🇳🇿New Zealand @davidwhthomas

Account created on 7 June 2007, about 17 years ago

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🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Thanks for the update!

I can confirm eca_cm is working with eca.

To update I ran

composer require 'drupal/eca_cm:^1.0'
composer require 'drupal/eca:^2.0'
drush cr

and then resaved my ECA models

Tested ECA invoke and working, thanks again for the quick update.

I'll also checkout the BPMN modeller in the near future, all good for now.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Just noting I also hit this issue after the Drupal core 10.3.0 upgrade today. It caused significant noticeable site slowdown with many similar log entries.
The workaround approach in #14 🐛 [Config] Warning: Entity view display 'node.article.default': Component 'comment' was disabled because its settings depend on removed dependencies. Active helped to fix the issue for now, with thanks.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Tested and working here too, with thanks for the WSOD fix.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

I'm not sure if it's the same for your case, but I had to choose the "full" pager in the view and not the "mini" pager. Then the pagination data was correct.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

I ended up implementing a token refresh workflow using the session cookie as the refresh token.

It has some benefits, such as

  • The /jwt/token path accepts cookie auth
  • The session cookie as the refresh token is created automatically on login and removed on logout.
  • The session lifetime settings control the refresh token validity period.
  • To revoke the refresh token, the session can be closed or deleted.
🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Thanks for this patch. Tested and working.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Just noting the session cookie name is a hash based on the site host name and base path or cookie domain setting.

the details can be found here. https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21lib%21Drupal%21Core%21Session%2...

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Just noting, another way to get a pseudo-random item is, if you get or know the total number of items, you can add a random page "offset" value within that item count to return random item from the set.

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Adding some screenshots to illustrate, with thanks for the useful module!

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Thanks, confirming this fixed the same pager error I was having in D10

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Just noting the entity_view_mode is available via the REST API.

For easy endpoint visibility and configuration, install  https://www.drupal.org/project/restui first

Then enable the "Entity view display" resource

It can be requested, for example, at: https://example.com/entity/entity_view_display/node.article.default

🇳🇿New Zealand davidwhthomas

Just noting I used this patch #51 to successfully migrate node domain data into Drupal 10:

I added this to the migration yaml:

id: custom_d7_node_domain_access
# Other migration yaml then
  # Needs this plugin
  plugin: d7_node_domain_access
  # Example node type
  node_type: article
  # Other node fields then domain fields
        plugin: sub_process
        source: domain_access_node
          target_id: target_id
        plugin: get
        source: domain_all_affiliates
        plugin: get
        source: domain_source

and ran the migration with drush:

drush migrate:import custom_d7_node_domain_access

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