Works great. Tested on both Firefox and Chromium based browsers.
I've tested the MR and while it does fix what it was trying to, I feel like we should address that the Alternative Text textbox, description and remove button can overflow outside if the browser window gets too small. Or should this be another issue of its own?
The last cherry-picked patch is indeed based on MR!177
I was able to find that the class is added from ToolbarVisualView.js (web/core/modules/toolbar/js/views/ToolbarVisualView.js) at line 223
if ($tab.length > 0) {
I hope this helps somehow!
I don't know much scss so I can't proceed any further to address your requirements. Someone more experienced should make a commit to the MR so that the patch is implemented properly.
christosgeorgiadis β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Works as expected now. I've tested the classic toolbar and it doesn't seem to have any issues. Let's have someone take a second look just in case before we RTBC this!
I have created an issue π Temporarily suppress toolbar & navigation warning Needs review on gin_toolbar and a MR to do this.
vensires β credited christosgeorgiadis β .
christosgeorgiadis β created an issue.
christosgeorgiadis β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Even with the patch this issue still persists on my end. Using Drupal 10.3 with the Navigation module installed. ULI link used on a new incognito session always seems to reproduce this.
Thank you for letting me know! I'll commit properly next time.
christosgeorgiadis β changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-3.x to hidden.
Updated the cherry-picked patch to rc15
I have added a MR that should fix the width of the header being limited to a certain length. Please check if any other issues arise from this change so that we can make the appropriate changes.
christosgeorgiadis β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
While this was an issue in rc14, it no longer seems to be the case in rc15 and in the latest dev release.
The issue still persists with the patch applied.
Can confirm that this happens in rc14 and works normally in rc13.
This issue has been fixed in
Cannot opt out buttons using #gin_action_item = TRUE
I have tested the patch personally but if this issue persists reopen it so we can investigate further.