- Issue created by @kiwimind
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia gauravvvv Delhi, India
Followed the steps from issue summary but not able to reproduce in 10.1.x.
- ๐ฌ๐งUnited Kingdom kiwimind
Hi @Gauravvvv
Thanks for taking a look.
I've just used simplytest.me to install a clean version of 10.1.0 and you're right, the display is correct.
Interestingly the classes I mentioned in the initial report are present in 10.1.0, however the CSS order is different than what I'm seeing locally, i.e. the button and button--primary classes are taking precedence over ui-widget and ui-button in the cascade.
I'll have a bit more of a dig to see why this might be and report back.
@kiwimind I'm encountering the same issue on Drupal 10.1.1 and 10.1.2. Did you find a resolution?
Oddly, for me, the issue only occurs on some of my paragraphs that use the Media library -- and it appears to be content-type specific. I have two content types with Paragraphs using the Media library that render the button normally, and another two content types where the issue is the same as you presented initially.
On the paragraphs where the button renders correctly, the related classes are handled in the following order of precedence:
.button--primary .button .ui-widget .ui-button
On the paragraphs where the button doesn't render correctly, this is the order:
.ui-widget .ui-button .button--primary .button
Furthermore, a couple of other observations as I comment here:
- I just tested and found similar results using the contrib Seven admin theme -- so it doesn't look to be specific to Claro.
- Rearranging the order of the fields on the content type's form display resolves the issue (in my case having a rich text field directly above the paragraph entity reference field results in the button rendering properly).
I'll have to do some more testing as well...
I was able to reproduce this on a fresh install of Drupal 10.1.2 and verified that the issue occurs regardless of admin theme (Claro, Seven). I'm going to open a new but report over on the Paragraphs module, but for reference here are the steps I took to reproduce:
- Install Drupal 10.1.2, Drush, Paragraphs (contrib module), Seven (contrib theme) with Composer.
- Enable Media Library, Paragraphs, Seven modules.
- Create new Paragraph Type (PT), "Featured Image".
- To the Featured Image PT, add Media reference field with "Image" as the available media type.
- Create new PT, "Featured Video".
- To the Featured Video PT, add Text field, "Video URL".
- On the Basic page content type, add Paragraph reference field, "Featured Media" and enable Featured Image, Featured Video PTs.
- Create new Basic page.
- Click Add Featured Image.
- Note the "Insert Selected" button has correct styling.
- On the Basic page content type form display, disable the Body field.
- Create new Basic page.
- Click Add Featured Image.
- Note the "Insert Selected" button does not have correct styling.
- Switch the admin theme to Seven and observe that the issue persists.
Note that I'm on PHP 8.1 in a local DDEV environment.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States partdigital
I was able to reproduce it as well while working on the Access Policy module.
It appears to only happen if there are no actions links on the page in which the link to the modal is being rendered. For example, on the Access Policy module I have two very similar pages (Access rules and Selection rules). Both of which have links to the modal. Iโm using the same trait to render the modal in both places. However, in one case the buttons render correctly and in another case it doesnโt. The difference is that on the Access rules page Iโve already rendered some actions links, on the Selection Rules page I havenโt rendered any.
Compare the following screen shots;
Access rules page:
This renders a collection of links in a table as well as the delete link which is an actions link. This renders the modal correctly.
When I modified the Access rules page by removing the Delete link and the Edit permissions links the action links in the modal did not render correctly.
Selection rules page.
This only has a single link that renders the modal. There are no other links on the page. The delete actions link is also not present. This does not render the links properly.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States partdigital
What appears to be happening is the order in which the jQuery UI CSS is being attached is affecting the styling.
In all the examples that worked the jquery ui CSS was being attached first and the Drupal button.css was being attached second.
In the examples that did not work the jQuery UI CSS is being attached last.
I did discover a workaround (at least in my example). All I needed to do was attach
somewhere on the form. Once I did that everything rendered correctly. Important: I didn't add this to the modal form, I added this to the form where the modal was triggered.Attaching to the form:
$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.dialog';
In my case I'm using a ajax link so I attached it to that and it also worked as expected.
$form['selection_rule_container']['add_rule'] = [ '#type' => 'link', '#title' => $this->t('Add selection rule'), '#url' => '...'; '#attributes' => ['class' => ['use-ajax']], '#attached' => [ 'library' => ['core/drupal.dialog'], ], ];
- ๐จ๐ญSwitzerland saschaeggi Zurich
Maybe this can be fixed in changing the
of the JS - ๐ฎ๐ชIreland markconroy
In my case, I have an image field on a node (not in a paragraph, just a general node field). When the media library modal opens, the "Insert" button looks fine, but if I use any of the filters and click "apply" (or even click apply to the filters without having changed any of them), then the .ui-widget library seems to get loaded after the claro library, so I get the same issue that is reported here.
- ๐ฉ๐ชGermany dbielke1986
Are you using Drupal 10.2.*, because we have the same so since D10.2.0
- ๐ฎ๐ชIreland markconroy
Yes, this only started when I updated to 10.2 last week. Or at least, we've only noticed it since then.
- ๐ฉ๐ชGermany dbielke1986
Great, because I am looking for the root of this problem and at the moment I try to analyse which change of drupal core leads to this behavior.
I will link an other issue which shows this problem.
Maybe we can work together to find the reason for thisโฆ
- ๐ฉ๐ชGermany dbielke1986
Please have a look at this issue:
https://www.drupal.org/project/focal_point/issues/3371179#comment-15145534 ๐ Overlay blocking image upload modal in Drupal 10.1 Fixed
- ๐ฉ๐ชGermany dbielke1986
This could be the root of this error, or what do you think?
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3397785 ๐ Dialog focus is returned to dialog instead of first tabbable element on dialog AJAX update Fixed
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States amanire
Like @markconroy in #9, I am also seeing this on the body field of a node field widget (without paragraphs) when the "Apply filters" exposed filter is submitted via AJAX. I am also seeing this when media library is accessed via the Drupal Media button in CKEditor (in both 4 and 5). The change in cascade order of
is definitely causing the display issue.This seems related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3378341 ๐ claro.jquery.ui css assets may be added the page multiple times Fixed and may be an issue with Claro? I'm not sure whether I should rewrite this issue title and description without paragraphs and seven or create a new issue entirely.