@dieterholvoet I just tested on a fresh D11 and while you are correct the DB entry does not exist (I'm not sure when this changed or is dependent on env setup), the session cookie does exist.
The problem isn't that the form itself is uncached, but that with the session cookie all subsequent requests are uncachable by page cache until that cookie is deleted or expired. For a lot of large sites, this usually means bypassing CDN's as well as extra strain on the server while it serves dynamic page cache to anonymous users that would have otherwise been page cached without the cookie.
Hopefully that clears things up.
Ha, was actually just coincidence, I needed this to fix a prod instance today.
I would normally agree about a new test over editing; however, in this case the edit made more sense as the old test is for testing both AND/OR (testMultipleConditions()
) and would have caught this issue in the first place had there been more than one context so I figured the edit made more sense.
Can we get this committed?
Moved to MR, edited existing test to use two different contexts so that the AND/OR conditions are properly evaluated / tested.
Test fails without patch: https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/block_visibility_groups-3503194/-/jobs/...
Test passes with patch: https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/block_visibility_groups-3503194/-/jobs/...
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
b_sharpe → created an issue.
b_sharpe → created an issue.
b_sharpe → created an issue.
MR moved over to core, looks like some cspell and phpstan failures need addressing.
b_sharpe → changed the visibility of the branch 3355485-recipes-unpack to hidden.
Yup, that was it, it wasn't checking for proper values of checkboxes for languages. Try the MR and let me know if works for you as well.
Thank you, it appears this is related to translations which is why I couldn't recreate it. I will take a look
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
hestenet → credited b_sharpe → .
I can't seem to reproduce this. If I don't select override then nothing is triggered. What drupal core version are you on?
Just a new version for 3.7, also adds in a fix for #25 to pass the scheme for stream_flush()
Added unit test to prove new functionality.
Attaching patch simply for composer.
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
My bad, I credited you in the commit which used to do on here as well but has changed since the gitlab change I guess. Updated :)
I believe this just needs a Documentation update. The "Parent" here is technically just the output, and should be included when combining views.
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Merging to move forward the broken tests.
Hard to tell without knowing your setup, but the main problem I can see is you're trying to utilize fields as output, when combining views you MUST use only "Rendered Entity" for the field output
Moved to MR, still needs tests.
b_sharpe → changed the visibility of the branch 3257811-tmp-path to hidden.
Removed Destination, adding patch for composer.
b_sharpe → changed the visibility of the branch 3492997-remove-destination to hidden.
b_sharpe → created an issue.
My guess is you're going to have problems with all sorts of queries if you're trying to join/union between separate DB's.
Drupal technically can work this way, but only if the DB's are on the same server. Most managed hosting these days the DB server is different between DB's which means join/union is not natively supported without FEDERATED storage.
Open to MR's here to solve, but just thought I'd point that out
b_sharpe → created an issue.
Are you just dealing with 🐛 Cannot have div tags inside columns in CKEditor 5 Active ? This was fixed in 2.1.x
b_sharpe → created an issue. See original summary → .
MR for review, adding a todo for D11 change. Also added 📌 Fix Tests, Add Preserve Changed Test Active to test this in the future
b_sharpe → created an issue.
It appears the API here has changed in core. Also as of drupal 11, we can use #2329253.
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Updated project page, thanks both!
Added https://github.com/pfrenssen/coder/issues/238, please review.
Code looks good and works, added comment as I'm not sure if this needs a doc update specific for config actions and/or recipes?
Looks good, test failure was unrelated and passing after rerun 👍
Nice! Tested and working as designed. RTBC
Looks good
Up for discussion, but if I'm wanting to clone an existing config and it doesn't exist, I'd expect an error here rather than just not cloning as this could affect further actions.
Removed my comment as I think base plugins make sense to be named this way as in `entity_create` and have derivatives be camel case. Everything looks great! RTBC
Everything looks good, I'm sure the messaging will always be of debate, but this could always turn to a config option at a later date.
Extremely small fix, otherwise looks good to go
b_sharpe → created an issue.
I agree this should have a label, but the implementation here I think would break some existing installations.
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Added closures and core dependencies to libraries. thanks
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Fixed, thanks
Not currently, each user can decide on dispatch based on the notification group, but not per notification.
Makes sense, MR for review
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Added in
Small typo and suggestion. Code is fine.
Fixed merge conflicts, moving back to review
Related? ✨ Modernize Drupal.ajaxCommands.scrollTop() Active
Fixes the variable not being passed when use cookies is turned off.
b_sharpe → created an issue.
Leaving closed as this is obviously a 4.x thing as mentioned, but the following patch fixes the issues mentioned in #21 as I was having that exact problem of two streams initialized in a single request resulting in incorrect config.
Thanks for the reminder, I had already created a tag but forgot to add the release. Done :)
I was referring to the "New installation methods" section, it seemed somewhat relevant as core builds using webpack. My understanding of an upgrade of CKE in drupal is:
- Update core/package.json
- cd core
- yarn install
- yarn build
- yarn build:ckeditor5-types
What OS / Browser were you testing with? Here is the same thing (Simplytest default install) showing the issue on 15 with Chrome:
b_sharpe → created an issue.
Though in my tests the performance impact is negligible, this makes sense and has no impact on functionality. RTBC
The MR appears to add the domains (if connect/img-src enabled) and nonce value as expected, but I still am getting blocks on scripts added by GTM.
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block a script (script-src-elem) xxx from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src-elem 'self' 'report-sample' http://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com 'nonce-EjwscYt6M7NBaMfSm3IMrw'”
Passing NULL to the entityFieldManager->getFieldDefinitions
is the root here. It really shouldn't happen unless a payment type has been removed improperly, but regardless this will preven't the fatal and fallback to unavailable.
b_sharpe → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@pearls you're using the patch, for composer you need to use the diff: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/rate/-/merge_requests/7.diff
That is not part of this error. All I did was fix the issue of CKE update in which the modal was changed to viewModal: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/inline_responsive_images/-/merge_requ...
b_sharpe → changed the visibility of the branch 3466926-discourage-use-of to hidden.