They will quite possibly have a Bash CLI. Especially if they are a new user, though, it may not be clear at all that they need to use it.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
Did a little chasing and slashrsm very kindly pressed all the right buttons. Thank you Janez!
Urgh - as I’m not a maintainer, I can’t give them the credit they deserve...
Gonna contact a couple of the maintainers and see what we can rustle up..
Events insurance purchased via Insurance certificate in the Venue folder on google drive.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
Feels like this is complete - after all,
Okay, let’s get this moving…
On February 14th, we will update the list according to these rules:
- If you have positively indicated you will take an active part i the running of the core mentoring program and have participated in running meetings etc in the last nine months, you stay in the list
- If you have not positively indicated you intend to do so, we will remove you from the list and say thank you for all of the work you have done to this point.
As it happens, I’ve archived the OpenCollective entities, rather than deleted them. Maybe we will use them in the future.
I guess we no longer need this now we have the CIC.
I’ll shut down the OC bits and pieces and close this ticket now, I think.
avpaderno → credited rachel_norfolk → .
mradcliffe → credited rachel_norfolk → .
mradcliffe → credited rachel_norfolk → .
mradcliffe → credited rachel_norfolk → .
mradcliffe → credited rachel_norfolk → .
Okay, let’s give this a test!
I’ve rolled the test out to and it does appear in the list of meta tags in head.
Exporting meta tag configuration does appear to work correctly.
Articles posted on a correctly configured account do appear to give attribution correctly. See
Looks great to me!!
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
removing ‘singapore’ tag on this old issue so it doesn’t confuse contributors at DrupalCon.
liampower → credited rachel_norfolk → .
liampower → credited rachel_norfolk → .
liampower → credited rachel_norfolk → .
liampower → credited rachel_norfolk → .
Adding credit for all those at the meeting - if I missed you, add yourself!
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
Rachel to find a suitable host and report back exact costs and requirements.
Noted that we will look into our own entity, bank account etc if no suitable host found
OpenCollective doesn’t charge for the platform but there are a number of fiscal hosts in the system, which might. provides an OC fiscal host that might suit us as they like to see projects move to their own bank account within the year, which suits us, and the costs are very low - basically just the Stripe transaction costs
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
I’m going to assume you didn’t mean to change the status, Dave.weiner?
and trying again - it’s persistent today ;-)
updating my attribution
xjm → credited rachel_norfolk → .
Just keeping the active threads…
: Roll Call! Who’s here today? Comment in a thread here to introduce yourself, include your name, and if you're up to answering an icebreaker, what is your vehicles name (if you name it)?
10 replies
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:15
Rachel here from UK. Rachel_norfolk and my motorbike is called Hedy Lamarr
Tim Lehnen
9 Oct at 21:16
Tim from the DA
The license plate on my track car is 'NARNIA' :slightly_smiling_face:
AmyJune Hineline (volkswagenchick)
9 Oct at 21:29
AMyJune, Oakland, CA - USA volkswagenchick
Um, so my volkswagen is named Deacon
Tim Lehnen
9 Oct at 21:29
Deacon :heart_eyes:
James Shields (lostcarpark)
9 Oct at 21:44
James from Ireland (lostcarpark). Our car doesn't have a name, but one of my bicycles is called Sylvester.
Mark Casias
10 Oct at 00:09
markie here.. My Volkswagen is called... ummm... car? I don't know..
Kristen Pol
:palm_tree: 10 Oct at 06:04
Kristen :wave: California... haha... I don't have a name for my car but I know someone who used to have a name for his and it was called the "Brown Hornet" and it was an old car that he hand painted in thick muted (think 60s/70s colors) stripes at an angle... he had a racing harness in the car so he would race it at local non-professional races... he got pulled over a lot by police because of the paint job
Gregg Marshall
10 Oct at 18:57
Gregg Colorado, car is nameless
Amanda Marshall
10 Oct at 19:04
Amanda, Amarshall My car is named Chloe
Monet Fort
10 Oct at 21:06
Monet Fort from Atlanta GA, monet-fort on My Honda sedan is named Bender. Because I bent him.
DrupalCon Barcelona - we had a great time! Tell us, what went well, what can we improve on?
10 replies
Tim Lehnen
9 Oct at 21:18
Thank you everyone for what you were able to do! Sorry I wasn't there directly, but I've heard only good things
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:19
It was fab for Dries to be able to spend significant time at the tables chatting with people. They were so thrilled
The live commit went really well. Thanks
Bit challenging how we had to rush in and out at specific times for coffee and food
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:24
How is the leg, Tim?
