🇬🇧United Kingdom @freelylw

Account created on 17 April 2007, almost 18 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I don't know where to check the problem since the site completely dead. but my hosting support providing me with this ( I don't know where he got this since there is nothing showing on the screen ) :

Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: "The "entity_bundle:node" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\rules\Core\ConditionManager are: rules_list_contains, rules_user_is_blocked, rules_entity_is_of_type, rules_data_is_empty

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I used the command " composer update! , there was on problem during the update.
my site was there for year without problem, no change on any server configuration, so I don't know what server configuration means here. what can I do to check the problem ?

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I recreated the whole views and the layout builder page and I found out the problem which is from the views pager, when I am using the pagers except the full pager, the problem gone, when I am using the full pager, the problem appear on the layout builder page. I am using the default olivero theme, when I change to another theme , the problem seems gone.

So the problem is in between the views full pager, layout builder and the default olivero theme.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

so is this a bug or not on , I can't display table views right on the page now, what do you suggest ? Thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

what you saying is just one type of scenario, think about the wiki type, every user should only able to edit the published version but not an unpublished draft version from someone they don't know.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

the revision created by User2 which has not been approved/published by admin, how come the User3/User4/User5.. can see it and edit it ? the User3/4/5/. should edit the published version and create their own revision.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

any solution for this ? or I can only hide it through css.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Hi, the problem stays as the same. I have enabled the "View any unpublished content permission for anonymous user" already.

I repeat the process:

1: Anonymous user create a node in draft.
2: Admin publish the node
3: Anonymous user edit/save the node to create a revision.
4: anonymous user gets 2 message on the site : "node has been updated" and " You are not authorised to access this page."

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

problem stay in 1.17, anyone has idea for how to fix this please.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Thanks, I added the draggable weight field, it has another weight showing on the view, please see below,

once I hide the weight field, this weight still showing on the view for anoymous user and user can even enter into the box

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

thanks, problem gone after update the database.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

There are 2 Horizontal images ( grey box) that showing in the mobile screenshot which is not responsive, I am using the Bartik theme, but I tested on Olivero is the same result.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I done the https part as I said there is no error that showing on the configuration page for the https thing, but I am still getting this host name error.

I now redirect all the https://abc.com to https://www.abc.com to solve this problem temporary.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

got this problem again in my drupal 9, after upgrade the core to 10, the problem stay exist

https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs/issues/3404000 🐛 The website encountered an unexpected error. ( problem with layout builder ) Active

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I noticed this problem caused from 2 place :

1: I have a view which has a image field that related from a paragraph, when I set the image link to its content, this problem is showing on the view and the log, when I set the image link to nothing, this problem gone from the view.

2: Once I set the image link to nothing, the view is works normal now, but when I add this view as block into another node which I have set as a "layout builder" page, the page dead immediately .

So seems the paragraph view has problem with the layout builder.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

so for those "You must add the following contributed modules and reload this page." and "You must add the following contributed themes and reload this page", do I need to download the 9.x version and upload them now or what should I do with these ? thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

before i upgrade to 10, I checked the module/update page, there is nothing there, so what else should I do please?

one question : for the ckeditor, it's drupal10 now, should I download/upload the ckeditor4 back to the module folder ? or what should I do now please ? thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

after clear the site cache through mysql, the site is coming back now, but with errors, I can't run the update.php, it give me the message below, ( seems the ckeditor is a problem, what should I do with it ? )

Database updates
Out of date
Some modules have database schema updates to install. You should run the database update script immediately.
Incompatible modules
The following modules are installed, but they are incompatible with Drupal 10.1.6:
Entity Limit
jQuery UI Accordion

Review the suggestions for resolving this incompatibility to repair your installation, and then re-run update.php.
Removed core modules
You must add the following contributed modules and reload this page.
Quick Edit
These modules are installed on your site but are no longer provided by Core.
For more information read the documentation on deprecated modules.
Removed core themes
You must add the following contributed themes and reload this page.
These themes are installed on your site but are no longer provided by Core.
For more information read the documentation on deprecated themes.
Unresolved dependency
ckeditor (Missing)
CKEditor Color Button requires this module.
Unresolved dependency
ckeditor (Missing)
Panel Button requires this module.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

solved, it works by using the ""User ID from route context"" in the "Contextual filters/The username of the content author/Content: Authored by/Provide default value/ "

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I am upgrading to the latest 9.x version before upgrade to 10, but this happening before I start to upgrade to 10, so please tell me I don't need to do anything with this and I just need to upgrade to 10 directly. thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

solved, thanks, my site php in 8.0, but my cpanel account php in 7.3, this was te problem, I use this command to update then solved the problem : /usr/local/bin/ea-php82 /opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer update

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I don't see there is a "Tracker" module, but there is "Activity Tracker (Deprecated)" showing on my list, should i use this but its "deprecated"....

