🇨🇳China @marcolam

Account created on 25 November 2006, about 18 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇳China marcolam

Sorry,my bad. Would you pls delete this issue?

🇨🇳China marcolam

site name not wrapped.

site name wrapped,main menu showed.


🇨🇳China marcolam

I applied the patch and it solved the #1 issue.

But got another error message updating node:
Warning: Undefined array key "trigger" in workflow_notifications_entity_update() (line 19 of modules/contrib/workflow_notifications/workflow_notifications.module).


🇨🇳China marcolam

Today I reinstalled Node Authorize Link,cleard site cache and browser cache,and dropdown menu worked fine as usual.
Maybe it is a theme caching issue as you said.
Thank you!

🇨🇳China marcolam

Thanks,#4 patch works for me.
Env: Drupal 10.1.8,PHP 8.2.18

🇨🇳China marcolam

I applied the #6 patch and no more error message as in #1.

Env: Drupal 10.1.8,PHP 8.2.18, bookable calendar 2.2.11

🇨🇳China marcolam

Many thanks! I used the above command and imported all the models sucessfully.

🇨🇳China marcolam

Thank you,they are all with the same error like #1 post.

🇨🇳China marcolam

I just upgraded drupal core from 10.1 to 10.2,and the media library browser displayed not correctly like #20, the media type filter style lost.

🇨🇳China marcolam

They are bpmn_io-eca_lib_0005.tar, and lib_0008,lib_0009,lib_0015,lib_0026, all showed the above message.

I checked the xml files,but didn't find any "workflow.workflow.dummy_action" contexts, but I do have core workflows module and contrib module workflow installed.

I also have one suggestion,would it possible to provide some preinstalled examples for ECA module. (like Rules Essentials module does)
An example tells everything, it's much easier for user to learn and start building from it.

I started building some tasks with ECA,some succeded and some didn't.
The ecaguide.org docs don't tell you how to do a task(correction:the library does but failed to import), and finding useful infors from videos is too hard and time-consuming,an example would save a lot of time for the users and the module authors (making videos).

Thanks again.

🇨🇳China marcolam

After applied patch #9 ,got this error visiting /urllogin/userlist.csv
Error: Call to undefined function Drupal\urllogin\Controller\render() in Drupal\urllogin\Controller\UrlloginController->userList() (line 193 of modules/contrib/urllogin/src/Controller/UrlloginController.php).

And #8 issue remains the same.

🇨🇳China marcolam

I also encountered this problem,and had to created new fileds.

🇨🇳China marcolam

I had the same problem, after uninstalled Node Authorize Link module, problem solved.

🇨🇳China marcolam

Thank you for your reply, I used this code to auto login user and gain access to media files in a custom module.

            $user = User::load($uid);
            $username = $user->getAccountName();
            \Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(t('You are logged in as ' . $username ));
🇨🇳China marcolam

The http port are accessble to each other(drupal and docs server).

🇨🇳China marcolam

Thanks. But it looks odd using default icons.
I put icon file application-pdf.png to .../web/sites/default/files/media-icons/generic ,but it doesn't seem to work.
How can I change it?

🇨🇳China marcolam

I only got this:

Sorry, I am new to this.
env:drupal 10.1 , Computed Field 4.0.0-alpha6

🇨🇳China marcolam

I have created the action links and enable action_link_field submodule, but still can't find it in views or content fields. Helps needed.
Thank you!

🇨🇳China marcolam

I found if I entered :
Created [current-date:html_date] by [current-user:account-name] in [language:name] from [current-user:ip-address]
it's working.

If I append [random:number] to the end,nothing will show up, including the above ones.

🇨🇳China marcolam

I've set permission and still got 403 visiting l_test/qulTt0AGs7rW

URL Login Status page:

Test UID: 0
Passphrase: Pass_phrase
Current Validation number: 20110531 .
Minimum validation number: 20110531 .
Encoded URL access string: [qulTt0AGs7rW]

the 2 validation number have been set to 20230911 and 20230910,seems not saved?

🇨🇳China marcolam

I got this error visiting /urllogin/userlist.csv

Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryException: Entity queries must explicitly set whether the query should be access checked or not. See Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck(). in Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\Sql\Query->prepare() (line 141 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Sql/Query.php).

env:2.x-dev, drupal 10.1,php 8.2

🇨🇳China marcolam

Getting this message:
The next patch would delete the file urllogin.info,which does not exist!
Should be urllogin.info.yml?

🇨🇳China marcolam

patched and it works great,thank you for your efforts!

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