Tim Lehnen
9 Oct at 21:26
Pin came out a week ago! I've been able to walk with a boot and get out some. Big relief.
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:35
We need to get into the early comms about the event how the contrib day is absolutely a day to be at the conference. Think we had too many flying that day
James Shields (lostcarpark)
9 Oct at 21:46
Personally I think they should make Thursday contrib day, and put Driesnote on Friday!
I was disappointed a copy of the new roll-up banner didn't get produced. I'd tried bringing it up a couple of times, but I was hit by Covid in August, so my ability to nag people was greatly reduced. Also, one of the people I'd have been nagging would have been Tim, who was also incapacitated.
The live commit was fantastic. I was mentoring someone on a potential issue for it, but she had to go for her flight. But her issue got merged the week after, so another success!
Kristen Pol
:palm_tree: 10 Oct at 06:06
We seemed to have ample mentors for a change which was nice... I feel like maybe less people (ratio wise) were in the mentored room vs general contribution area... but my understanding is the European event attendees are generally more technical and people with more experience
Rachel Lawson
10 Oct at 08:48
You are probably correct there, Kristen. But it does mean there is an opportunity to attract more 1st timers
: :one::
:two:: :two:: We have follow up tasks, with regard to reaching out to each member on the Maintainers.txt to check current status
4 replies
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:23
How long do we want to leave for this now? We have asked questions but I think we have enough answers to create the MR now?
AmyJune Hineline (volkswagenchick)
9 Oct at 21:30
My status is still the same in the issue ;(
James Shields (lostcarpark)
9 Oct at 21:57
If you are looking for new mentoring coordinators, I would be happy to be added. I still feel a bit of a noob, so would need some mentoring.
AmyJune Hineline (volkswagenchick)
9 Oct at 22:01
I +1 to James becoming provisional.
1 reply
James Shields (lostcarpark)
10 Oct at 00:53
Is it one issue for each meeting type? Ive started one for the Slack meetings. Can someone advise if it's on the right track?
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:27
:five:: DrupalCon Singapore 2024 - 2024.12.09 - 2024.12.11 - Contribution day is 12.11.
:five:: :one:: DrupalCon Singapore - who's planning on attending?
5 replies
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:28
I’m afraid I defiantly can’t make it to this one. :disappointed:
Tim Lehnen
9 Oct at 21:29
Neil will be there from the eng team.
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:30
As it happens, I’m sending nine of my team. But, because I’m sending them, someone has to stay home!
James Shields (lostcarpark)
9 Oct at 22:03
Sadly I don't think I'll be able to.
Kristen Pol
:palm_tree: 10 Oct at 06:07
Don't plan on it as it would be out of pocket and expensive
michael anello
Sunday at 15:58
Hoping. I am doing a training there as long as enough seats are sold to pay my way.
Monday at 18:08
I booked my travel over the weekend... well most of it
Anto Jose
Tuesday at 05:41
I'll be there.
Tuesday at 15:53
So that is me, Anto, and Mike so far :crossed_fingers:
Rachel Lawson
9 Oct at 21:32
:six:: Open floor/other topics. Please start a new thread.
4 replies
Mark Casias
10 Oct at 00:12
we doing anything for BADCamp?
Kristen Pol
:palm_tree: 10 Oct at 06:07
Luke said he'd like to have a contribution day on Friday
I'll be there
Luke McCormick
10 Oct at 07:01
I don't want to promise too much -- we're only two weeks away! -- but if there are going to be mentors in the house, we'll do what we can to make use of that. DM me if you have particular thoughts or needs. (Or just to say "hi" :slightly_smiling_face: )
Awesome, thanks Sagar. Can you repeat the test looking at the page via the Claro theme? Then, if successful, set the status to Reviewed and Tested by the Community?
Removed Needs Change Record tag.
Ran the MR in and it is applying the sort order to fields, as expected.
I think we are finally good to go...
added some alt text to the draft change record screenshots.
@nidash: can you say which section of the page you are actually following? Is this for, drupalpod, or some other way of testing?
Also, your comment below says "drupal/core 1.0.0 (exact version match: 1.0.0 or” but that would imply Drupal 1? Did you copy that correctly?
Just to keep this nice issue rolling along…
When adding tests, it is always worth just looking at the format of all the others as a check you’ve done everything “just right”. Also, of course, you can run tools like PHPStan (like the bot does) before committing as a way to see what will happen.
The ultimate irony is that I’m also quite guilty of occasionally forgetting to add this very return type to my own tests!
Great work by the whole bunch of contributors at DrupalCon Barcelona to get it to this stage!
dan2k3k4 → credited rachel_norfolk → .
rachel_norfolk → created an issue.
