- Issue created by @ghuygens
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
almost 2 years ago 6:59am 19 May 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn
Can you explain exactly what you are doing? Whenever I place (for example) the latest mail, and upcoming appointments block to the sidebar as a user logged in via o365 I see the blocks and contents. When I log in as a non o365 user everything still works, and I don't get redirected.
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 8:54am 26 May 2023 - 🇧🇪Belgium BramDriesen Belgium 🇧🇪
We are using the dashboards module to place some o365 blocks on the dashboard.
For example it's impossible to as an admin (none o365 user in this case, but a keycloak user) to configure the dashboard. When trying to place any of the o365 blocks, we get a fatal exception thrown, stopping the block from being placed. The issue here is probably that the dashboard/layout builder already tries to render the block, which obviously doesn't work.
Microsoft\Graph\Exception\GraphException: No access token has been provided. in Microsoft\Graph\Http\GraphRequest->__construct() (line 136 of /var/app/vendor/microsoft/microsoft-graph/src/Http/GraphRequest.php).
This patch solves that issue, allowing admins to configure dashboards, and to have the common dashboard with those o365 blocks not crashing on them.
- Status changed to RTBC
almost 2 years ago 9:04am 26 May 2023 - 🇧🇪Belgium BramDriesen Belgium 🇧🇪
Actually RTBC since I verified the fix in one of our projects where @ghuygens applied the patch.
- Status changed to Needs work
almost 2 years ago 10:34am 26 May 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn
I've just tried to apply the patch so I can check, but this fails:
Checking patch modules/o365_outlook_calendar/src/Plugin/Block/CalendarBlock.php... Checking patch o365.services.yml... Checking patch src/AuthenticationService.php... Checking patch src/GraphService.php... error: while searching for: * @throws \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException|\GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException */ public function getGraphData($endpoint, $type = 'GET', $raw = FALSE, $version = FALSE, $returnType = FALSE) { return $this->getData($endpoint, $type, $raw, $version, [], $returnType); } error: patch failed: src/GraphService.php:82 error: src/GraphService.php: patch does not apply
Could you check the patch on the latest 3.0 dev version?
- @bramdriesen opened merge request.
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 11:54am 26 May 2023 - Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs work
almost 2 years ago 12:31pm 26 May 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn
When already logged in, everything works fine, both as a user from office or a local user. However, when I try to log in using Office some things are broken. Anonymous users aren't redirected to Office anymore.
I've created a patch for your MR. Could you check if everything works for you when you apply the patch and update the MR?
- 🇧🇪Belgium BramDriesen Belgium 🇧🇪
I don't see any issue with the additions you've added :)
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 12:48pm 26 May 2023 - Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 2:16pm 25 September 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands fabianderijk Alphen aan den Rijn
This is now fixed in the 5.0.x branch. And will be added to the new tagged release coming soon.
fabianderijk →
committed b5dfc2eb on 5.0.x
Issue #3356893 by BramDriesen, fabianderijk, ghuygens: Check if logged...
fabianderijk →
committed b5dfc2eb on 5.0.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.