Track Experience Builder issues

Created on 5 September 2024, 6 months ago
Updated 17 September 2024, 6 months ago

Copied from:

πŸ“Œ Implement temporary design system for the DrupalCon Barcelona demo Needs work

Experience Builder issues

1. Here are the current blockers for SDDS development:

  1. πŸ› Redux support for ImageWidget: `[image] String value found, but an object is required` Postponed
  2. πŸ’¬ AssertionError: assert($component_config !== NULL) Closed: outdated
  3. πŸ› XBEndpointRenderer & processResponseAssets() do not support `ajaxPageState` β‡’ duplicate CSS/JS loading Fixed

2. Maybe not a blocker to development per se but these would be helpful:

  1. πŸ› [PP-1] Can't toggle boolean prop back to true after changing to false Postponed
  2. πŸ› `enum` data shapes: error when choosing "- None -" in `` Needs work
  3. πŸ› The component preview should have a background: include theme's global asset libraries for component preview Needs work
  4. πŸ› Emptying a required value through the UI crashes the app Active
  5. πŸ“Œ Update XB's `image` SDC to comply with best practices, and document those best practices Needs review
  6. ✨ [PP-1] Log client-side errors Postponed
  7. ✨ Add the ability to surface more helpful error details for display in the UI Active
  8. ✨ Backend route to allow logging from the UI Active

3. These are not blockers to development but ones we are also tracking:

  1. 🌱 Milestone 0.1.0: Experience Builder Demo Active
  2. πŸ› Emptying a required value through the UI crashes the app Active
  3. 🌱 [META] Redux sync on ALL prop types, not just ones with a single [value] property Active
  4. πŸ“Œ Document supported component modeling approaches Active
  5. πŸ“Œ Document the current component discovery + SDC criteria, and describe in an ADR Active
  6. πŸ“Œ [SPIKE] Comprehensive plan for integrating with SDC Active
  7. πŸ› Unable to scroll component props form Needs review

4. Recently fixed issues that require us to update things:

  1. Nothing at the moment

5. Fixed or closed

  1. πŸ’¬ SDDS responsive styles don't fit well within XB desktop preview Active
  2. πŸ› Allow dragging components to top/bottom of page and in between adjacent components with slots Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Surface the REASON for an SDC not being made available in XB (i.e. not meeting criteria) Fixed
  4. πŸ› Component config entities are incomplete: missing entries for optional props, causing errors in ComponentPropsForm Fixed
  5. πŸ“Œ Media Library integration (includes introducing a new main content renderer/`_wrapper_format`) Fixed
  6. πŸ“Œ Component props form: map textarea, bool, and select elements to React components Fixed
  7. ✨ Implement the concept of sections within the client Fixed
  8. πŸ› Retain the placement of components within the preview when inserting a component Active
  9. πŸ“Œ Fix the visually broken "image" component instance: use FileUriItem's computed `url` property, not the stored `value` property Active
  10. πŸ› Adding a component with slots does not register the slots as children Fixed
  11. ✨ Allow deleting component instances by pressing "Delete" or "Backspace" Needs review
  12. πŸ› No upward auto-scroll when components are dragged Needs review
  13. πŸ“Œ Improve UX of adding new sections Needs review
  14. ✨ Allow components to use textarea in favor of input Needs review
  15. πŸ› Support propless SDCs Needs review
  16. πŸ› [PP-1] Occasional PHP warning when refreshing XB Postponed

6. Post-Barcelona

πŸ“Œ Task






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

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