A quick update to the MR to resolve issues mentioned by Nod_ and keep the issue rolling forwards.
I’ve updated the test steps a little to say that the test needs to be performed both in Olivero and Claro.
Of course, this now needs the manual tests re-running to ensure that the change applies to BOTH Claro and Olivero. So, four screenshots. That is, once again, a perfect Novice task...
I guess I contributed in a little way to get this moving :-)
I wonder, Iamdroid, if you or someone else can “prove” the review by posting some before and after screenshots? I’d suggest simply firing up 11.x in and also doing the same in 11.x with the patch attached.
I like the idea - can you give me some words to use?
Just to be absolutely clear, what we are looking for before setting the issue to “Needs review” is a change record. You can read about creating change records at →
Just a tiny tag tidying - cos I want to delete the erroneous tag
Just tidying tags
This looks like it is ready for a review at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, if a budding contributor would like to take it on...
Removing Novice tag until some of the specific reviews are complete.
Marking as the patch needs a re-roll if an eager first time contributor at DrupalCon would like to oblige...
Marking as Needs Review by a budding first time contributor at DrupalCon...
Updating remaining tasks.
Removing Novice tag as it I just a bit of a long issue now.
Removing the Novice tag based upon age and the question over whether the change is actually required in #48 and #49
I've moved to Needs Review but I'll be leading some new contributors tomorrow through things and this would be a great one for them to check. Can you leave any review until at least the weekend? Thanks!
removing Novice tag as it isn't too clear what the next action is
So, for example:
@heddn, @realityloop, @ekl1773 - you have the time and energy to contribute, just not the “access” to the actual events. Would you be amenable to things like helping to run the monthly meetings in Slack a couple of times a year? Or perhaps helping to coordinate some of the issue triage exercises? Each of those things are definitely remote-accessible and help us keep things moving.
If we could have an indication either way, that would help us push this issue forward.
And, for the record, I miss you all terribly, too!
I’d say the question isn’t just about what kind of contributions does the mentoring team need from the coordinators on this list but what guidance and leadership do they need. There are a whole bunch of ways they can (and do) give that - through running meetings, encouraging volunteers, recruiting future coordinators and mentoring them. It’s definitely more than what takes place “in the room” on contrib day at DrupalCon.
I think the question those who are unsure need to ask themselves is do they want to engage with new mentors, help to build their experience, and develop them into the coordinators of tomorrow. If so, they’re definitely a coordinator and being on the list is the right place to be. If they feel they have “done their part” (and everyone mentioned has played a big part!) then that is also fine.
Ey up!
As I am now “back in the Drupal Community” (honestly, do we ever really leave?), I’m keen to get back into mentoring coordination. Looking forward to Barcelona!
Actually, made a couple of tiny language changes, just to make it read better around activities.
Also, changed organising “summits” to “training” as there are many ways to train a mentor.
Honestly, this looks great to me.
Only once contribution attribution has been given on the various issues. I have been back and updated a few that were already closed but it needs checking on others.
Adding contribution credit. Please don’t just close issues without giving credit
Adding contribution credit. Please don’t just close issues without giving credit
Adding contribution credit. Please don’t just close issues without giving credit
Okay, I have been testing both the MR against 6.0.x and the latest patch file (thanks @peachez) against 6.05 and they look good. I have tested both BEF exposed filters in their default UI and altered to use others, like checkboxes and radio buttons. The behaviour of using AJAX to reset the form seems consistent and performant.
We have had several good iterations now and I believe this is ready for RTBC.
Adding attribution as i was sat in the office in Cambridge!
Adding contribution recognition. Because it matters.
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
You have a good point, though. Would you be able to propose some text? It would almost certainly be correct!
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
Just re-tagging with the official tag :-)
only removing the Portland tag to avoid people accidentally using the incorrect one at DrupalCon.
Ah - I notice that the site is making use of the Client Side Hierarchical Select module, drupal/cshs. I also note that the module fills the $choice variable with a Drupal\cshs\Component\CshsOption object that does have a “label” property but that it is protected so this module cannot read it. It does not have a toString method as a last resort way to get some content.
Okay, I’m seeing this behaviour.
I have a view of media entities that have a taxonomy link on them. I want to use BEF to display the normally working dropdown list of items as a set of radio buttons to select. I see a javascript error when previewing the view in views_ui and a blog error of Error: Object of class Drupal\cshs\Component\CshsOption could not be converted to string in Drupal\better_exposed_filters\BetterExposedFiltersHelper::flattenOptions() (line 131 of /var/www
xjm → credited rachel_norfolk → .