andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @deasly, I didn't add a setting but now the column key should be present. You should have something like
["q1___value_13" => "43128", "Q1" => "43128"]
Note that if you apply aggregation and use a field twice then it might worth get the value from the alias key instead of the column based your need. Sorry for the disruption caused by the alias addition.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → created an issue.
nikathone → created an issue.
nikathone → created an issue.
I would say let focus on the reported error like Missing cache backend declaration for performance.
and \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead
if they are not breaking backward compatibility.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Not sure if I am missing something but the fork doesn't contain new codes. I also switched the version to latest chart version and I think this means that the fork might need to be rebased.
I looked at the code and for me this feels like a limited use case. There is a way this can be accomplished from a custom module:
- Implement a hook_library_info_alter and swap the
with a custom js file - Or add a custom js file that override the chart configurations using javascript. Please see the example of the library declaration at and the javascript file overriding the config before highcharts load them can be found at Note the javascript weight in the library file.
Please let us know if this approach doesn't work and we can try to see if the charts module can be updated to include more method to alter the config file.
@jrochate can you open two separate feature request issues for point 1 and 2?
@rex.barkdoll can you try to update to the latest charts version and let us know if you still experiencing this issue?
nikathone → created an issue.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Added related issues that will help with the code added here.
We do have $chart['#view']
. The users can get the view ID from it. We might also need to document this at
Looks good for me.
nikathone → created an issue.
nikathone → created an issue.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → changed the visibility of the branch 3457776-fix-triggers to hidden.
Added the test for views using the filter. This is ready for review.
nikathone → created an issue.
Merge the code to dev.
Marking this fix.
nikathone → created an issue.
Sorting the options ASC without adding any configuration for the user. I think should be kind of expected. @ultimike please let us know if you still think the option to let the user opt in into sorting is needed.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → created an issue.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → created an issue.
Ended up adding more codes that are not related to the issue but I think they are going to help us in the long run especially with the introduction of some test coverage for the main Select.php class.
Some how the MR is mergeable but it contains a commit that I didn't make. Adding a patch file if someone need it for composer patches.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Looks good to me.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → created an issue.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
I was having js errors when attempting to close the modal and the latest code in the MR fix the issue.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .
@sime thank you for the code and the issue. I have updated the code to move the check into a separate function just in case, in the future, we come across another way of checking if a theme is related to Olivero. Let me know if this change still work as expected for you and this issue should be ready for commit.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
My work around was to implement a hook form alter and removed the undefined bundle from being picked up by the content language settings form.
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for language_content_settings_form.
function mycustom_module_form_language_content_settings_form_alter(array &$form, Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, string $form_id) {
// Unset undefined bundle added by the file entity to avoid a LogicException.
// See
if (!empty($form['settings']['file']['undefined'])) {
I also think a solution should be implemented in this module because it's the one that introduced the undefined bundle. Setting this to major because it's stopping people with translation enabled to update the settings for content language.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@cdeces can you give the MR a try? It should solve the issue. You might also need to re-save the view.
nikathone → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
If the test pass which I think it will, this should be committed. Also @lars.stiebenz please don't change the version because that's where the commit will be applied to. Also let see if we can get another person than me and you to RTBC. Thanks for the patch.
Let see if the tests will pass. Also is there a way you can provide a sample code of how the override is done?
andileco → credited nikathone → .
nikathone → created an issue.
nikathone → created an issue.
+++ b/src/Element/Chart.php
@@ -202,12 +203,11 @@ class Chart extends RenderElement implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
+ throw new PluginNotFoundException($plugin->getChartName(), 'Chart type @type not supported by @plugin', [
+ '@type' => $type_name,
+ '@plugin' => $plugin->getChartName(),
+ ]);
Maybe we should throw a logic exception here instead of the plugin not found one. This could be something like throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The provided chart type "%s" is not supported by "%s" chart plugin library.', $type_name, $plugin->getChartName()));
If you agree with the above then we should also update the test to catch the logic exception.
+++ b/tests/src/Kernel/ChartTypeSupportTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ $this->expectException(PluginNotFoundException::class);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($this->renderer->renderRoot($element));
I don't think we need to assert that the element is not empty since our primary goal is to check for the exception. However we need to change the expected exception to $this->expectException(\LogicException::class);
and also maybe check for the expected message to see if it includes our "not_supported" type and the "charts_test_library" something like $this->expectExceptionMessage('The provided chart type "not_supported" is not supported by "Charts Test Library" chart plugin library.');
should do.
+++ b/tests/src/Kernel/ChartTypeSupportTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ $element = [
+ '#type' => 'chart',
+ '#library' => 'charts_test_library',
+ '#chart_type' => 'bar',
+ ];
+ // Assert that bar chart type is supported. The chart should be rendered.
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($this->renderer->renderRoot($element));
This part is already covered by If for example in that test they were using a not supported type the test would fail.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
Did a quick review of the code and some initial manual test. I think we need to create a follow up issue for adding test coverage or commit the current patch, then change its status to needs work and tag it with need tests.
andileco → credited nikathone → .
Can we get a new release that contains the latest update?
Which theme are you using?
andileco → credited nikathone → .
andileco → credited nikathone → .