- Issue created by @biplab_drupal
- Merge request !24Issue #3441810: Memory size get exhausted if we try to use this module in... → (Open) created by b_sharpe
Memory size get exhausted if we try to use this module in system which has 10,000+ users
Allowed memory size of 53687????? bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20???? bytes) in
on line
Try to use this module in a system when has 10,000+ users
There should be a limit apply in the entity search query.
modules\contrib\ckeditor_mentions\src\Plugin\MentionsType\User.php : Line 55
protected function getQuery(): AlterableInterface {
$query = $this->entityManager
$or = $query->orConditionGroup()
->condition('name', $this->getMatch(), 'CONTAINS')
->condition('mail', $this->getMatch(), 'CONTAINS');
return $query->condition($or); // ***** default Limit should be here. *******
I have added limit and its working fine.
return $query->condition($or)->range(0, 1000);