Account created on 12 October 2011, over 13 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Hi guys,

Thank you for being interested in the module. I would recommend removing the lines below from the ReadmehelpMarkdown class.

 *   settings = {
 *     "quick_tips" = "",
 *   },

It's optional, see:

Also, please update code in the ReadmeHelpController class:

$admin_tasks = \Drupal::service('system.module_admin_links_helper')->getModuleAdminLinks($name);

Inject the service as a dependency of the class.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

The above solution works for me.

The window object is replaced with the document and deprecated jQuery .scroll() with the .on("scroll").


🇪🇪Estonia drugan

drugan made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

I've tried the #8 🐛 Use theme function for ajax progress Fixed solution to remove the throbber but to no avail.

Can somebody please to explain the rationale behind this throbber or give an advice on how to remove it?

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Hi guys,

There is specific issue for migrating to use storybook module:

Remove Deprecatred dependancy - cl_server Needs work

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


I am not sure how people will figure out how to make it working adding just one-liner change in the code.

Please, modify the so we can set up the server just by copy-paste-run commands provided in the file.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

@Joe Huggans

Or is it just the CIA installed 2014 Ukraine government you support?

I see your comment as an insult to the Ukrainian people.

As for the "innocent people" on the Russian side, I'd remember your own country history where ALL German people were punished disregarding of their attitude to the Nazi government.

There is no collective guilt, but collective punishment still exists.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Thank you for kind words!

Yes, the main reason for the theme being in beta version is the SDC experimental status. You can notice that all *component.yml files contain just one attributes property. This is because the schema does not allow union type declaration, which is required when some component has an optional property or a combination of scalar and object types. See more:

Allow union and intersection types for SDC object properties, just like PHP does Active

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

I have the same issue when having just one domain in the select list. So the AJAX redirect to the currently selected domain cannot be initiated. I want a domain admin to manage just this particular domain without granting them the "Set the default configuration for all sites" permission.

If I manually add the domain_config_ui_domain query parameter in the browser address bar and reload the page, then it works as expected.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

The MR !3 properly injects dependencies without causing the Circular reference fatal.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


I think there should be some other way to fix the Circular reference fatal.

Also, because of the issue name we need to fix all Drupal 10 compatibility errors, not just that fatal:

drugan@multidomains-web:/var/www/html$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyze --level=0 web/modules/contrib/domain_role
Note: Using configuration file /var/www/html/phpstan.neon.
 7/7 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   domain_role.module                                                            
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  104    Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict comparison.                 
  114    Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  115    Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $newroles might not exist.  
  118    Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $newroles might not exist.  
  133    Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict comparison.                 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Authentication/Provider/DomainCookie.php                             
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  37     Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given.               
  45     Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict comparison.            
  55     Call to deprecated function user_roles():                                
         in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use                  
           \Drupal\user\Entity\Role::loadMultiple() and, if necessary, an inline  
           implementation instead.                                                
  58     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.             
  58     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.             
  63     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.             
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Entity/DomainUser.php                                                     
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  38     Call to deprecated function user_role_names():                                
         in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use                       
           \Drupal\user\Entity\Role::loadMultiple() and, if necessary, an inline       
           implementation instead.                                                     
  52     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  52     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  74     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  80     Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  86     Method Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser::addRole() should return          
         $this(Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser) but return statement is missing.  
  101    Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  103    Method Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser::removeRole() should return       
         $this(Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser) but return statement is missing.  
  120    Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  123    Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  129    Call to function in_array() requires parameter #3 to be set.                  
  135    Variable property access on $this(Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser).      
  136    Variable property access on $this(Drupal\domain_role\Entity\DomainUser).      
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   tests/src/Functional/LoadTest.php                                                                   
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  32     Return type mixed of method Drupal\Tests\domain_role\Functional\LoadTest::setUp() is not covariant  
         with return type void of method Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::setUp().                              
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     Ignored error pattern #^Dynamic call to static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert# was not matched in  
     reported errors.                                                                                      
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 [ERROR] Found 26 errors                                                                                       
🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Doesn't that violate the dependency injection requirement?

The DomainCookie::getUserFromSession() method is called on each page view, so it may become a performance issue.

Anyway, if we go the way suggested, then the DomainCookie::__construct() method can be omitted at all.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


I've tested your patch and all additions work great. Especially collapsing tags and adding a fragment of the currently expanded operation to the URL.

