Add a hook_help() to the Umami profile, and link to it from the toolbar when the Help module is enabled

Created on 4 February 2018, about 7 years ago
Updated 22 January 2024, about 1 year ago

Following up on discussions in issues such as #2938800: Finalize wording for Toolbar warning message → and #2941582: Create a documentation page for Umami profile to explain why it shouldn't be used in production sites → and elsewhere, the Umami profile should implement hook_help() so as to provide an introduction about what the profile is for.

The toolbar warning message can then link to this help text, and the help text can in turn link to → (the page that was created in #2941582: Create a documentation page for Umami profile to explain why it shouldn't be used in production sites → ).

This has a couple advantages:

  1. It more closely follows the standard Drupal help pattern (in-site basic help, plus a link to for more in-depth discussion).
  2. It allows the help text to be translated.
  3. It allows the help text to be reached via the standard Help system (not just via the toolbar).

To address concerns raised previously about what happens to the toolbar warning when the Help module is turned off, we could just make the warning in the toolbar link directly to the documentation page when the Help module is disabled.

As part of this issue, it would also be good to review the text at → and make sure it is conveying the message it should be and that it meshes well with the text in hook_help(). For example:

  1. I interpreted this as being the install profile's generic documentation page, but the current text focuses too much on the recommendation not to use it for a real site. That can be part of the page, but shouldn't be the loudest part. I think that could be mostly addressed by deleting the really large "The Umami installation profile is for demo purposes only" sub-headline that is currently there.
  2. Once you've tried Drupal using Umami and want to build your own site, simply reinstall Drupal selecting the Minimal or Standard profiles from the install screen.

    We shouldn't assume Standard or Minimal are the only ones available, since there are contrib profiles too. I would change this to something like "...simply reinstall Drupal and select a different installation profile (such as Standard) from the install screen."

Finally, when we link to this page, the code currently in core links to it via → . That's the same page as → but a less friendly URL. I suggest using the friendly URL instead.

✨ Feature request



11.0 🔥

Umami  →

Last updated about 1 month ago

  • Maintained by
  • 🇮🇪Ireland @markconroy
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom @smaz
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom @kjay
  • 🇺🇸United States @shaal
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🇺🇸United States David_Rothstein

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