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

my php version is : 8.0, but it still doesn't work

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I am using this below now : but still there is nothing showing on the view

"Contextual filters/The username of the content author/Content: Authored by/Provide default value/
User ID from logged in user ( Exception value: all )

I don't see there is a "Content: Author uid" in the Contextual filters, there is only a "The user ID of the author of the current revision", so I am selecting the "The username of the content author" which seems doesn't work.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I am having the same problem now in drupal 10:

with : Configure contextual filter: Content: Authored by : Provide default value, user ID from logged user

exception value : all.  but there is nothing showing on the list, have you found out the way to do this please ? thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Do we already have a solution for this since this post from 2017 but I am still looking for a way to hide the term ID on the autocomplete field, please advise, thanks

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

solved, problem caused by the use of token in another module

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I have an issue my rules action can't send email out by using the token [node:author:mail], but it works if I use a fixed email address like abc@gmail.com. I got the similar log message like above. please see this post 🐛 Can't send email out by using token [node:author:mail] Active

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I can't remember exactly, I installed the "Content Moderation Notifications" module which require the workflow and Content Moderation both module installed, I was play around the workflow to publish and unpublish the nodes, maybe I was deleting some nodes, then suddenly happened.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

this is the node/node_field_data table, I have not deleted the node types, they are still showing on the admin/structure/types page without problems.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Thanks, I am adding the comparison data, but plese suggest what's data value I should add, I don't see there is an option like “TRUE" or "False" that I can selected.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

on the rules event, there are only few flagging options like "after saving flagging entity".. I don't see there is option like I can send email after node flagged, please advise, thank you.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

freelylw created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

@xmacinfo "Drupal 10/11 has a better chance of disappearing than Drupal 7.“ from that usage page, the d9+D10 has more than 300k usage already, its getting closer to the D7, which makes the drupal team won't go back to D7 anymore, so the question is where D7 should go, EOL is just something temporary, becasue no one fix those modules anymore, I use commerce a lot, the 7x and 8x version both has similar about 20k usage, I guess the flight will continue far longer than 2025, by the end, we need a solution for where D7 to go, I personally think it should be more than "eol" solution.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

@richardp I guess eventually there will be a way between D7 and backdrop coz there are still around 400k websites, one of the problem for D7 is no one continue and maintain the modules anymore even there is core bug fixed....

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

after delete the vendor folder and composer.lock, re-run the composer update , problem solved.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I mean if there are any structure changed after I did the 2 previous steps ? I run the command again "composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies" it still telling me "Nothing to install, update or remove", but there is a Drupal core (Security update) 9.511 that showing on my site.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Hi, thanks, I did both then the site come back now

1: set "composer/installers": true
2: composer install

But I got a new problem now after this, my site is in 9.510. there is Security update for 9.511, then I run "composer update", there is nothing happened, nothing installed. I got this message :

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Nothing to modify in lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Nothing to install, update or remove
Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead.
Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
Generating autoload files
41 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
No security vulnerability advisories found

I guess I am having some other problem here after the previous fix ? please advise, thank you.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

Hi, thanks, by checking with the vendor folder, i don't see there are core files installed in it, I am not familiar with composer, no idea how to fix this, can you suggest if there is a way to fix this ? its a 3 years website with lots users, I need to bring it back. please see attached composer.json file

1: Can I restore the sql file which saved from before the update to bring my website back ? or please suggest, thank you.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

freelylw created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I want to hide the "create new account" tab from the "/user/login" page, what's the "route name" I should create ? please advsie

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

update is done even there was this error, do I still need to do something ?

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

I am using the filter "Filter the view to the currently logged in user." which I can show the views on each of user's account page, but within this views, when login userA go to userB's page, he will only seeing his own info, I need to let login user to see each other's info, without the traditional "user ID from URL ", I don't know how to make this work, please suggest

🇬🇧United Kingdom freelylw

@cilefen that was a post from 7 years ago, do we have a solution for this now or not ? thanks

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