And yes, the configuration form would be useful. For example, there might be a case when you want to have a bird eye view on all the tags' operations expanded. If we go that way, obviously more defaults might be added so you can set up the UI exactly for your needs.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Rate your excitement about SDC in core: 1 ... 10 | N/A


Rate your excitement about potential contrib extending SDC: 1 ... 10 | N/A


Rate our documentation: 1 ... 10 | N/A


Did you 1️⃣ refactor existing template into a component, or did you 2️⃣ write a component from scratch? 1 | 2

1 & 2

Rate the helpfulness of error messages encountered: 1 ... 10 | N/A


Have you tried the Storybook integration? Yes | No


Any thoughts you would like to share? The sky is the limit

While creating SDC components, I've found that only Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute class might be set as a property type in the *.component.yml file. It will be good to use other Drupal classes too.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

The reason why it is a textfield is quantity might be integer as well as decimal type of a number too:

1, 123, 0.1, 1.123, 1235.6789, etc ...

So to implement a number field type here we also need to dynamically set #step property of the field based on its settings on an order item type. Which we don't know in advance before a customer has selected variation (type) in the list.

To grasp the complexity of the task you can install commerce_xquantity module and try to play with different quantity number types. It is quite a legal case when some Drupal Commerce site sell its products measured by kilo+grams or liter+milliliters or any other similar unit.

In my mind this game is not worth the candle. Much simpler would be to set a placeholder on the field giving possible value hint for a customer.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Just as an alternative for the solution above you can create database sql view instead and use it as a virtual table to display its fields in a Drupal view using the VDC module.

See how it could done for the mysql database driver:

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Please, see the bottom of the #4 comment:

[ERROR] Found 29 errors

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


This issue is not about coding standards. Instead, it deals with the Drupal 10 compatibility errors which you can find in the #4 comment 📌 Fix Drupal 10 compatibility related errors Needs work .

As soon as we fix compatibility errors then we can start fixing coding standards errors.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

@Patryk Padus

The related issue is to look for the diff introduced so now we need to adjust Commerce Bulk for those changes.

Particularly, Drupal Commerce added some methods for a product type like getVariationTypeIds().

Before the current issue is fixed the Commerce Bulk should be disabled in case when multiple variation types are used on some of the product types. Otherwise Drupal Commerce will throw fatal error if it ,,sees,, an attempt to call getVariationTypeId() method on such kind of a product type.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

We need to add support for this Drupal Commerce feature:

Single product with multiple variation types Fixed

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

As a minimum we need to fix the following errors:

drugan@test-commerce-marketplace-web:/var/www/html$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -l 0 web/modules/contrib/commerce_marketplace/
 38/38 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Form/MarketplaceForm.php                                                                          
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  117    Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and an error will  
         be thrown from drupal:10.0.0. Call \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck() with TRUE  
         or FALSE to specify whether access should be checked.                                                 
         💡 See                                                            
  131    Method Drupal\commerce_marketplace\Form\MarketplaceForm::save() should return int but return          
         statement is missing.                                                                                 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Form/MarketplaceProductForm.php                                                   
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  24     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Form/MarketplaceShippingMethodForm.php                                                           
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  22     Method Drupal\commerce_marketplace\Form\MarketplaceShippingMethodForm::save() should return int but  
         return statement is missing.                                                                         
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/MarketplaceAccessControlHandler.php                                                               
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  25     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead                          
  30     Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and an error will  
         be thrown from drupal:10.0.0. Call \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck() with TRUE  
         or FALSE to specify whether access should be checked.                                                 
         💡 See                                                            
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceEntityTypeInfo.php                                                                    
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  43     Unsafe usage of new static().                                                                        
         💡 See:                    
  61     Method Drupal\commerce_marketplace\MarketplaceEntityTypeInfo::entityOperation() should return array  
         but return statement is missing.                                                                     
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceNodeTypeListBuilder.php                                                
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  21     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceOrderItemTypeListBuilder.php                                           
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  20     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceProductTypeListBuilder.php                                             
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  20     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/MarketplaceProductVariationAccessControlHandler.php                       
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceProfileTypeListBuilder.php                                             
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  20     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/MarketplaceShippingMethodAccessControlHandler.php                         
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  48     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/MarketplaceStorage.php                                                                            
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  101    Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and an error will  
         be thrown from drupal:10.0.0. Call \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck() with TRUE  
         or FALSE to specify whether access should be checked.                                                 
         💡 See                                                            
  249    \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead                          
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/MarketplaceVariationTypeListBuilder.php                                           
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  20     Access to an undefined property                                                       
         💡 Learn more:  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceClearOwnerLimit.php                              
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceClearStoreTypeLimit.php                          
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceIncreaseOwnerLimitByOne.php                      
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceIncreaseStoreLimitByOne.php                      
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceMarkAsDefault.php                                
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  25     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceMarkAsOwnerDefault.php                           
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  23     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceSetOwnerLimitToOne.php                           
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Action/MarketplaceSetStoreLimitToOne.php                           
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  24     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/MarketplaceNameFormatter.php                  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  38     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
  41     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/MarketplaceTypeLabelFormatter.php             
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  58     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
  82     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 [ERROR] Found 29 errors            
🇪🇪Estonia drugan

