Pilsen (Czechia)
Account created on 1 June 2012, about 12 years ago

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🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Bohus Ulrych created an issue.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

MR 14 generates error

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error: Class 'AccessResult' not found in unpublished_node_permissions_node_access() (line 67 of modules/contrib/unpublished_node_permissions/unpublished_node_permissions.module).

After adding missing line
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
it seems that it works and solved the problem with translations.


🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi all,
I had same problem.
I have node field "Documentation Type", in search index I set machine name to "type". In facet I enabled "List item label", but still keys were displayed instead of labels.
This patch fixed it. Applied on latest 3.0.x-dev (updated 10 Nov 2023 at 13:56 UTC) version.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi, this problem appeared on my site as well.
Patch seems to be working well, but I hesitate to use it - also from performance point of view.
In my situation is maybe better to use grant permission "Link to any page", as suggested here https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3101344#comment-13394820 🐛 Cannot save translated nodes after upgrading to 8.8 due to invalid path Needs review This solved my problem too.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Patch still works with Drupal 10.2
IMHO this is so important, that it should be released ASAP.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

In my case this was enough just reload PHP
service php8.2-fpm reload

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Yes! #18 works even when clicked on the image.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hello @nitrocad,
thank you for patch #11 - it works.

Still my problem with private files remains (see #4), previously related to file_create_url(), but still the same for \Drupal::service('file_url_generator').

You can try this:

$uri = 'public://';
$absolute = \Drupal::service('file_url_generator')->generateAbsoluteString($uri);

This will work.
But when you use private scheme

$uri = 'private://';

You will get an error:

Parameter "filepath" for route "system.private_file_download" must match ".+" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL.

My dirty hack from #8 still works. And I found this similar issue with very similar hack https://www.drupal.org/project/imce/issues/3371499 🐛 Parameter "filepath" for route "system.private_file_download" must match ".+" Fixed

With this patch for replacing filefield_paths in the text field, I have one more problem. I'm using save_edit module; but this is not problem of the module, but the approach. Idea is to save node and return back to the node edit page/form.
I created simple hook_form_alter() where I'm calling my custom submit function, with redirect back to the node edit page
But this way, in the Ckeditor is displayed old, /system/files/filefield_paths/... path. But field it self, if I will check database or dump this field, is already using replaced path /system/files/replaced_path... ! If I click on the node edit link (or reload the page), then suddenly correct replaced variant is there.
Do you have any idea what is happening and how to solve it?

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

FYI Patch #57 works with the latest Drupal 10.1.6

But #59 can't be applied, maybe works only with the latest core dev?
Drush error: Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-12-02/2503893-59-fix-string-reg...

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Patch #13 now works for me without any problem. Thanks!

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi all,
FYI patch #27 can be applied on the version 6.1.2 too.

I'm on the English node, creating link to the English version of another node. Both pages are untranslated.
In the Japanese version of the site the link is correctly using path with language prefix (/jp/node/nid)
(don't forget to check "Use the current entity language ... " on the CKEditor / Linkit URL convertor settings)

In my case, I'm not happy to see in URL /jp/node/nid for untranslated pages. Therefore my own customization creates aliases for untranslated pages based on the original language. So it could be like /jp/my-title. But in such case, after applying patch, I will get URL /my-title (to the original language) instead of expected version with prefix /jp/my-title
I found that this is because in this version of the patch were removed modification in Substitution plugins (e.g. Plugin/Linkit/Substitution/Canonical.php) - compared to the #6. After applying this part of patch it works according to my expectations.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi, yes, I can confirm that it is not possible to install it with composer.
Don't know how to install it with "merge request !4", but it looks good IMHO.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

I tested patch #2 and it works.

I also tested patch from merge request !7 (https://git.drupalcode.org/project/tac_lite/-/merge_requests/7.patch) and after applying it I'm no longer able to access /user/{user}/tac_lite page - Access denied. Tested as user with Administrator role.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

FYI patch #42 still works, tested on Drupal 10.1.6
Patches posted later doesn't work - tested with View with exposed filters using views_embed_view(), where is attached Data export display (module views_data_export, reported in issue 3166881 of this module).

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi there, patch from #42 still works and solves the issue with wrong exposed form action path. And is the only one, newer don't work.
Tested with views_data_export 1.4 on the latest Drupal 10.1.6

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi all,
yes, this patch fixed my very same issue

module version 3.0.0
drupal version 10.1.6

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

It works. Thank you very much!

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi all,
I discovered that patch is drupal-10-readiness.patch is not good.
Together with drupal-lenient it allows you to install this module (syntax is ok), but functional is broken.

Problem is in the line replacing module_load_invoke, in the default_menu_link.module
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude($pathInfo['extension'], $moduleName, $directory . '/' . $pathInfo['filename']);
is wrong, it should be
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude($moduleName, $pathInfo['extension'], $directory . '/' . $pathInfo['filename']);

After this change it works well with 10.1.5

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Hi all,

only first patch replace_jquery_once_with_core_once.patch works as expected.

The other one - paragraphs-browser-jquery-once-d10.patch - fixes errors in the console, but functionality doesn't work.
Goal of this Drupal.behaviors.PBStyling was to enable whole fieldset clickable. But now it doesn't work, because
* e.target.matches catches img tag and also it's parent div, only when you click outside then condition (e.target.matches('.paragraphs-browser-paragraph-type')) is try
* but still then it seem that inputElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('mousedown')); do nothing


🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

I have similar issue with contrib module disable_field, which can set field as disabled.
But improved_multi_select still replace such field with it's own widget.
My current workaround is to define selector with addition condition

IMHO this should be done automatically in the improved_multi_select.js

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

Patch works with Drupal 10.1.2 and PHP 8.2.8
It would safe time to release new module version, I spend few minutes searching for solution how to fix this error warning message.

🇨🇿Czech Republic Bohus Ulrych Pilsen (Czechia)

I tested 2532200-64-9.5.x.patch (#64) and it seems to be working well. Tested with Drupal 9.5.1

Production build 0.69.0 2024