Remove empty and deprecated IE11 polyfill library stub entries in 11.0.0

Created on 22 September 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 17 March 2024, 12 months ago


In #3263823: Empty out and deprecate drupal libraries which are related to Internet Explorer 11 polyfills in 10.0.x for removal in 11.0.0 โ†’ we removed a bunch of IE11-only polyfills.

The only thing that remained are their definitions in core/core.libraries.yml.
Their sole reason for existence was to trigger a deprecation warning for removal in 11.0.0.

Proposed resolution

Since we can now diverge between 10.3 and up and 11.x, let's remove those deprecation triggers in this issue.

Original IS below

Postponed on #3263823: Empty out and deprecate drupal libraries which are related to Internet Explorer 11 polyfills in 10.0.x for removal in 11.0.0 โ†’ , these should be deprecated in 9.4.x before they are removed from 10.0.x


Drupal 10 will drop support for Internet Explorer 11: #3155358: [policy, no patch] Drop IE11 support from Drupal 10.0.x โ†’ . Drupal ship with number of polyfills to accommodate JScripts lack of modern features supported by other JavaScript engines.

Proposed resolution

Based on comments in the core/misc/polyfills files, it seems like all of the polyfills in that folder could be deleted. On top of that, we have couple of polyfills in package.json. From the package.json, we could remove following packages:

  • core/css.escape
  • core/drupal.array.find
  • core/drupal.nodelist.foreach
  • core/es6-promise
  • core/picturefill
  • core/drupal.element.closest
  • core/drupal.element.matches
  • core/drupal.string.includes
  • postcss-calc
  • ๐Ÿ“Œ Remove Details Aria Polyfill Postponed - this is broken out because it needs extensive screen reader testing

Remaining tasks

Complete the issue where these libraries are deprecated in 9.4.x
๐Ÿ‘‰ #3263823: Empty out and deprecate drupal libraries which are related to Internet Explorer 11 polyfills in 10.0.x for removal in 11.0.0 โ†’

Simply remove these in 10.0.x. We confirmed there is no error if a polyfill is removed even if a module/theme continues to list them as a dependency. The deprecations are available in 9.4 for those who require supporting IE11 etc and have to manually add support that D10 no longer includes.

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

Drupal 10 will not support Internet Explorer, which means all the polyfills necessary for IE will be removed. Existing code will not need to be changed.

๐Ÿ“Œ Task



11.0 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Baseย  โ†’

Last updated about 6 hours ago

Created by

๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎFinland lauriii Finland

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