a lot of time to check this.

In the meantime, the 5.0.x branch has been created, and I think this should be added there as well as all new features will be added there. I've c opied all changes from the MR to a MR for the 5.0.x branch. Everything seems to be working there. I've tested it, and I can login using multiple Azure apps.

Can someone check as well:

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now fixed in the 5.0.x branch. And will be added to the new tagged release coming soon.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This has now been added to the 3.0.x branch dev release, and is added to the new 5.0.0 release tag

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now merged. Thank you!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now merged. Thank you!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

fabianderijk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

fabianderijk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've just marked the 2.x branch as recommended. I've tested this and it now adds the 2 alpha2 release to my site

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for making me a maintainer. I just made batigolix a maintainer as well so we can maintain this module with our company.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Checked it and everything works!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Marking this issue as fixed.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

When already logged in, everything works fine, both as a user from office or a local user. However, when I try to log in using Office some things are broken. Anonymous users aren't redirected to Office anymore.

I've created a patch for your MR. Could you check if everything works for you when you apply the patch and update the MR?

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've just tried to apply the patch so I can check, but this fails:

Checking patch modules/o365_outlook_calendar/src/Plugin/Block/CalendarBlock.php...
Checking patch
Checking patch src/AuthenticationService.php...
Checking patch src/GraphService.php...
error: while searching for:
   * @throws \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException|\GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
  public function getGraphData($endpoint, $type = 'GET', $raw = FALSE, $version = FALSE, $returnType = FALSE) {
    return $this->getData($endpoint, $type, $raw, $version, [], $returnType);

error: patch failed: src/GraphService.php:82
error: src/GraphService.php: patch does not apply

Could you check the patch on the latest 3.0 dev version?

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now committed in the dev release.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

@batigolix I have made some improvements to the documentation. Please keep in mind, when reviewing the that the 4.0.x branch is not used, all updates are pushed on the 3.0.x branch.

Point 10 is still open, this should still be improved

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Removed related content

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Removed from menu

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Updated the documentation

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

More explanation on how to install and configure the module

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Removed from menu

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for the work. This is now fixed and will be added to the upcoming new release!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Can you explain exactly what you are doing? Whenever I place (for example) the latest mail, and upcoming appointments block to the sidebar as a user logged in via o365 I see the blocks and contents. When I log in as a non o365 user everything still works, and I don't get redirected.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks @daffie. This is now pushed and available in the dev version of the module.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Like @phma said, this is still broken because of 🐛 RuntimeException: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent Fixed . That issue contains a MR to fix this, so we can continue there.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for the help and the pointers. I've just created a MR which includes the code from @phma. You can review this.

@phma, regarding the help. You are always welcome in helping this module grow both in usage as in maturity. We are planning to add some test coverage to this module, if you are inclined to help, this would be our main focus for the foreseeable future.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is now fixed in the dev release and will be available in the upcoming release version.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

The patch has been applied, and is available in the dev release. We will create a new release version soon.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

I've created a MR for the new version

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Ahhh, that's a bad mistake we made. I've merged the MR immediately and created a 2.3.2 release. Sorry about that!

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

fabianderijk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks for the MR, merged and marking as fixed

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

fabianderijk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is fixed in the dev version, will create a new release version today.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is fixed in the dev version, will create a new release version today.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is fixed in the dev version, will create a new release version today.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

This is fixed in the dev version, will create a new release version today.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Can you check with the new dev branch? I have just fixed 🐛 YAML filename ends in space, git checkout in windows fails. Fixed which fixes the extra space

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks, I have merged this just now

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

fabianderijk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks, this is merged into the new 2.3.x branch

🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn

Thanks, this is merged into the new 2.3.x branch

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