This issue has been fixed in the 1.0.0-beta3 release.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

This issue has been fixed in the 1.0.0-beta3 release.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

@Ashutosh Ahirwal Have you tested the theme?

There is no sense to fix coding standards, typos and similar tasks if, for example some project has fatal errors preventing it from working at all. From you post I see the theme is placed into modules folder instead of the themes:


Before this project will get its stable release please don't use DrupalPractice while checking coding standards.

The version: VERSION line was used for developing purposes and now might be removed. Notice that line will be added by the generate-theme command again into file when generating new theme out of the etc:

The Class definition is empty (empty rule) error is expected. Example:

[data-component-id="etc:menu_local_tasks"] {
  /* Add your styles here */

I found it very convenient for developing when you click at some element in a browser dev tools and see which .css file is responsible for theming of the element (component). Even if it has no any specific rules defined yet. Hope you will found it useful too. A rule for the error might be excluded in the theme's phpcs.xml file.

The same with the Line exceeds 80 characters in files. It is very rare case when this file is open in a text editor for reading. People either read it online on a page or use tools like . Additionally, there are a lot of modules allowing to render this file directly on a Drupal site. So this error also should be excluded in the phpcs.xml file.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Further development will continue in the 2.0.x branch which is already compatible with Drupal ^9.4 || ^10.

The 8.x-1.x-dev branch might get changes for critical issues only.

📌 Drupal 10 compatibility Fixed

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

The module has good test coverage, please run tests before asking for review.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Changes in the file are not related to this issue which says:

t() calls should be avoided in class

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Please, fix Drupal coding standards errors introduced by your changes.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

This issue has been fixed in the 2.x version of the module.

Please upgrade your installation.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

This issue has been fixed in the 2.x version of the module.

Please upgrade your installation.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Readmehelp dependency removed in the 2.x version of the module.

Please, upgrade your installation.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Okay, now the module has a great test coverage so there shouldn't be bugs anymore.

Closing it.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Adjusted the runRandomNumberDecimalFieldTest() method to newly added constraints.

This is for xdecimal filed stress testing using random generated value, min and max.

I think it might be overhead to run this method each time in automatic testing but for debugging purposes you can change "run" prefix for "test" and see what happens.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


I created custom valid step and min and max constraint validators. So now saving xnumber value programmatically works the same as doing it from the UI.

Also, I added to the XnumberFieldTest a few lines to save an integer or float (non-string) value on entity xnumber field.

Please check it in your environment and if it's okay I will create 2.0.0-beta1 release.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

As you see it is still unmergeable.

Please, properly merge upstream first.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Thanks for reporting.

The reason is that xnumber whenever possible relies on string numbers which actually you get while using a number form widget in the UI.

I've fixed it and now trying to add more tests for saving non-string numbers programmatically on entity field.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


After the 2.0.0-beta1 release 8.x version of the module will not get changes anymore except critical ones.

Please, fix merge issues and do not forget to follow Drupal git commit guidelines.

Hint: Just copy it from the prompt below.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Because now we have 2.0.0-beta1 version compatible both with 9.x and 10.x core versions so the 8.x version of the module will not get any changes any more except critical ones.

Closing this issue.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

I've ran functional and javascript test on 9.4 and 10.1.2 versions.

I am not sure if there is any sense to merge these changes into 8.x version of the module? If it's true please someone merge upstream and run both tests on the latest 8.x core version to verify that is working there too.

