Account created on 29 January 2020, over 4 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Yes, it works. 700+ people are using it. The only possible thing that can disable it is the configuration option (see screenshot)

Apart from field autocomplete it should also autocomplete other stuff. You can check if #theme, #type autocomplete works (check Autocomplete for #theme, if not then I'm not sure what's going on

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hi, to clarify. There is a directory icon where you can choose it.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hi @sime. Thank you for the report. That's a known issue. The only broken thing is IDE no longer knows what is \Drupal::service('blabla'). I'll take a look at it next weekend.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Changing the priority according to Application review Timelines

The priority of applications that have been waiting for a review for more than eight weeks is changed to Critical.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Changing the priority according to Application Review Timelines

The priority of applications that have been waiting for a review for more than three weeks is changed to Major.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Eh, our developer almost finished this implementation, don't want to throw its work away. But I also don't like this thing. I guess we can at least remove all stuff related to this issue, like this->isAttached etc. I will tell him to remove it.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

We cannot attach it "once" because there might be cases when the element to which it was attached was not rendered. e.g. #access = false and all subsequent elements to which it should be attached will not contain a library at all.

So the solution is only one in that case. We can cache result of photoswipe_js_options hook since it does not contain the actual element so users cannot detect which element is used now, so they always return the same result theoretically. It means that we can cache it without worries. By cache, I mean static variable once per request. I don't see reasons why we need to use actual cache

Also if there are override options we should not cache it and trigger our hooks.

That's the only thing that we can do here.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hello @ChristianAdamski is there any reason why you didn't give credits to people who worked on this issue?

Contributions to credit The following are examples of types of contributions that should be recognized:

  • Creating a well-written issue that describes a problem
  • Proposing a solution (either in the form of a patch, or a text comment)
  • ...
🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hi @trickfun I guess you are using an old version of module, because path (libraries/photoswipe/dist/photoswipe.min.js) you provided is not the same as in our librarier /libraries/photoswipe/dist/umd/photoswipe.umd.min.js file.

Other problem could be that you have not cleared cache.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hi @Anybody just to clarify. What we need is to implement 4 formatters - 2 for image (Responsive and Not) 2 for entity_reference (Responsive and Not) Is that correct?

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Here is a link to related project ownership issue where I explained why I'm doing such a change. I just didn't want to make another module on and took the obsolete module and reworked it from scratch.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

So here is a screenshot that shows commits in 2.x branch only.

And here are explanations of what is inside 2.x branch. My initial commit contains 1941 additions and 406 deletions. I've removed all code from 1.x branch. So the 2.x contains all my code.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hello, literally 2.x branch contains all my code. I deleted whole 1.x version when took the module. And reworked it from scratch. So this one commit is literally whole module

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

namespace Drupal\example\EventSubscriber;

use Drupal\ckeditor_mentions\Events\CKEditorEvents;
use Drupal\ckeditor_mentions\Events\CKEditorMentionsEvent;
use Drupal\message\Entity\Message;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class Example implements EventSubscriberInterface {

  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    return [CKEditorEvents::MENTION_FIRST => ['onMention']];

  public function onMention(CKEditorMentionsEvent $event) {
    if ($event->getPlugin()->getPluginId() !== 'user') {

    $notification = Message::create([
      'template' => 'some_template_id',
      'uid' => $event->getMentionedEntity()->id(),



🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur


Check on ckeditor5, it work great
Can you support some module notification please

This is a straightforward implementation in custom code. You just need to react to the Mentions event. I don't see any reason why we need to implement such thing in this module.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hello there. It was a long way. Let's merge it into 3.x branch and create a beta release. I'll create a follow-up ticket for tests adjustment.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Thanks all, great work. I've included once fix in the PR.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

dinazaur made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur


Unfortunately, I no longer need assistance. I have already made a release for D10. And in the future, I will continue to support the module. I just got a bit off track.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

I'm not sure that understand the question, this module is all about form state manipulation, if you want to clear all steps states, you can simply remove all information from form_state. I just don't know what you're doing there.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hello, I had an issue with the styles applied to the modal, especially the backdrop. The patch resolves the issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Fixed a bug that was caused by dialogSettings.options property. It led to unexpected behavior on modals. Sometimes they missed actions, not opened at all.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

It seems that you just closed the issue without even reading the context. Who even said something about Bootstrap 4?

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Okay, I just made a few changes. What's left to do is to implement an upgrade path, and remove unneeded properties from configuration. Apart from that it's ready for review.

🇺🇦Ukraine dinazaur

Hi, I will have a look at this MR over the weekend.

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