Nightwatch output on GitLab not easily readable

Created on 12 November 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 6 February 2024, about 1 year ago


The output of the nightwatch job on GitLab CI is not easily readable.

After the first test, the output seems to lack newlines:

┌ ────────────────── ✔  default: Tests/toolbarApiTest.js  ─────────────────────┐│                                                                              ││                                                                              ││   [Tests/Toolbar Api Test] Test Suite                                        ││   ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────     ││   Using: chrome (106.0.5249.103) on LINUX.                                   ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory                               ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory in 3603ms                       ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769393/rAx   ││   XXMRqoilkKkm9F1ftirF9ByGekM_5ilpoeJ7cOds/login                             ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769393/rAxXX   ││   MRqoilkKkm9F1ftirF9ByGekM_5ilpoeJ7cOds/login                               ││   in 1284ms                                                                  ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/modules                 ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/modules in 1468ms         ││   ✔ Element <form.system-modules [name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]> was      ││   visible after 25 milliseconds.                                             ││   ✔ Element <#system-modules-confirm-form> was present after 1542            ││   milliseconds.                                                              ││   ✔ Element <form.system-modules                                             ││   [name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]:disabled> was present after 45           ││   milliseconds.                                                              ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout                   ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout in 245ms            ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769407/C9F   ││   cHTHML3hD-dyWjgTiXgMSfGlriQJUzj-FSH0GTeE/login                             ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769407/C9FcH   ││   THML3hD-dyWjgTiXgMSfGlriQJUzj-FSH0GTeE/login                               ││   in 356ms                                                                   ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/roles/add        ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/roles/add in       ││   421ms                                                                      ││   ✔ Expected element <.user-role-form .machine-name-value> to be visible     ││   in 2000ms (67ms)                                                           ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/permissions      ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/permissions in     ││   1883ms                                                                     ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/permissions      ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/permissions in     ││   731ms                                                                      ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout                   ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout in 164ms            ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769414/I2A   ││   V9n1kyOJ9KG70PnB6GJG7qr9sFcw9Ei6gT-6rqNI/login                             ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/reset/1/1699769414/I2AV9   ││   n1kyOJ9KG70PnB6GJG7qr9sFcw9Ei6gT-6rqNI/login                               ││   in 269ms                                                                   ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/create           ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/admin/people/create in 389ms    ││   ✔ User "user" was created successfully (723ms)                             ││   (node:117) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory       ││   leak detected. 11 error listeners added to [CommandLoader]. Use            ││   emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit                                ││   (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)    ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout                   ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/logout in 145ms            ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/user/login                    ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/user/login in 102ms             ││   (node:117) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory       ││   leak detected. 11 error listeners added to [CommandLoader]. Use            ││   emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit                                ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: The user "user" was logged in.                           ││                                                                              ││   – Drupal.Toolbar.models                                                    ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/                              ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/ in 267ms                       ││   ✔ Element <#toolbar-administration> was present after 18 milliseconds.     ││   ✔ Passed [deepEqual]: Keys to check match                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: has menu model                                           ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: menu model is an object                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: has toolbar model                                        ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: toolbar model is an object                               ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("activeTab") has expected result                     ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("activeTray") has expected result                    ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("isOriented") has expected result                    ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("isFixed") has expected result                       ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("areSubtreesLoaded") has expected result             ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("isViewportOverflowConstrained") has expected        ││   result                                                                     ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("orientation") has expected result                   ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("locked") has expected result                        ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("isTrayToggleVisible") has expected result           ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("height") has expected result                        ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("offsets") bottom has expected result                ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("offsets") left has expected result                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("offsets") right has expected result                 ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("offsets") top has expected result                   ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("subtrees") has expected result                      ││   ✔ default: Tests/toolbarApiTest.js [Tests/Toolbar Api Test]                ││   Drupal.Toolbar.models (471ms)                                              ││                                                                              ││   – Change tab                                                               ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/                              ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/ in 185ms                       ││   ✔ Element <#toolbar-administration> was present after 14 milliseconds.     ││   ✔ Passed [deepEqual]: Keys to check match                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: has menu model                                           ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: menu model is an object                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: has toolbar model                                        ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: toolbar model is an object                               ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("activeTab") has expected result                     ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("activeTray") has expected result                    ││   ✔ default: Tests/toolbarApiTest.js [Tests/Toolbar Api Test] Change tab     ││   (577ms)                                                                    ││                                                                              ││   – Change orientation                                                       ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/                              ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/ in 227ms                       ││   ✔ Element <#toolbar-administration> was present after 42 milliseconds.     ││   ✔ Passed [deepEqual]: Keys to check match                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("orientation") has expected result                   ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: changing orientation has expected result                 ││   ✔ default: Tests/toolbarApiTest.js [Tests/Toolbar Api Test] Change         ││   orientation (587ms)                                                        ││                                                                              ││   – Open submenu                                                             ││   - Loading url: http://localhost/subdirectory/                              ││   ℹ Loaded url http://localhost/subdirectory/ in 243ms                       ││   ✔ Element <#toolbar-administration> was present after 21 milliseconds.     ││   ✔ Passed [deepEqual]: Keys to check match                                  ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: get("orientation") has expected result                   ││   ✔ Passed [equal]: opening submenu has expected result                      ││   ✔ default: Tests/toolbarApiTest.js [Tests/Toolbar Api Test] Open submenu   ││   (695ms)                                                                    ││                                                                              │└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ (Yes, this is all just one output line...)
Screenshot here:

Problem comes out of a dependency of nightwatch called boxen (

This was fixed in version 7.0.1, however nightwatch is (and also will be in 3.x) using 5.1.2.

Fix PR is here:

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

viewing the source of boxen implies we might be able to use the COLUMNS environment variable to trick it into printing newlines.

@longwave in #14 📌 Nightwatch output on GitLab not easily readable Fixed

Also turn off the very verbose output to keep all the tests visible in the GitLab output window-thingy

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

📌 Task





Last updated about 21 hours ago

Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands spokje

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