I am going to make 2.0.0-beta1 release tomorrow.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


Further development will continue in the 2.0.x branch.

Please, try to fix the following errors and test your changes manually on each of the latest 9.x and 10.x versions:

drugan@test-xattributes-web:/var/www/html$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -l 0 web/modules/contrib/commerce_xattributes-3383392/
 13/13 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   modules/commerce_cattributes/commerce_cattributes.module                                            
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  45     Inner named functions are not supported by PHPStan. Consider refactoring to an anonymous function,  
         class method, or a top-level-defined function. See issue #165                                       
         ( for more details.                                   
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   modules/commerce_cattributes/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/CorrectProductVariationAttributesWidget.php  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  120    Unsafe usage of new static().                                                                          
         💡 See:                      
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Form/XattributesProductVariationTypeForm.php                                                   
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  92     Method Drupal\commerce_xattributes\Form\XattributesProductVariationTypeForm::save() should return  
         int but return statement is missing.                                                               
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 [ERROR] Found 3 errors                                                                                        
🇪🇪Estonia drugan

The test is failing:

drugan@my-xnumber-web:/var/www/html$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c web/core/ web/modules/contrib/xnumber/
PHPUnit 9.6.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Testing /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/xnumber
EREEEE                                                              6 / 6 (100%)E

Time: 00:10.036, Memory: 4.00 MB

There were 6 errors:

1) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testNumberIntegerField
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.


2) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testNumberDecimalField
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.


3) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testNumberFloatField
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.


4) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testNumberFormatter
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.


5) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testCreateNumberFloatField
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.


6) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testCreateNumberDecimalField
Exception: Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.



There was 1 risky test:

1) Drupal\Tests\xnumber\Functional\XnumberFieldTest::testNumberIntegerField
This test did not perform any assertions


Tests: 6, Assertions: 0, Errors: 6, Risky: 1.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

I manually tested it all the actions with the core 9.5.9 version. Hope that will work for earlier ^9 versions too.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

There is dependency on the readmehelp_converter_service() which should be replaced with similar functionality or applied conditionally.

Also, the dependency in the file should be removed too.

Please, do not forget to manually test your changes on all the actions available.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Quick and dirty compatibility fixes. Everything else might be done later.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Okay, I've missed that keys for the value are different in 10.x and 11.x versions:

  • system.css_js_query_string
  • asset.css_js_query_string

Will try to set both keys to make it really compatible.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Basically it is the same as the core 11.x asset.query_string service does:

I replicated the same logic to make the module compatible with earlier versions of 10.x core.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Seems there is confusion with the module's branches. You can find the config path above at the 1.x but the issue is posted for 2.x version:

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Let's see if that will not break anything...

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

I am not able to reproduce it. Even if all Readmehelp modules are disabled on the /admin/config/system/readmehelp-settings page we get an empty array here:

$readmehelp_modules = \Drupal::config('readmehelp.settings')

As for the second error you do not need to depend on the Readmehelp in your custom modules anymore. It scans all enabled modules and if some of them has no hook_help() implementation and has in its directory then it will be rendered on a /admin/help/your_module page.

You can manually disable / enable the Readmehelp support on the settings page above. If you are unsure which modules are eligible for this kind of support just reinstall the Readmehelp and it will discover that for you automatically.

See more: 📌 Allow using the readmehelp for all modules with no module help. Fixed

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Add an example how to add html attributes to a local task. The same applies to a local action defined in a example_module.links.action.yml file.

🇪🇪Estonia drugan

Hi @shivam_tiwari,

The readmehelp dependency is already fixed on the 2.0.x branch. Additionally, to make the module fully compatible with the core's ^10 version wee need to rewrite the XnumberFieldTest.php. See #17 comment.

Because we have the Extended number field types so at the very least we need guarantee the Drupal Core functionality for these types.

For the beginning you can just copy two files below into our Tests folder. Then replace 'integer', 'decimal', 'float' field types in the files for our 'xinteger', 'xdecimal' and 'xfloat'.

The same with the field widget type: 'number' -> 'xnumber'. After that just create a list of what we've extended in the core's functionality and add specific test methods for that in the files:

🇪🇪Estonia drugan


Let's make it compatible with the ^9.5 || ^10 versions.

You can commit --amend and then push --force into your MR branch.

Production build 0.71.5 2024